Untitled Part 6

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Aldar drove ten heifers in the barren field . That was all for his father, and that was all for the family. Meg Pej. Oguz lova. Because Oguz needs a horse, gallop for days. His father said, Urkon, that's right.

It is also because Oguz was born in battle. This father told Aldar n a k who believe without question what to say. He could see with his own eyes that Oguz might have been one and a half when he jumped from the top of the hay onto the back of the black Pej, who was the foal of the neighbor's horse even then. It is true that Aldar was only four and a half there, but he still clearly remembers it. Oguz didn't fall. He's on Pej's back from there. At least he seems to have just fallen asleep in the past six and a half years, or maybe not. So they only had ten oxen. Pej was in two.

And the bow. The sword, the dagger, and the throwing spear. Urkon said the spear is still dangerous. If you say so. Og u z also plays with it just like the twelve year olds. But he doesn't fall off the horse. Never. He's sitting on a bareback. He doesn't even have a saddle. Just a blanket. It also only picks up in the winter.

Aldar just watches as Oguz still plays with Pej in the meadow. He just digs, digs land and herds heifers. But he doesn't mind. So far.

His father , Urkon, said, "What is sparkling or brighter than silver, and of course, even if it belongs to Attila, a noble object, and He has it."

This came to his mind when he noticed that the legs of a lame heifer were leaving a blood trail. And when he looked in the direction from which the heifer came, she saw her fifty or so meters from a glowing blue blade - which shines brightly in the sky colored blue ornament majority - , stand out from the ground-up edge. His grip is not visible, only half of the blade.

Komót starts parting towards the sight, his thoughts are already at Attila's, and his father's words roar in his ear when he sees that Pej and Oguz are just gliding towards the flashing blade.

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