chapter ninety-six: thank you for being perfect

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the chain of the demon was left by the shi daoist who had come to the palace to try before, saying that it was imprisoned on the demon, even if there were ten thousand years of daoist practice, it could not break free. yan yi was sure that xuanlong daoxing was sealed, so he never used it on him.

the chain was black, thick enough to be the arm of an adult man, divided into four strands, two long, two short, the long two strands could connect to the wall, and the short two strands of tails were connected with two large sharp round hooks, which were used to nail into the body of the demon.

that thing was kept in yan yi's arsenal, he had never intended to use it in his whole life, who knew that xuan long was so ignorant of good villains, he should tell him to taste what was powerful.

since he is not afraid of the punishment of the world, he can be made afraid.

the imperial guard outside the prison door was ordered to take yan iris's token to his arsenal to find the chain, the weapons in the arsenal existed to deal with the enemy, and he was now going to use those things to deal with the pillow people.

the arsenal was some distance from the cell, and this time it took a lot of effort, the footsteps of the imperial guards were far away, and the dark burrow was eerily quiet.

yan yi squatted down in front of xuan long on one knee, stepping on the horn of xuan long at the bottom of his feet: "you still have a chance to repent." "

"i know you're not stupid, don't do stupid things that make you regret it."

in such a cold weather, xuan long wore only a thin prison coat, his long hair was hanging loose, and the futon half covered gao long's abdomen. his hair used to be very shiny, and the ink splashed beautifully, but now it somehow lost its color, and it was gray, just like the bedding on his body.

xuan long's face was pale, his lips were pale, xu was too cold, he couldn't help but cover his lips and cough twice, he lowered his head, and his long hair well covered the action of wiping the blood from his lips with his hands.

yan yi saw that he did not speak at such a time, obviously a naked provocation, and became angry. stand up and command from above.

"come on people."

"go to the torture first and tell him to taste it."

the so-called torture is also called torture. as the name suggests, it is made of bamboo pieces and rope to clip the fingers, and this kind of punishment is often used in the palace to interrogate the palace people who commit crimes, ten fingers are connected to the heart, and most of the tortured people will confess soon.

outside the door, two tall jailers opened the door and came in, dragging xuan long out of the futon and throwing it against the wall, the chains rubbing against the ground to make an uncomfortable sound.

xuan long sat on the ground against the wall, looking vainly at the cell in the black hole hole opposite, allowing the two jailers to put the cold slug into his ten fingers. the two jailers turned to yan iris.

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