Chapter 68- Big News

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   Winter was right around the corner and I could feel my emotions changing. In winter I usually shut myself out of the world because seasonal depression comes to visit me at this time of the year and I need to spend this time mostly alone, but I wasn't really worried about it because everything usually goes back to normal after December. So for the past 2 weeks, I have been spending less time with Larissa by not going to her office after classes every day anymore, sometimes ignoring her texts, and locking myself in the dorm. Not every day was like that, sometimes I needed attention from her so I wouldn't leave her alone for the rest of the evening, and I don't know if she has noticed these drastic changes in our relationship, but most likely she has and it was probably race giant time before she comes and speaks to me about this. 

   It was Friday, classes had already ended and I was heading back to my dorm to nap for a little while but as I entered my room Alex was already waiting for me and she seemed very happy. ''Alex? Why are you so happy?'' I asked as I placed my bag on the ground next to the doors, but then Alex pulled me by my right arm, making pain shoot through my whole body, and then she pulled me to my bed. ''Alex?! My arm! Remember!'' I cried out in pain as I sat down on my bed. ''Sorry. Okay anyways remember the girl I told you about...'' She said excitedly plopping next to me. ''Yes...and...'' I asked wanting to know what is the whole deal about. ''How do I tell this!!'' She looked for the right words. ''Did something happen? Oh, I hope it is good.'' I asked now really interested. ''Olay, okay, yes something big happened! I pulled her to the side on a break and just confessed to her that I liked her, and you know what she does?'' Alex excitedly said. ''Tell me!'' I demanded. ''She just kissed me!'' ''Oh My God!!! Alex!! I am so happy for you! So are you guys dating now?'' I asked being hyped up. ''No...not yet, we decided to take things slow.'' She said with a big smile on her face. ''Good choice! You know what...we need to celebrate this!'' I said jumping up onto my feet.

   ''Yess! I agree!'' She said getting up as well. ''Jericho? Weathervane?'' I asked really happy for her. ''Yes! Are we walking or going by bus?'' Alex grabbed her bag from the ground. ''Let me check,'' I said pulling out my phone and checking the bus timetable. ''If we hurry, we can make it to the bus which leaves in 19 minutes,'' I said placing the phone back in my jean pocket. ''Okay then! Let's go!'' Alex replied and we both left. 

   We found a free spot in the cafe and sat down and started chatting. ''Okay but you seriously will have to introduce me to her,'' I said taking a sip from my caramel latte. '''Tomorrow is a Sunday, so we can go on a walk all of us together,'' I was hyped and hoped that tomorrow I would have enough energy to go with them. 

   We were having such a good time that I didn't even notice that someone had approached our table, it was only then that I hear their voice. ''Hello, girls.'' A voice came down well above me and without a second doubt I knew who was standing next to me, but when I turned my head to greet my love I saw that Weems was alone, next to her was standing Dr. Kinbott, the woman who I disliked from the bottom of my heart. ''Hello,'' I said with a little annoyance in my voice and continued, ''and it seems like you went behind my back, Miss. Weems...'' I was quite annoyed with her because she promised that I would have nothing to do with therapy anymore, but here she was standing right in front of me. ''Oh, Y/n no one is going behind your back,'' Dr. Kinbott started talking in the sweet voice as usual, ''Me and your principal both had a meeting with the Mayor about one of the students-'' Wednesday.''Alex barged in but Dr. Kinbott continued: ''and we decided to come here and chat a little. But Y/n, I would like for you to come for a few sessions with me, there are some thoughts you need to organize in your mind, or else they might come back to haunt you someday.'' And when Dr. Kinbott told me this I stood up pulled Alex up as well and started walking away while saying: ''It is a risk I am willing to take! Good day! '' I said and we both left Weathervane. 

   ''She really is pushy! No wonder you and Wednesday both dislike her.'' Alex took a sip of her coffee as we both started walking back to the bus station. ''If something traumatic happens, I will find you a better therapist than this crazy woman.'' I chuckled and started wondering if Larissa actually wasn't going behind my back and if it was just a coincidence, but I was snapped back to reality when Alex asked me a question: ''Do you always try to escape these types of situations?'' And I just nodded my head, because it was true, I always run away, but Alex continued: ''You are literally proving their point Y/n, you run away from situations that get too hard for you to handle, and now Kinbott knows that on 100%'' And as she said that we approached the bus station and drove back to Nevermore. 

   Later that evening while I was watching a movie I got a text message when I checked it, it was from Larissa and it read: 

''Hey sweety, mind coming to my office?''-Larissa

   And I started feeling bad because when I check the last few messages she had sent me, I had ignored her. My heart sunk into my stomach when I realized how badly I had been treating Weems even tho I couldn't really control it, I still felt really responsible, so from pure guilt and the fact that I wanted some cuddles from Larissa I got out of my bed and put on a sweater over my T-shirt, and left my dorm. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now