Untitled Part 181

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In the huge dark cave, the silver roses on the walls and stone floor shone faintly. So much light was enough for the taltos living here to be able to continue their daily activities comfortably.

Someone was just eating food, while others were making rosé out of silver. There were those who just talked about everyday things, while others disciplined their children, who with their freshly acquired knowledge made the silver brighter on the walls and giggled.

When the light shone, there was a silent silence in the room. Who has been covered by the darkness so far has also become visible. There were nearly three hundred of them.

The pink and purple light of the three circles of the passage, consisting of parallel roses, the dazzling circles brought enormous light to the stone floor. The children's eyes were covered by their parents and they were diverted to the exits while they also closed their eyes.

The purple and pink light was broken by the lines of a strongly black figure. The hood of his gleaming black cloak was folded over his head. As the figure crossed the passage, its light began to dim and then went out.

The high priest of the night taltos, and even twenty warrior taltos priests hurried toward the newcomer, who pulled the black hood off his head. The young man stared blankly at the high priest. The surprise was mutual:

- How did I get here? He wondered.

- Oguz? How did you get here?

- That's what I asked. Where are Eskam and Horka? Lead them. Oguz would have headed for the exit, remembering, but the high priest held up his open palm and spoke.

"You can't leave here without checking your clothes and the contents of your mind." The words of the high priest were firm. The taltos surrounding them also stepped closer to Oguz, so they would have reached it soon if he had not obeyed.

The boy shrugged, then swung the left side of his cloak behind his back with his hand. Now only the high priest noticed the strange attire and slowly walked around the boy. The cloak consisted of three parts. It looked separate on both sides. The fabric on his shoulders was slightly wider, hardened with some material, so he could move freely under both arms of Oguz. As the boy fluttered the glittering black fabric backwards, they snuggled easily on his back on both sides like some huge wings. Where it was the third part. And at the bottom of the fabric were tiny, triangular-looking silver blades. They are quite tiny. Oguz wondered why the high priest went behind him. As he suddenly turned, the wings of his cloak rose. The night taltos could barely jump to keep the blades from biting his neck.

- It wasn't intentional! Oguz stammered. - I still have to get used to it.

As he turned back to the high priest, the night taltos saw Oguz's black body armor, the pattern shining in a dazzlingly silvery light.

The high priest fell to his knees and began to stutter:

" Don't be mad at the commander of night's armies." He is familiar with the power of the moon. I didn't know you had power over us...

- No! Stop!! Don't do this to me taltos! Oguz stepped over and helped the kneeler off the ground, but by this time the priests were all around him on the ground. - Don't do this to me. I am. Oguz. Didn't you remember? Did you eat from the root too? I did not have power over you, only this woman gave me this dress because I was naked. You know.

The high priest looked at the boy strangely, then decided to believe him and stood up. He gestured to the others as well.

- Now let's get rid of the formalities. He said in confusion. The warrior priests nodded in agreement and then headed for the exit together. "If possible, don't show off your new Oguz outfit."

- Why? I really liked it.

- It could be. Then Turda will tell.

- Why? Is my device here? Horka se?

The high priest smiled and motioned for Ogz to silence as he realized where the boy might have been. He shook his head as he listened to the story. After the two of them stayed in the flight and moved on, Oguz didn't even stop until they reached a fork. There, by the light of a torch, sat a young taltos, instructed by the high priest to accompany Oguz in front of Turda.

The night taltos looked at the boy with a smile, and he remembered what his ancestors had said about Gorda. When a young taltos, who spent his first years as a warrior priest among the night taltos, guarded the passage with his curiosity. Everyone thought he was dead. Then later He himself opened the gateway, and when he returned, he told the chief priests who received him the same foolishness. About fairies, elves, dream creatures that come from people's minds. He embodied fears, desires, and a beautiful woman who hosted him there. And in the same way, he didn't know how much time he actually spent there.        

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