Chapter 124- One Bad Girl

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   Larissa basically dragged me to her car, and when we got in, she still didn't say anything. She just turned on the car and started driving leaving me not knowing what to do, I wanted to say something, try to explain myself but at the same time, I didn't know if Larissa wanted my explanation. So I just sat there quietly fidgeting with my hands while just looking at the road.

   I was regretting every choice I had made today, but at the same time, it felt right about what I did because of the gift. It seemed wrong to not gift anything to my lady on Christmas, even mean if you think about it. I wanted to make her that jewelry set, to see her reaction when she received it, and to see her wear it. I understood that I needed to make things right, try to explain myself but at the same time try not to mention the gift part.

   So I finally lifted my eyes off the road and turned my head to see Larissa's dull expression overlooking the road. "I know you're mad and you have all the reasons to be so, but I really needed to go to Jericho." I kept looking at Larissa but she didn't share a single glance at me and just said: "I am disappointed Y/n. I asked you only one thing, to stay in bed, but you can't even do that!" She sarcastically laughed before continuing, "What was so important, that you couldn't ask me to take you, but asked that boy...are you hiding something? Or maybe you are sneaking behind my back going to meet that boy because I am not good enough for you!" I could hear the jealousy in her voice which absolutely broke my heart because that was the last thing I wanted her to think of.

   "No! Never! I would never ever do that to you." I never wanted to cheat on Larissa because I loved her so much. "Why can't you just listen to me for once, I am trying to do what is best for you, because I care about you, but it seems like YOU don't even appreciative the thing I do for you!" Larissa wasn't jelling on me as I had expected, instead, she was talking calmly, handling things professionally but still, I could hear the strictness in her voice. "I-I care, appreciate everything you do, I do, I just don't take things so strictly." I didn't know where this conversation was going, but I was hoping that Larissa won't ask me my reasons as to why I had to go to Jericho.

   "I-I'm sorry I-" I really wanted to even things out between us as fast as possible, but before I could even start explaining, Larissa cut me off, "We will finish this discussion back in my office! Now..." She demandingly raised her already bone-scarping voice, "You sit and don't make a sound! Think about what you did, so later I won't have to listen to you bearly able to make out sentences while trying to explain yourself! Get your thoughts together Young Lady!" And after that she didn't say anything, just kept driving while I sat in silence, letting all kinds of thoughts consume me whole.

   I tried to think of a good excuse as to why I had to go to Jericho because I didn't want to say the truth even tho it was harmless and nothing worth fighting over. I didn't want to spoil the surprise for Larissa, I wanted to see her genuine reaction on Christmas day, not knowing what she would receive, and then see the beautiful jewelry set in the box, I wanted her to be surprised. "What is a good reason, that won't drive this whole situation more deeper in the mud?" I asked myself while watching the trees and landscapes quickly pass my gaze. "I needed painkillers? No...Larissa left them for me in the bedroom in case I needed them."

   All kinds of options and ideas were running through my head, but all of them had their own logical explanations, and if I used them as my excuse Larissa would immediately see through me until something reasonable enough came into my mind. "I got it!" My heart started pumping a little faster as this brilliant idea entered my mind because it was very reasonable enough for Larissa to not catch onto it, but quickly this rush of excitement wore off and the bad thoughts enrolled. "But I will lie...I promised not to lie." At this point the big mix of all kinds of emotions rushing through my body and brain where basically crushing me.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now