Chapter 60- A Warning

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   "Was he the..." "Yes! It was him." I said as I put my hand on my neck which was in so much pain from that dude strangling me. " did the right thing, but maybe we should call the police-" "No! I was the one who attacked him first... let's go back to Nevermore." I said as we started walking to the bus station. "Y/n he almost killed you there and then, if that boy hadn't tackled him off you, you could have died..." Alex was trying to pursue me into doing what she thought was right. "Alex...I attacked him first!" I was trying to explain it to her. "Yea but he almost raped you that night." She was sticking to her opinion but she wasn't getting it. "Yes, but where is the evidence for that? Who is going to believe me? Here at the cafe were witnesses who saw me attack him!" I lashed out at her losing my cool. "But witnesses at the party?" She still was sticking to her thoughts. "He told everyone I was drunk and that he just took me to a bedroom to rest! The only witness was Josh and I was drugged so I don't have much of a statement about him!" "Okay, okay, calm down I get you now, just calm down." She sat placing her hand around my waist to comfort me. "It will be just fine..." I let out a deep breath as we sat down at the bus station.

   After 30 minutes of waiting for the bus it finally arrived and took us back to Nevermore, the ride back was dead silent. When we got back to the school Alex came with me back to my dorm where I sat down on my bed. "Oh, God! Y/n...your neck is all bruised."  She said as she looked over at me. "No shit Sherlock! He strangled me!" I placed my hands on my neck to hide the bruising but then I felt a sharp pain in my right-hand knuckle. "Ouch! Fuck!" I cried out as I looked at my hand and saw it all red. "Oh shit! How hard did you hit him?" She asked as she saw my hand. "Hard enough to make him forget his mother." I said and quickly got up and quickly put on a turtle neck to hide the bruises on my neck not caring that Alex was in the room, and then I sat back down and again looked at my arm but before I could figure out what exactly was wrong with it, Weems walked in my dorm with a face full of shock and confusion that she was trying to hide, but I knew exactly what was wrong."Y/n...please come with me." She said and I obeyed her not wanting any more problems and sat up from my bed and walked towards Weems. "Bye Alex..." I said as I followed Weems out of the room.

   "I can explain..." I said but before I could say anything else she cut me off. " You will, but when we will get to talk under four eyes, okay." "What do you mean with four eyes?" I got pretty confused but then we finally arrived at her office and we walked in. Weems immediately went to her desk and when my eyes followed her they got to cough at the two other people standing at her desk...Sherif and Dr. Kimbott. "Oh Jesus Christ, not them," I whispered under my breath as I remained standing at the door. "Y/n  come closer, sit, we just want to talk to you." Dr. Kimbott gestured for me to get closer. "I rather stand...thanks," I said as I approached them both. "Okay how ever you please...but Y/n we are here we' probably know why." The sheriff said and I lifted my chin higher because I wasn't ashamed of what I did. "Y/n, you beat up a man as well as strangled him, and we want to know why." Dr. Kimbott said and I looked dead into her eyes. "It is simple, I beat him up because he almost raped me that one night...oh and so you know he strangled me as well, and he did it like with an actually intended to kill me! I only did it to scare him!" I said explaining my side of the story, "and besides who reported me..." I asked curiously trying to not show the pain in my face that I received from my hand. "My son, and the man who you beat up." The sheriff said taking his hat off. "Right, right," I replied and for 20 minutes I got scolded by them for beating that man up and the rape attempt wasn't even mentioned throughout the whole conversation. "Y/n...we will let you off with a warning this time, but next time you might get in serious trouble, you understand me." The sheriff said as he got up from his seat. "Okay, next time I will kill him." I let out a fake giggle and Dr. Kimbott's facial expression changed immediately. "We will talk about it in our next session." She said as she got up as well. "Shure we will...bye," I said as Weems lead them out of her office.

   "Y/n, what the hell were you thinking going after that man." She walked up to me. "He wanted to rape me, and I wanted my revenge!" I said as I sat down on the sofa and Weems quickly joined me. "Why couldn't you just have reported him to the police as you saw him." She said placing one of her hands on my thigh. "I-I don't know, the rage I guess," I said knowing damm well my mistake. "Okay, well let's be happy they didn't charge you okay." She said and wrapped one of her arms around me. "Okay, I will go, Alex probably is wondering where I am for so long...but I will come to bed at 10 or something okay." I said giving her a little smile. "Okay." She leaned in for a kiss and I gave it to her.

   I went back to my dorm took some painkillers for the arm and talked with Alex, about that little meeting I just had, but later when she left I started reading a book and when 10 pm arrived I quickly changed into my pajamas and secretly went to Weems. ''Heyy...I am back!'' I said as I entered her bedroom and quickly crawled into her bed next to her. ''Your neck...did he do this to you?'' She asked as she placed her hands softly on my neck. ''I told you he was trying to strangle me, and when I was leaving he even threatened to kill me,'' I said as I placed my hands on hers to take them off my neck, but my medicine where starting to wear off and pain suddenly attacked my arm. ''Why didn't you say they he treated you to the sheriff.'' She asked. ''I forgot...fuck my arm!'' I said as I grabbed it with my other hand. ''What! What's wrong?'' She quickly got concerned and asked. ''I hit him too hard and now my hand really hurts,'' I said as I could feel it pulsating from the pain. ''Let me see.'' She took my arm and looked at it. ''Okay, I will give you something to ease the pain, and tomorrow I will take you to a doctor because it looks serious.'' She got out of bed and left the bedroom and quickly returned with some pills and a glass of water which she gave to me. After that, she go back to bed with me and turned the light off and we snuggled until we both fell asleep. 

Authors note:

Sorry if this chapter is a bit messy, I just didn't have much time to write it as well as my English is not Englishing because English is my second language.

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