Chapter 91- Keeping My Pride

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   "Y/n what are you doing?" Larissa asked quickly walking up to us and pulling me away from Ember giving her space to breathe. "What I am doing? You should be asking that to Ember!" I crossed my arms giving Ember a nasty look. "Y/n! Your attitude has been unacceptable today." Weems said now not moving an inch. "Wow!" I realized that Larissa didn't even try to understand that maybe I was acting that way because I had traumatic stuff swim back up to the surface, "She made that whole thing up! She is no victim here, she just wants your attention and she used my situation for her own good. Ember is one big fat layer." I got really furious. 

   "I did not make that-" "Bullshit!" I cut Ember off as she tried to keep the story alive while trying to make herself cry. "That is it!" Larissa lost it, she grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the door, "I came here to talk to you, like human to human about you accusing Ember, hoping that you might have come to your right mind, but clearly not!" She squeeze my arm even harder, but I stopped and pulled my arm out of her grip. "No! I am not going anywhere, with you!" "Y/n...we can do this the easier way or the hard way." Larissa tried to scare me, making me lose my shit while Ember was still here observing everything from a side. 

   "No! If Ember is so important to you, then go, leave, both of you!" I pointed to the door, but both of them remained standing, "LEAVE!" I lashed out making Ember start moving toward the door, but not Larissa, she just stood there keeping her pride and dignity. "Oh for fuck sake! You come here to talk about me lashing out at Ember, but not about what happened in Jericho! Now that is some next-level shit!" I walked up to Larissa and physically started pushing her. "Or maybe you already forgot! GO! And maybe ask Ember if she wants a therapy session as well." I hardly pushed Weems out of my dorm and immediately slammed and locked them. 

   I was so mad at Larissa that my anger turned into sadness and a river of tears started running down my cheek so I just pressed my back against the wall and slid down on the floor. I was pissed at her for not thinking about me, defending something that is clearly wrong and the worst part was that I couldn't go and tell this to anyone because if I did I would have to cut out my relationship with Larissa making the story inconsistent. " there even us anymore?" I was starting to doubt everything, "but I am right? She clearly is the one in the wrong!" I decided to not speak to Larissa until she will have understood everything herself, at least the fact that she forgot about my problems and only cared about Embers. "Fuck them both..." 

   Until evening rolled around I mostly talked to myself and just started at the wall. I didn't know how long I will not speak to Weems but I knew it will be hard to avoid her because tomorrow is a school day and she can appear from anywhere, and I couldn't show up to them as well, because as much as I hated Weems at the moment, I still didn't want to worry her and make her think something bad had happened to me. 

   "Oh, or maybe I should go out to the woods and get myself killed!? Make Ember and Larissa both feel bad for my death." It was a stupid idea, to waste my life just to make someone else feel bad, as well as I wasn't the one who was in the wrong so I soon stopped thinking about that, even tho it pooped up in my head once in a while. I was a bit devastated that I couldn't spend time with Larissa and go sleep with her, but I wasn't going to be the one who apologizes first, so I had to suck up all the emotions and deal with them, tho it wasn't that easy because, on top of that, I still needed to process the shit that happened to me in Jericho. 

   I had skipped dinner today which probably made Larissa even madder mainly because she didn't like that I skipped meals, and because I was avoiding her, and the worst part was that I didn't want to skip dinner in the first place, I was hungry, I needed to eat, but now it was too late so I had to live with that tonight. I was already getting ready to go to bed even tho it was quite early for me to do so, I was physically and emotionally drained so much that I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. 

   I was already in my Pj's and about to crawl into my lonely cold bed when I heard a little light knock on my door. "Y/n..." and then a faint voice, the voice of my lover who I disliked so much. So I quickly walked up to the door, I wasn't going to open it, but I didn't want to make her think that I had done something bad to myself and worry her, because on somewhat of a level deep down I still cared, so I carelessly said: "Go away!" My voice was cold and specific. "Y/n...Can we please talk?" While Larissa's voice sounded more gloomy, but still demanding full of anger and sharpness. "No, go talk with your sweetheart Ember, I heard you're good friends now! Good night." I sharply replied before lightly kicking the door out of pure anger and leaving them. I wasn't going to talk to her, not until she understood what she had done and said that made me so upset.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now