chapter hundred-fiftyfive: fish soup

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after giving xuan long medicine, ah zhi returned to the celestial realm, after all, he had grown up and would no longer pestered his parents to hold like when he was a child.

it was just that xuan long was so badly injured, ah zhi was really relieved in his heart, and when he returned to the celestial realm, he went straight to the medical immortal hall and asked the most powerful medical god to teach him the art of healing.

he was already talented and intelligent, and at a young age, he was already several times older than him, and the future was immeasurable, and the gods who were not majoring in healing could not penetrate this simple healing technique for ten thousand years, ah zhi half-pillar incense kung fu was mastered, and the head of the healing god, ling yue, was eager to accept him as an apprentice on the spot, but unfortunately, ah zhi, as the prince of the celestial realm, would inherit the throne of the emperor in the future, and he could not spend time here.

the healing technique that ah zhi learned was called "breaking the meteorite", and if you really want to elaborate, this technique is only a superficial thing in the orthodox healing technique, but it is more than enough to treat the trauma caused by intermediate monsters.

ah zhi thanked ling yue and rushed back to the mortal world.

one day in heaven and one year on earth, although they hurried and hurried, when they arrived in the mortal world, three or four days passed, and the secretive night caged the small courtyard without sound.

at this time, it was late at night, the lights in the courtyard were not lit, for mortals, they could not see the five fingers, but they did not hinder the action of the gods, ah zhi shrunk into inches, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared at the door of the bedroom on the second floor, raised his hand and gently knocked on the door, asking xuan long if he was resting.

no one responded.

ah zhi clearly sensed that xuan long's breath was inside the room, and after not getting a response three times in a row, he went straight through the door.

the structure of the bedroom is similar to the dining room downstairs, the room is not large, there is a bed facing the door against the wall, xuan long is dressed in white blasphemous clothes, quietly lying flat on the bed, with his hands on his abdomen, and he does not even have a bed quilt on his body.

not far away, a small half-cut white candle was lit on the round table, and the candle flame moved slightly with the arrival of ah zhi, flickering on and off.

ah zhi's intuition was not right, and he quickly approached, and found that xuan long's face was even paler than when he left after taking medicine for him, his lips were dry and cracked, and his breath was weak as if he was going to die.

although he knew that god was not so easy to die, he still felt a contraction in his heart, and the person also lost his measure, and at first he gently summoned xuan long according to the panic, and saw that xuan long did not react for a long time, and squeezed xuan long's shoulder and gradually shook without weight.

"mother-in-law... mother, you wake up... don't scare me..." 

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