Untitled Part 67

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Krall threw himself on the ground, then began to laugh out loud. Bleda looked at him angrily , but he was still on all fours. He was no longer swallowing, but fat was dripping from his chin.

" You must learn to contain yourself, my king." Krall chuckled. "You would look strange in the throne room like that."

- That's right! Bleda began to recover from the hunger caused by hunger and looked at herself. Urine odor, food debris everywhere. He started laughing too, then they both laughed while lying on their backs. It was like the sight of two crazy people.

The courtier heard a creepy chuckle heard from deep inside the room. He could only hope that his king had nothing to do with it.

They returned to the royal castle in the morning, where Bleda had recovered. He was rested. his mind is sharp. He was able to settle his increasingly wild and ambitious thoughts quickly.

After lunch, he asked for his courtier and then sent him for Krall. He knew that Oskam was coming soon. He didn't want the other half to be killed by a taltos. The outcast arrived soon. Bleda found it difficult to understand Krall's words in her thoughts. He was still a little bothered, but he endured it. That's not twelve . They both belonged to one mind and vice versa. They only half-exchanged consciousness. With this, Bleda also gained Krall's shamanic abilities. And without his spiritual strength, Oskam would have discovered immediately.

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