Untitled Part 114

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Ibla recounted in detail, almost unabashedly, what had happened to Oguz. He was careful not to even take Eva's name on his mouth. Anyway, everyone in attendance knew who was causing this confusion.

- So he left. Eskam looked at the priestess skeptically.

- Don't you believe me? View. Come in, Commander-in-Chief, and search my mind if you think I'm lying. Ibla's eyes sparked at Eskam. - It's your fault, too.

- High Priestess! Turda now felt he had to speak before things got worse. - No one here thinks you're not telling the truth. Eskam also told me what He experienced. His mind was occupied with jealousy because of his love for you...

" I don't think Eskam needs a protector." His mind was already worth a good sixty winters. She can handle a priestess alone. Ibla's face flushed. - Although his body is less.

- Enough Ibla! "Eskam said angrily now." - I believe you. D e are designated for Oguz. Remember that. Oguz didn't fall now. But next time it can happen.

- He won't. I want Him, too. You better know that from me. It doesn't happen again that my mind overcomes my desires. I wouldn't be able to. The beautiful woman's voice was soft and honest now.

- I'll take care of your preparation, Ibla. His loud voice now trailed off. He never dared to tell Ibla how beautiful the first moment was when he was handed over after his birth. Elvő prepared the girl for Eskam as well. It will be different now.

Council members stood up and left the room. Everyone went after their business. 

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