Chapter 130- Discussions

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   For a while I and Molly just chatted, we caught up on the things I had missed back home. I didn't even bother to tell her anything about Larissa because I knew I needed to prove the facts first. I wasn't mad at her for not believing in my love life, so the conversation we had was easygoing and there wasn't any tension whatsoever. We were in a middle of a gossip session when we got interrupted by my dorm's doors opening.

   In came my parents and Larissa as well. She had a sweet but professional smile on her face, and she didn't break character even when I gave her a cheeky smile which my parents surprisingly didn't notice. "This is your daughter's may seem tidy now, but usually it always looks as if someone had turned the whole room upside down." Larissa jokingly said making my mom make the 'I told you so' look on her face, because just before leaving home to come to Nevermore she had told me I won't be able to keep my room tidy, and now because of Larissa she had proved her point. "Didn't need to expose me like that...rude," I replied as Molly was about to burst out laughing because of what Larissa had said.

   "Well, I will leave you be, if you need anything I will be in my office," Larissa softly smiled towards my mom before turning to face me, "or Y/n can show the way...she has come to my office numerous times already, might just be a new record in this school." She finished her sentence before already turning around and walking away. I really wanted to know what Larissa had discussed with my parents so I asked: "So...what did Lar-I mean my principal told you about me?"

   "She caught us up on all of the things you had been up to for the past few months, like how you almost already died...TWICE! That you got drugged and almost sexually abused, you oftentimes don't obey your principal, and that you bearly passed botany classes!" I couldn't properly tell if my mom was angry or if she was worried, but I was soon to find out that it was both, "Y/n! I don't know what is up with you...I am worried! Since you came here you have changed, your attitude toward things is completely different...I-I seriously don't know what to do with you..." She was storming around the whole dorm, before calming a little bit down and coming down to sit on the bed next to me and Molly.

   "I know, I know and I am sorry, I am trying to change my attitude and I promised myself to study better the next semester." I looked over at my dad to see a confused but mostly disappointed look on his face. I hopped off the bed to continue explaining myself, "Yes, my attitude had been completely different, but it is just because for the first time I am alone, studying in a different country without you guys by my side. And because you weren't here with me to correct me about what was good or bad, obviously I will act differently." I felt like I was in one of those Dhar Mann videos explaining my life, the only thing that was missing was for me to say 'So you see..'.

   After my little speech, I decided to lift the spirits back up, "C'mon, it is the holidays... let's not worry about the past! We should enjoy the white snow that is outside right now and most importantly that you guys are here!" I was now just spitting out everything that was on my mind, just to try to switch the subject to something more happy and joyful. "Okay anyways...what do you think about my principal?" I really wanted to know their thoughts about Larissa, if they liked her and thought that she was amazing, or if they had some kind of problem with her.

   "She is great and I think she is the perfect example and a role model for you, Y/n! You should respect her more!" My mom replied giving me a light feeling in my stomach to know that she didn't dislike Larissa. Then I turned my attention to my dad to know his opinion. "She is taller than me, who knew women could be so tall..." He awkwardly laughed not knowing what else to say, and I took his answer as a positive one. "Okay good, because if you had said that you didn't like her...then I would be angry. Principal Weems is the most amazing woman I have ever met!" I couldn't contain myself from not saying anything about the most beautiful woman in the world so I let a little nice thing out from me, nothing that would make my parents suspicious tho.

   I saw that my parents had already turned their attention to unpacking, so I knew this would be the perfect time to go and go show Molly, that what was going on between me and Larissa wasn't just a fairy tale, even if it felt like that. "Okay..." I pulled Molly off the bed right beside me, "I will go show Molly around the school...she really likes Nevermore architecture." "I-I do?" Molly got confused, but I just lightly tugged her on the arm and said, "Yes you do! Now we will go...see the...umm..." I was struggling to remember what kind of style this building was, "rococo or whatever..." I pulled Molly out of the dorm leaving my parents unpacking.

   "Does it look like I am interested in architecture? And who said I wanted to find out?" Molly genuinely seemed confused which made me giggle a little. "Oh...we are not going to go stare at every single wall and ceiling of this, I will show you something better." I started making my way in the direction of Larissa's office.

Authors note:

I won't be posting as often in the upcoming time, I need to find some time for myself because mentally I haven't been doing that well. So if I go days without posting pls don't be mad.

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