Chapter 25- Panick

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   It was 10:30 am when my alarm started to go off waking Molly and me up. ''Turn it off!'' Molly said, turning to the other side. I turned the annoying music off and got back in my bed. ''You should better start to get ready,'' Molly said giving me a light push. ''Hey! If you are going to push me again, you will be sleeping on the ground!'' I said because Molly was sleeping next to me like we used to do back in the day at sleepovers. 

   ''But you are right.'' I sighed and made myself get out of bed. Then as soon as I realized that I was going to go to Miss. Weems office and because she was mad, I felt my stomach turn. ''I think I'm going to be sick!'' I said to Molly who was already looking at her phone. ''Sick like sick, or nervous sick?'' She asked placing the phone in her lap and looking at me, trying to figure out what was wrong. ''Nevous sick,'' I replied. ''But why? She can't really do anything to you.'''She said now getting out of bed. ''No, she can do something! We kissed, remember! What if she likes me, but after this.....'' I stopped talking and sat next to Molly feeling as if I will cry. ''Then hurry, get ready, don't miss your chance!'' She said pushing me up on my feet and dragging me to the closet: ''so wear this cute shirt and this skirt, so when she sees how beautiful you are, she will forget that she is even mad!'' She grabbed the skirt out of the closet and threw it at me. 

   By the time it was already 10:50, I had dressed up and ready to go, but I still had a sickening feeling. ''Ohh, look at you all dressed up!'' Molly said looking me up and down. ''Thanks,'' was the only thing I could say, ''but now I will go, she said, 11 sharp.'' I picked up my phone and said my goodbyes to Molly. I exited my dorm and made my way to Weems office, as I got closer and closer I started feeling more and more nervous. For a moment I even had to stop to take a few deep breaths, before continuing to make my way down the halls. 

   ''Here I am!'' I thought in my head, my hand sweaty and my whole body shaking. I knocked 3 times before hearing her say: ''Come in.'' Her voice wasn't as sweet as it always where, and that made me even more panicky. I slowly pulled the door handle and opened the door, stepping in as quietly as possible. ''Oh so you decided to come, then don't stan there, come sit!'' Her tone was scary and serious, I took a deep breath and sat down on the chair that was in front of her desk. I started: ''I am really sorry...I, I just forgot, it just happened.'' My hands were shaking and my voice trembling. ''You just forgot? Well, I guess when your principal calls you to her, it is so nonimportant that you just forget. I assume you, forgot, to go to your principal at your school as well.'' She looked at me like she is going to kill me. ''No! I never went to my principal, I didn't need to. And coming to you is important, but sometimes things slip out of my mind.'' I was trying to hold myself together from crying. ''But it seems like you don't respect the time that I am ready to throw away for you, and it seems like you are avoiding me.'' She crossed her hands and I couldn't handle it anymore so I broke into million pieces and started sobbing my eyes out. ''I, so so-sorry, I respect your time, but yes, I am kinda ignoring you because, well, you know....since the kiss,'' I started sobbing even harder but continued, ''the things I said that night are all true, and I have never liked someone as hard as you, and now I don't know what to do.'' Miss. Weems stood up and went up to me and pulled me into a big hug and said: ''I didn't know how you felt, I am sorry for upsetting you.'' She didn't let go of the hug. I added:''That was my first kiss..'' I sniffed and dug my face deeper into her chest. ''I am so sorry I ignored you and wasted your time,'' I said, my tears still dripping from my eyes. ''Don't worry.'' That was all she said.

   I felt her hand brush through my hair and I looked up at her and she was looking down at me. She wiped my tears away and not a single thought crossed my mind before I got on my tippy toes and leaped in and kissed her soft, warm lips. I broke the kiss and whispered in her ear: ''I really, really like you so much.'' Then I pulled away from her and quickly walked away out of her office, leaving her. I left because I panicked and didn't know what to do after I had kissed her. 

   I ran back to my dorm and found Molly snacking on my crisps. When she saw me she put the bag down and said: ''Okay, so what went down?'' I smiled and went to her ad sat next to her on the bed. ''I kissed her,'' I said still trying to process it as well. ''You did what? OMG, and how did she react?'' Molly curiously scooted next to me, ready to hear the full story. ''So I broke down because she was kinda mean and told her that I was avoiding her because I didn't know what to do after the kiss, she hugged me and then I kissed her, but after that, I panicked and ran away....'' ''You ran? Ugg, and how was the kiss tho?'' She hit me on the shoulder. ''Well, it was great, her lips are so soft and warm. It is a feeling that I have never ever experienced, my stomach turns in a good way, you know. If I could, I wouldn't let go of her. My worries faded away at that moment.'' I giggled placing a piece of my hair behind my ear. ''Opp, does your principal wear red lipstick?'' She asked looking at my face very seriously. ''Umm, yes, why?'' I asked confused as ever. ''Yea I can see, you have some on your lips now as well.'' She laughed and pointed at my face. I giggled with her, wiping my lips.

   ''I just want to be with her....'' I said laying my body across the bed. ''Oh, and what am I supposed to do, after we kiss?'' I asked waiting for Molly to answer. ''To be honest, I don't know. Hey, the next time yall kiss, which I hope is soon, don't run, go with the flow.'' She said grabbing the crisp bag again and my laptop and plopping next to me in the bed. ''Wanna watch some Netflix?'' She asked. ''You bet I do!'' I replied grabbing the crisps away from her. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now