chapter ninety-four: occasional weakness

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yan yi was unwilling to admit that he was soft in heart, ning zhiyu was his lover, and now that his lover was in danger, he was soft on xuan long.

he hated his own softness of heart.

at this time, it was easy to get xuan long's heart, and if you just take a dagger, you could penetrate xuan long's skin and dig out that living heart, and ning zhiyu would be saved.

but he didn't want xuan long to die, there was no reason, he just wouldn't allow xuan long to leave his side, and even when he saw xuan long's whiplash marks, he felt very unbearable, and wanted to scold the prison officer for beating people so hard, and then he thought about it, so that he could prove his determination to xuan long, so he put up with it.

if xuan long was afraid, he might have handed over neidan. what he didn't expect was that this man was so stubborn, so much pain that he could bear it, but he was unwilling to hand it over.

he hated xuan long's stubbornness, and there was no way to take the other party, digging up the flesh of his heart was just a stopgap measure before getting neidan, compared to death, that kind of healing pain, what was gained.

even so, yan yi couldn't do it himself, he stood in the passage outside the prison, ten meters away from the prison where xuan long was imprisoned, waiting for the two guards to come out and resume their lives.

the gloomy light of the fire jumped between the candlesticks on the walls, the cells were cold and empty, and most of the prisoners held here were important prisoners of war or criminal courtiers from other countries, and a few months ago, a few people were executed, and there was no one left. 

the imperial guards moved quickly, and not long after xuan long was dragged into the cell, they came out, and one of them presented the pure black wooden box in his hand to yan yi with both hands, which contained what he wanted.

yan yi lifted her eyelids to look at the wooden box, and when she raised her hand to touch it, her fingertips shrank back, and she withdrew her hand and hung it on her side: "how is he?" "

"back to the emperor's words, he passed out, and did not struggle much when he got off the knife, but only hummed twice."

yan yi: "go and ask hua jing to come." "

the flesh of the heart was only a thin piece, the size of the woman's palm, and after yan yi returned to the luan feng hall, the palace people immediately used the square of the sect painting on ning zhiyu's body.

after tossing and turning all night, the sky will not be bright, after taking the soup medicine, ning zhiyu's breath is not as if there is nothing like before, but it is still very weak.

yan yi heard that ning zhiyu jumped down by himself, he did not believe it, thinking that qingmei had lied in order to shirk his responsibility, and ordered someone to lock up the bold palace girl and behead her after autumn.

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