chapter ninety: death of the heart

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yan yu gritted his teeth and finished speaking, raised his hand and slapped xuanlong's cheek again, making a loud 'popping' sound, xuanlong's body shook, if it were not for the two guards holding him left and right, i am afraid that he would immediately fall.

xuan long's pale cheeks left five clear finger prints, the blood on the corners of his lips fell to his jaw, and the undecided dust filled the air, extremely quiet.

no one knew how much pain he had.

the man did not cry, nor did he make trouble, he was always quiet, as if he could not feel anything.

yan yi pinched xuan long's jaw and forced him to turn his face, his eyes widening: "you trampled yuan's mind like a weed on the bottom of your feet, and you betrayed yuan..."

"you slut..."

a few days ago, he also consulted with xuan long to give birth to a child in his womb, and secretly even turned over many poetry collections, hoping to give the child a nice name. who knows, in the blink of an eye, xuan long actually eloped with someone.

tell him how not to get angry.

yan yi was so angry that he was eager to destroy this inch of heaven and earth.

xuan long was forced to raise his head, his eyelashes hanging low, and did not look at him.

what bothered yan yi the most was xuan long's appearance of dying, and the fierce spirit around him was so strong that he couldn't hold it down at all. yan weiheng was shackled by the yulin army and his hands were locked, and his eyes were bloodshot red as he looked at this side, word by word.

"yan yi, he has your heirs in his womb, and you must not deceive people too much."

yan yi heard the words, looked down at xuan long's towering abdomen, fixed his gaze on the place where his breathing fluctuated slightly, and narrowed his eyes.

"my heirs?"

"as my heir, what are you so nervous about..."

"this child, it can't be mine at all, right?" ......"

yan yi, in a posture of pinching xuan long's neck, approached xuan long's ear and whispered, "tell xuan yue, where have you gone, this child... who the hell is it... well? "

xuan long's heat did not recede, and his voice was as low as if it had been burned by fire: "not yours..."

the hand between his necks suddenly tightened, and yan iris's forehead almost collided with xuan long's forehead, staring into his eyes: "what are you talking about?!" "

xuan long's green eyes half-closed, and he murmured back, "... not yours. "

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