chapter eighty-four: you only deserve to fall into eighteen layers of hell

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in the evening, when yan yi returned from the imperial study, he went to the luan feng hall to see ning zhiyu, who had been in a very bad spirit recently, and even when he was eating, he even wandered away, and even yan yi couldn't hear what he was saying.

"ayu, what's wrong with you?"

"tomorrow is your birthday, how come i don't seem happy to see you?" but someone provoked you? "

ning zhiyu looked back and smiled lightly, "no." "

yan yi furrowed his brows worriedly, "but is your body uncomfortable?" "

ning zhiyu shook his head, took the spoon and dialed the crystal cake in the bowl: "no." "

yan yu raised his hand to bring the long hair on the side of his face behind his ear for him, and sighed, "xuan long refused to hand over neidan, not to say that he would wait for the child... after some time, when there is neidan, your illness will be cured, you don't think about it, if there is anything unhappy, then tell yuan, and come to help you solve it. "

ning zhiyu said lowly, "hmm. "

yan yi waved his hand to tell qingmei to back off, picked up the soup spoon, and scooped up the bowl of black chicken soup and put it in front of ning zhiyu: "if you really can't eat it, drink the bowl of soup, so hungry can't do it."


ning zhiyu took the bowl and took a sip on the side of the bowl, the mellow chicken soup with gold oil had just entered the throat, and a surge of nausea in his stomach rushed straight to his throat, he slammed down the bowl, don't turn over and cover his lips and vomit.

yan yi was startled, and hurriedly raised his hand to smooth his back: "what's wrong?" "

ning zhiyu vomited non-stop, qingmei was summoned by yan yi, hurriedly took the spittoon in, ning zhiyu supported the spittoon vomiting, the green silk was scattered, and spit out a few mouthfuls of food that had just been eaten.

his face was already ugly, and at this time, there was no blood at all, and he vainly took the jinpa handed by yan yi to wipe the corners of his lips, and the corners of his eyes were red.

yan yi turned his eyes to the dishes on the table: "is there something wrong with this chicken soup?" "

qingmei replied cautiously: "before the chicken soup was served, i tried it with a silver needle, and the slave took a sip of it, and there was no problem." "

yan yu frowned, "then how could ayu suddenly vomit, it had never been before." "

"pass on the doctor."

qingmei was about to go out, and ning zhiyu grabbed the sleeve of yan yi's coat: "no need, xu was gluttonous yesterday, and he was a little uncomfortable when he ate badly." "

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