Untitled Part 70

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Krall entered the throne room from behind. Bleda already knew that her expelled body had arrived. This bothered me the most. His body muscles began to tremble randomly due to the close connection when he reached him within five meters. It took time for the tremors to subside.

- You'll get used to it. Need time. It will pass.

- Certainly. If you won't be around me for sure. If they take your head, so do you.

- You wouldn't be happy for him. If I get out of yours, who knows who will get in where there will be a place. Krall laughed indiscriminately.

- What do you mean?

- As I say. We are thirteen now. I can stand the eleven outcasts and you. How are you with this?

- It could be any better than you. At least they don't speak out loud with cut out language.

- The fact. They don't even think much. Then they continue on the road. They're just ducklings like you.

- How? There is no master among them? All second level? How?

- Bridging verb. Bleda. Just as I raised you.

- You !! Submissive villain.

- These words of praise are good. My king. That is the case. And that has to be done with my device. He has a boy and a warrior with him. Horka was born in the Taltos order but did not become a priest. They talk about the child being able to fly.

- A fairy tale.

- Really? Krall asked, then poked the king's hand with his index finger, which began to hair.

- Is that a fairy tale too?

- Stop it. What to do? Bleda didn't even notice her slowly accepting Krall and involving him in her decisions.

- I said. You have to do with him and Horka too. I need the boy.

- I'm sending ten people.

- Don't they need it?

- Who.

- Your people?

- Why do you say that?

- Eskam alone killed five yesterday. Horka can handle ten.

From the castle, a team of armed men headed for the inn. There must have been about thirty of them. They returned shortly after. It was reported to the king that Oskam, Horka, and a boy had left the inn. No one slept in the capital that night. Every house was searched by the king's soldiers. 

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