Untitled Part 96

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On the hill of the dead kings stood a thin, tall figure. Shiny gold crown on his head, decorated with a hat. His long, intertwined black beard reached the middle of his breasts. Her hair is dark brown. Braided. Her dress is deep green. Ornate with gold thread. The lean Hun king looked anxiously at the gate, from where his taltos had arrived in time and time.

It had been a long time since he had moved into this world, and he had left his body there after his initiation, where his priests were. He stood beside his beautiful wife, watching with anxious glances at his lord, whose power was so great that neither the secular nor the dead man's consciousness could imagine it .

- What's wrong? Why do I see concern in your eyes?

" The earthly existence for which we sacrificed our bodies is now in danger, my dear." Soldiers of darkness gather around the passage. The king pointed to the clouds.

" It's been a long time since Gorda told me about this." He said when his father fell thousands of years ago and took the service of darkness instead of the god of heaven, a deadly war broke out on earth that destroyed millions of people. It was then that the army of darkness we fight to this day became so great.

" Does that mean the people's war is coming?" She asked her lord half-heartedly.

- I don't know exactly. We need to seek the advice of the priests. If Gorda fails, the killing begins. His book conceals the knowledge of millennia, but even more. It was written not only by talented priests, but also by those familiar with other knowledge. You can extend your power to this world with darkness. And then there is no strength, what could stand in his way.

The king turned his back on the sight and then headed for the entrance to the cave. His beautiful wife followed. Ah so he always did.

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