Untitled Part 115

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Oguz lay back in the dormitory where Dalia was sound asleep. It was still dark outside. His thoughts were still tangled, and now he could hardly figure them out. His unquenchable desire for Ibla did not diminish even now. However, his mind told him something completely different than his body.

He closed his eyes and recalled what had happened. He saw the picture sharply in front of him. He could even hear Ibla's voice in his mind.

They walked around the water slowly. Ibla submerged, then came up. Her wet dress was snug to her body, highlighting her charms. Every part of her beautiful body tensed as Oguz touched her.

Then something happened. Ibán, throughout his body, felt that He wanted to. They both wanted the other. Their bodies touched, then Oguz seemed to hear a plea in his mind. He may have just felt bad or not heard well, but he had to ask. He had to hear Ibla's words out loud.

- Do you want me, Ibla?

- Yes. The answer came. - but not now.

" Then why don't you get out of here?" You couldn't be here.

- Because I don't know. Oguz. I can not. My body won't let me. It feels so good to be here.

The boy didn't understand it all. He touched Ibla's body again, who looked at him, smiled, rubbed t tonight to his man. Something was wrong after all. It was as if the girl was thinking differently and acting differently.

- Then I'll go. those were Oguz's words, then he left the bathroom.

Coming out, he looked up at the cave wall. It was then that he noticed a pair of beautiful, translucent, smiling eyes watching from the wall of the cave. Who can this woman be? Who can be Eva? Then he asks Eszkam. He must know. 

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