Chapter 107- Disillusioned

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   When Larissa fell asleep I knew it was my time to go and say something to Ember about that kiss. But before I got out of bed I turned to her and saw her sleeping so peacefully I just couldn't stop smiling, her soft and quiet snores were so cute I wanted to stay next to her and admire her beauty for the rest of the evening. My eyes were glued to her face but I knew I had to go, so I leaned closer and kissed her on the cheek before I got out of the bed and left. 

   I was immediately heading to Ember's dorm while thinking about what would I say to her. I knew I couldn't barge into her dorm and confront her for kissing Larissa because she might figure out that something might be between us, so I had to use a different approach. "What approach?" I asked myself because I had no plan, I didn't know how to talk to her, but I knew I had to because..."That is it!" I figured out how to say this to her. 

   "I will just ask her calmly, not showing any emotion, why she kissed Weems!" In the end, it was all I could probably get out of her anyways. When I finally got to her dorm I immediately opened up the doors and walked in, and as soon as Ember saw me she stood up from her chair with an agitated look on her face. 

   "You told her!?" Ember immediately said walking up to me and I said: "You kissed her?!" But before I could ask her why, she slapped me, making me more pissed off than I was already. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed while placing my palm on my cheek feeling it getting warmer. "YOU FUCK TOLD HER! BITCH YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!"  She lashed out. "YES! I was sick of your stupid games, but you KISSED HER?!?" I was still waiting for the answer from Ember. 

   "Yes! So and? I ATLEEAST WON!" She said and now I wanted to punch her in the face and rip her hair out, but I decided to maintain my emotions and not hurt her. "And what now? Are you both dating? Did the kiss do something?" I asked sarcastically already knowing the answer but decided to see what Ember would say, but it didn't seem like she was listening to me and my point was proven when she said: "WHY DID YOU TELL HER?" 

   Ember was still going on about that, but I had already addressed that so I kept on talking about that kiss. "Oh, I just know that kiss was pure disaster. Weems doesn't date people like you! Egoistic, selfish and so fucking dumb, Ember!" I decided to try to make her realize that she had to drop whatever she was planning for the future. "Snap. Out. Of. It. She. Doesn't. Like. You! You have to end this." And it seemed like Ember was finally starting to break down, so I decided to take this as humanely as possible. 

    "Let's sit and talk." I gestured towards the bed while still being as calm as possible and Ember without saying anything walked up to it and sat down. "You actually want to" I was surprised that she was ready to listen giving me hope that maybe finally Ember has cracked and would leave me and Larissa alone. "Okay..." I took in a deep breath and sat down next to her. I knew our friendship would never ever be the same but at least maybe we won't be enemies anymore giving me some relief. 

   "So...did you kiss her just to win?" I was curious if there was something more to that kiss or if she just wanted to rub it on my face. Ember deeply sighed and said: "I wanted to win, but I guess I just wanted to kiss her, know how it kiss her red lips." And when she said that I started feeling a little bad for her and decided to try to turn things in the right direction.

   "I know Ember how much you like Weems, but...she is the principal..." I was doing a favor for both of us, by trying to make Ember forget Weems so I don't have to worry about that anymore. "Did she mention she is in a relationship? You won't go chasing a taken woman, right? You're better than that." I knew she wasn't but no one had forbidden to sugarcoat some things. "Besides what if she is straight?" Now this was just a shot in the dark because I didn't know if Weems had told her about her sexuality, but I hoped that she didn't. 

   "She is not straight...I know!" Ember instantly replied. "She told you?" I asked her curious to know how that conversation played out. "No, but I can just tell she is not straight, I can tell by just looking at her." She said while fidgeting with the ring which was on her finger.

   ''I think you should stop whatever you're trying to build between Weems and you because if it ever worked out-'' ''You're saying it can work out?'' Ember looked at me with her hopeful eyes completely cutting me off and not letting me finish what I had started. ''What? No! I meant that-'' And again she cut me off: ''I knew that the stars can alline for me and Miss. Weems, it is written down in the cards! I just know!'' 

    And at this point, I didn't know what to do or how to act. I was confused about how she could switch her mood from almost crying to becoming this happy person completely blocking out the fact that she hates me. ''Ember! I wanted to say that in the end, it wouldn't work out anyways!'' I finally got that out of my system but Ember didn't take this the way I was expecting. She wasn't becoming aggressive or insulting instead she said: ''Oh, you're just saying that because you're jealous, that you won't get to kiss Weems...'' 

   Ember stood up from the bed and started playing with her hair looking all dreamy. ''I think I will leave...'' I stood up as well wanting to leave because I didn't want to make her switch her mood back to aggression by saying something wrong, as well as this whole situation got really weird. As I was walking towards the door I said: ''You're need some professional help Ember.'' 

   I opened up the doors ready to leave when Ember said: ''No, I don't need therapy! But it seems like you do.'' ''What do you mean?'' I closed the door back shut and stepped a little away from them. ''Well...It seemed like you are a little confused about your sexuality.'' She replied in a soft voice making me even more confused wanting to call her delusional again. ''WHAT. DOES. THAT. MEAN?'' I started getting agitated because Ember knew I was a lesbian and didn't have any other attraction to other genders, as well as she knew how much I despised Dr. Kinbott. 

   ''It seemed like you're trying to come on to that one boy from Jericho...he seems to really like you...'' Ember replied with the most demonic smirk on her face that made me believe she was back to her normal self. ''Josh? How do you know him?'' I asked wondering if Emebr was normal enough to have Josh as a friend. ''Who said I needed to know him in person...and seeing you both being quite good friends I just got curious, and he tells me everything, from how you sleep in his bed, talk to him all girly like you're in love. I guess you have been lying to yourself about being a lesbian...'' 

   ''Wow! You are sick! And you need help!'' I didn't know where Ember was going with this but I didn't like it so I decided to leave and as I was opening up the doors she said something that just made me snap. ''Maybe it would have been better if you were actually raped at that party, at least you would know how real dick feels like. Maybe then you would run to Josh and leave me and Weems to be because I know you want her too.'' 

''OH, THAT'S IT!'' Her sentence was the last straw for me, I tried to be nice to her today, but she just couldn't accept it, she had to piss me off. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now