Chapter 5- The Forgotten Timetable

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   I opened my suitcase and the first thing I saw was my bloody panties and my pants: ''Shit, I forgot about them.'' I quickly poured some water into the sink that I had just plugged so the water stays in the sink and threw my pants in the water. ''Oh God, there is a lot of blood, I will never get them clean properly.'' I sighed, but didn't give up any hope jet, and started looking for some laundry soap, but only found liquid hand soap. ''I guess this will have to do for now.'' I poured the soap in and started scrubbing, the stain got a bit lighter, but after a certain time, it didn't continue to get lighter.  The soap did what it was able to do. 

   I stepped out of the bathroom and continued to unpack. I noticed that on my bedside table was a carefully placed uniform. I picked it up and had some opinion about it: ''Well I like that it is blue, but the length of the skirt is just not right, and the blazer will be really baggy on me. I would have loved it when I was in my oversized clothing era, but not now.'' I took the uniform and hung it in the closet next to the other clothes that I had brought to Nevermore. 

   It was already 7:15 pm when I realized I was getting hungry and that I hadn't eaten basically all day.  It made me wonder when will they be serving dinner, and I came to the conclusion that Miss. Weems didn't tell me when was breakfast, lunch, or dinner. ''And she didn't give me my timetable. I don't know when my class starts!'' She probably forgot because she saw my beautiful face.....well at least I hope.'' I giggled. Usually, in this situation, I would be bothered about it and just wouldn't go to classes tomorrow. ''I cant not go to the classes it is my first day, and I don't want to make a bad impression!!'' I started overthinking things. 

  ''I think I will go visit Miss. Weems, and ask her to give me the timetable.'' I said under my breath while slowly making my way to the door. ''At least I will be able to admire her more!'' I thought about it excitedly. 

  ''Just remember to breathe, and don't say anything stupid!'' I tried to calm myself down. I slowly made my way to her office which was on the other side of the building. ''Ok, I am here, just nock, go in, get the timetable, admire her, tell something funny, and leave!!'' I didn't want to stay there for too long even tho I still really wanted to, I felt so exhausted from not eating that I bearly could walk. ''Maybe I can lay down on her lap on the sofa next to the fireplace?'' I giggled, knowing it will never happen. 

   I got the courage and answer, so I knocked again........still no answer. ''What if...... if something happened to her?'' I was a bit anxious. I decided to go in, I opened the door, and in the office, there was no one. I walked in:'' Hello? Miss. Weems? Are you here?'' I asked in a louder voice. There was no response. The office smelled like perfume, probably what Miss. Weems wears. I sniffed the air deep in my lungs and enjoyed the moment. ''Jeez, I was acting like a creep, and I haven't even been here for 5 hours.'' I started walking around the room, slowly making my way to her desk, to see what things she kept on there, because the last time I was here, I was just staring at her beautiful face. ''Huh, there is nothing much there, just some papers, her laptop, a very weird bird, and some other little things. ''

   I turned around and saw another room that was connected to her office, it was closed by a white double door. I was so curious: ''But what if she is in there?'' I thought to myself and decided to knock first. I knocked and there was no answer, so I tried to open the door, but it was locked. ''What does she keep in there?'' I wondered. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 7:40 pm:''Oh shoot, I have lost track of time.'' I hurried out of Miss. Weems office and was quickly making my way back to my dorm. 

   I was almost there when I bumped into two girls. ''Oh, I'm so sorry!'' I was trying to catch my breath because I was so exhausted.  ''No worries,'' the girl with split dyed hair in a cheerful voice said, and next to her was standing a girl all dressed in black. ''Oh, you must be the new girl.'' The cheerful girl said. ''Yup, that's me, my name is y/n by the way,'' I replied smiling because I had finally met someone. ''Well my name is Enid and her name is Wednesday.'' The girl said. ''Well pleasure to meet you, but I will get going,'' I said in a hurried voice because I felt like I will pass out on the spot. ''Well, then talk soon!'' Enid said while I was already moving toward my dorm. 

Author's note

I think you will like the next chapter ;)

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