Untitled Part 36

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Rijeka nodded in agreement, then stopped abruptly. There was a battle cry in the distance. They have little time and a lot of weapons on the ground, armor. They began to gather some of it, then carried it away and hid it under the hay. Barely done, the first black bird appeared, then came the rest. Ren geteg.

My device examined the horse. He took the arrow out of his neck and then looked at his feet. He smeared it and then put a bandage on it. Strong commodity, maybe it can withstand.

The priestess watched the events that followed with admiration and fear. The wilds of the forest began their cleaning work. Almost only a few meters from them, but they didn't come any closer.

- Don't worry about Rijeka. They won't bother you if you have lighter prey too. But if they understand that you are afraid... - Oskam smiled contentedly.

- But there are plenty of them.

- I have a body. My device pointed to the heifers. "It was ten at Urkon, twice as many on the other side." Some farmers too.

- How much can it be? I mean, man?

- I don't know. There are about fifty soldiers left.

- Can a child's mind bear such a burden?

- I can only hope.

The priestess thought, then directed the word to Oguz again .

- I need security, Osko.

- What kind of security?

- I don't want you to turn against me. I know you could do it. Let me talk to him.

- You can't research it !! You can't log in !! Not now!! It can be fatal. Eskam stood up as fast and looked at Rijeka's gaze as best he could, but it was too late. He felt what the priestess wanted.

A bluish-yellowish, enchanting pair of eyes painted on Rijeka's eyelids stared at him with a strongly black eyeball, which tipped him out of balance for a moment. He suddenly caught his eye, but there was nothing he could do.

Not even Rijeka then. His body slowly began to rise from the ground. A silent scream left her lips as she stared at Eszteram with her beautiful, now open eyes. The flame of a request for help flared. His body began to glow pale blue as he turned la ssan horizontal, so waist-high. 

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