Chapter 50- Just A Walk

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I woke up at 6 am and tried to fall asleep again, but I couldn't so I turned to my other side to face Weems. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. I pressed closer to her making her shift a little but she didn't wake up, I hoped that her warmth will help me fall asleep, but nothing... For 20 minutes or so I just lay there closing and opening my eyes once in a while. I kinda hoped that Weems would wake up, but she kept sleeping even when I loudly sigh or aggressively turned to my sides. "Nop, Just gonna go to my dorm and read a book." I quietly said and got out of bed. I grabbed my laptop and walked out of Weems's bedroom leaving her sleeping on the beige sheets.

I got to my dorm and crawled into my cold bed with the book in my hands. I  started reading it but I couldn't focus on reading, my mind was thinking about that man in my dreams. I was starting to believe that the therapy might have just worked because I had one of those dreams(not the Weems one). Dream-I was in Jericho walking around and usually when I got to Ester's house the man would start chasing me, but it didn't happen this time, the man never showed up, instead, Ester started walking with me.

"I need a walk" I got out of my bed and changed my clothes and grabbed my jacket. The sun wasn't jet up there was a grayish tone in the air, and it was cold. I decided to go on a really long walk to Jericho, get some coffee, and visit some shops, it would be plenty of time for my brain to calm down. I put on my headphones and left the school's premises. The walk to Jericho was relaxing in the cold crisp air and by 8:20 I was in Jericho, for my luck the Weather wane was open and Tyler was working. "Heyy!" I happily said as I walked up to the counter. "HI Y/n, you're here early." He said while leaning against the counter. "Oh I just couldn't sleep so I decided to go on a walk, and my usual please." I smiled at Tyler and got my wallet out of my bag to pay. "Oke dokie, so what will you do in Jericho?" He asked as he grabbed the cup and started making my coffee. "I will go buy myself a knife to self-defend if I need to, and after that, I will go to the lake in the woods. "Oh a knife, yea I get why you might need one since that incident," Tyler said and handed me the coffee. " do you know about the incident?" I got really confused and asked him. "Dr. Kimbott told me, I go to her as well." He said and walked around the counter up to me and hugged me. "And I am really sorry about what happened, I truly am." "Yea thanks, but I will go now, kinda want that knife" I wiggled out of his hug exchanged our goodbyes, and walked away.

"I will so kill that woman!" I thought to myself as I started making my way to the store where they sell survival knives. "How dare she tell something like this to someone else! Oh my God what the FUCK IS WRONG WOTH HER?" I loudly said as I approached the store. I entered it and immediately went to the knife sections and as soon as I laid my eyes on the one knife, I knew I had to get it. It was a dark purple knife with a really good grip, the blade was sharp and it looked pretty scary, as well it folded in its metal body so I would stab myself through a bag. I purchased it as quickly as possible and felt so cool and protected. " Now if I see that son of a bitch, I will stab him in the leg or cut his balls off!" I giggled as I played with the knife in my arms. "Ouch! Fuck!" I accidentally cut my palm and blood was now dripping down on the pavement but it didn't really stop me from going to the woods. "Ah, It is just a search!... Oh lucky me!" I lifted my eyes off my palm and saw a pharmacy shop on the other side of the street. " Like they knew someone would cut themselves right after buying a knife!" I chuckled and walked to the pharmacy and bought a cloth and wrapped my palm with it.

And now I was continuing to walk to the lake when my phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw that I had like 50 messages from Larissa and now she was calling me. I picked up. " Y/N? Where are you? Are you okay? Why didn't you answer me?" She poured me with a ton of questions not letting me explain myself. "Okay listen, I am in Jericho, I went on a walk because I couldn't sleep." I tried to answer her questions and I could feel her getting angry. "Diddnt I tell you that you need to tell me where you are going." Her voice now was sharp and loud making my ears want to bleed. " Sorry, I forgot, I am really sorry." I started apologizing feeling bad for making her worry so much. "Forget it! I am coming to pick you up!" She said. " What no, I will get back, don't come-" But she hung up on me before I could finish. "You know what, No, I will still go to the lake, she won't find me, maybe I am in a really unknown place in Jericho, how could she possibly know where I am," I said and started walking towards the woods.

But I still was a bit paranoid and checked my back to see if Weems wasn't behind me the whole walk to the lake. Eventually, I made it to the lake with Weems, not in sight. "Ahh, my nature's safe place," I said and leaned against the rough tree stem. I dragged my back down the tree until I was sitting on the ground and I closed my eyes to feel inner peace. " Finally some peace and quiet." I let out a deep breath. "Y/N WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU.!" I got pulled up by my arm by Weems. "I told you I am coming to get you, but you decide to go here, you really thought I wouldn't find you!" She started dragging me by my arm away from the lake. "H-how did you find me?" I asked not even trying to free myself from Weems's tight grip. "Oh Tyler told me, I know you always have a small talk with him about your plans. NOW GET IN!" She pointed to the car and I obeyed her and stepped in. After that, she didn't say a word but her face said everything until we got to Nevermore.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now