Chapter 92- Avoidance

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   The moment I was dreading the most had finally arrived, my alarm rang signifying 8 am and that today I would have to avoid the person I loved but hated so much at the same time. As I turned off my alarm I immediately sat up in my bed and started thinking if I wanted to go eat breakfast, my brain was saying no, but my stomach was saying the opposite, I needed to eat or else it felt like I would faint. As much as I didn't want to face Larissa, I still pursued myself to go eat, so I put my hair in a clip and put on a sweater, unlocked my door, but before I stepped out I needed to take a few breaths just to keep myself together. 

   Then I finally pushed down the door handle and stepped out, "Good, she's not here." I was glad that Larissa wasn't waiting for me at my door, so I continued walking to the first floor, checking every corner for her because I was really paranoid. "Hey!!" Enid greeted me cheerfully as ever, as I sat down across from her trying to look cheerful as well. "Good morning, how are you?" I asked because I didn't want her to ask me how I was doing otherwise I would start sobbing. 

   So Enid started telling me about the happy moments she experienced yesterday with Ajax, which kinda made my heart burn a little. With Enid's presence, I even started feeling a little better, to be drawn out of the life that was falling upon me just for a moment, was something I needed. But It all came crashing down back to earth, "Hello Principal Weems," Enid cheerfully said when I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

   A wave of coldness shot through my whole body, but I didn't say anything, I just sat there frozen. "Good morning Enid..." Weems said but after a little pause she continued, "Y/n, mind stepping out for a chat?" And I knew I couldn't say no, because Enid was here and it would be disrespectful to deny the principal, so I nodded my head and quietly whispered, "Okay," as I stood up. 

   I followed Weems out of the dining hall and when we were out I was ready to hear if she had understood what I wanted her to understand. "Y/n! I hate how you're acting! You have to stop!" Larissa said, but I didn't hear what I wanted from her, so without saying a word I ignorantly turned around and started walking back to my dorm. "Y/n! Come back here, now!" She demanded but I didn't stop, and I was glad to turn a corner. I hated how she treated me now, only pointing out my mistakes not ready to see her own and now I didn't even care that I was ignoring her. 

   In my first class, I was wondering what could I do with this whole situation because one day I would have to forgive her, but now it was too early still, I wanted to make Larissa feel worse every passing second and understand what she had done. But I didn't know when she would come to the right mind and when would I forgive her, tho I hoped it wouldn't be too long due to the winter break already being in 2 weeks, meaning that I would leave in 2 weeks, and I didn't want to spend my holidays in a bad spirit and neither I wanted for Larissa to spend them worrying as well. 

   I knew I would have to forgive her eventually. We would have to talk about this, I didn't want this stupid incident to stand in between us forever, but I wanted Weems to understand that I wasn't mad at her for giving Ember the attention, but that she completely blocked out the fact that I almost got raped in Jericho. I would ignore her until I hear the words, "I'm sorry," with the real meaning. After the class ended, when I stepped out of the classroom I immediately looked all-sided hoping not to see Larissa, which I didn't. 

   And this went on for the whole day until lunchtime, but I decided to skip it and hang out in my room, just to avoid Larissa. But as I was walking to my dorm, I cut a corner and saw Larissa walking towards me, but she hadn't noticed me jet, because she was looking down at her phone, so out of pure panic I ran into the first dorm that was closest to me. ''Y/n? What are you doing here?'' A voice came in my direction, and instantly I knew who it was. I had hoped because it was lunch, no one would be here, but I guess not, ''Ember!'' I surprisingly said still in a disgusted voice. ''I guess I just have made a mistake, wrong dorm...'' I started walking towards the doors, wanting to leave this place as soon as possible, but then the doors opened up, and in came Weems. 

   ''Hey, Miss Weems!'' Ember cheerfully greeted her, while I became more and more confused, and then when Larissa saw me here, she looked confused as well. ''What does she have to do here, at Embers?'' I was really confused. ''Y/n?'' Larissa asked, but I was still not ready to talk to her, especially after she had come here and not to me. ''Are you Fucking serious!'' I loudly said, before walking past Weems and exiting Embers dorm. 

   As I was now furiously walking to my dorm, I started thinking, and realized, despite my feeling of deep anger towards Larissa I still wanted to get attention from her: ''But clearly she is giving it all to Ember!'' I stormed into my dorm immediately locking the doors behind me. 

   For the rest of the day, I successfully managed to avoid Larissa, tho I already really missed her hugs and kisses, I needed to keep myself strong.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now