Untitled Part 94

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The knower of the roses suddenly stopped muttering. Bleda was lying on the ground in the shape of a bear. He began to capture a very bad feeling as he looked at Krall floating in the middle of the circle and the other priest approaching. It no longer murmured, but turned away from the book and headed for Krall.

He stopped at the edge of the ellipse closer to him, then reached for Krall with his arms. The body of the expelled moved in a vertical direction, and then a third figure appeared in the glowing circle.

The bear slowly rose from the ground. Meanwhile, his coat fell and took on a human shape. Bleda screamed in helplessness. His voice sounded water in the room. Slowly he swam in the air to the opposite side of the ellipse, reaching to the ground with his feet. He couldn't move. Krall had his back to him. Her body tensed. His soles were already on the stone floor.

Gorda suddenly arrived through Krall's body. As he cut through it, he stopped within the glowing circle. His consciousness came together. As his spirit body took shape, he watched those present . He saw his book outside the circle.

He watched the room, then walked slowly around Krall's body with his hands back. He stared, then reached for it.

- Krall. You're an expelled pig. Well, you're the one near my book right now.

- Gorda? Krall stared blankly at the high priest as he slowly regained consciousness. He felt the energy unfolding in his consciousness.

Bleda felt insane pain as an unknown energy throbbed in her head. He watched the scene in the middle of the circle, but could not move. He was in the same posture as Krall. He heard clearly and intelligibly everything that was expelled and that was hitherto unknown to him. He felt that He was helpless here.

" I didn't expect you, Krall." Believers. You're old. If I occupy your body now, at best , only fifty winters will remain. I don't like the way you look either. You didn't take care of yourself. Gorda removed his clothes as he pointed his hands at the outcast. Then he looked at Bleda, and so did he, and the young taltos.

- The Hun king? In your head? - the facial expression has now changed.

" So the figure growing the black wing knew in advance." He saw you. That's why he made the deal. Gorda now turned to the other end of the ellipse. He went to the taltos, who was alone, in reverence.

" Move to Bled, High Priest." You're better off with that. "Krall has just figured out what's going on here." - You can be the king of the Huns.

Gorda was well ahead. He swam into his readable body with a translucent body. He slowly took over the body. He began to walk slowly on the stretched circle. First to Krall. He felt the alien's shamanic knowledge of the outcast. His right hand slowly changed shape. Gorda smiled, then quite slowly began to pick up the features of Krall's face. The expelled stared in horror at the high priest, who now showed Ble da's features as he headed for the king.

Then he slowly transformed into the features of youthful Gorda.

- I didn't expect that. Another one thousand five hundred winters. Gorda stared at his new body in shock. You can start all your life again and have all your knowledge left. He thought so, then walked measuredly toward the book.

He stopped where the reader could be before. He raised his face, who was now the young Gorda, toward the ceiling, then began chanting. The engravings on the steel, which were cast in gold, shone. The golden color filled the space. The punctuation marks on the page appeared in black on Gorda's bare back.

Bleda screamed in pain, but could not move. He felt a third, hitherto alien power, much larger than Krall, move into his consciousness. Horror and fear turned into screams on his expelled face . Voice did not leave his throat. He couldn't move either. His consciousness was paralyzed, but he realized that Gorda had arrived in His body as well. 

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