Chapter 41- Cold

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   After we got back to Nevermore me and Weems went our separate ways, she to her office, and I to my dorm where I took a nap as soon as I got back. 

   I woke up because my nose was stuffy and it was already dark outside so I checked the time thinking it was around 7 pm, but to my surprise, it was 1 am. Then I felt that my throat was sore as well. ''Why is it so cold in here.'' Everything hit me at once and I started shivering, and I knew I had cached a cold. ''Shouldn't have let myself get drenched in the stupid rain.'' I got out of my bed and put on some socks and sweater as well as grabbed an extra blanket that I threw over myself and claimed back in my bed. 

   I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't sleep for a long period of time, my head was hurting and my nose was too blocked for me to breathe properly. By the time the sun was up, I managed to fall asleep for good, but this little sleep was disturbed by my alarm, which I quickly turned off and tucked myself back in and fell asleep. 

   ''Hey, Y/n. wake up.'' Someone with a sweet voice woke me up. ''What? Oh, hi.'' I quietly said when I saw Weems sitting beside me on my bed. ''Why aren't you in your classes?'' She asked and pulled the blanket away from my face. '' I'm sick,'' I said pulling the blanket back over my head, but Weems pulled it away again and placed her palm on my forehead. ''Oh, you are burning up.'' She pulled away her hand: ''Have you taken any medicine?'' She asked. ''No, I don't have any,'' I replied. ''It is probably because you were outside in the rain or because you don't wear a scarf when going outside, just throw on your jacket and that is it.'' She said and placed her hand on my cheek. ''Stop, you sound like my mother, but British.'' I placed my hand on her hand which was on my cheek and Weems grabbed it and held it. 

   Then she let it go and stood up and said: ''Okay, I will be right back, just going to bring you some stuff.'' I nodded my head and before she left she gave me a little kiss on my cheek. After 15 minutes she returned and gave me all kinds of medicine as well as made me take my temperature. ''I like that you care about me.'' I sat next to her in my bed and placed my head on her shoulder. ''You do?'' She smirked at me and gave me a little kiss. ''Yeah.'' I replied. 

   When it was lunch time Weems didn't go, she stayed with me, and we just cuddled in my bed for the rest of the day until I got better and Weems had to go to do some work.  After classes had ended for everyone Enid came to me. ''Hello!! Miss. Weems had told me you are sick, so I brought you some homework from classes.'' I took them and said: ''Great! I haven't even finished the ones from the time I was on bed rest.'' I placed the papers on my desk. ''How are you feeling now?'' She asked and sat on my bed where WWeems had sat an hour ago. ''I am a lot better since this morning. Oh, can you tell Miss. Thornhill that I won't be attending her tutor session today?''  I sat in my chair that was at my desk and started looking through the homework. ''Yea, no problem, talking about Miss. Thornhill, as you see most of the papers are from her...'' She said lowering her tone because she know I don't enjoy that subject. ''I see,'' I said because I already noticed that there were more than 5 pages of Plan since. ''Okay then, I will go do my homework, but you get well.'' Enid came to me and hugged me from my back. ''Bye!'' I said as she left my dorm. 

   I was never keen on doing my homework, so I placed the papers on my already existing homework pile and picked up my phone, and saw that I had a message from Josh on my snap:

''Hey, wanna meet up? It was fun yesterday.''- Josh

''Sorry can't, got a cold :(''- Y/n

''But maybe if you feel well enough....''-Josh

''I guess I feel okay.'' - Y/n

''Soo...Meet me at your school lake in 1 hour'' -Josh

''Ok'' -Y/n

   I was tired of sitting in my dorm all day, it was fun when Weems was here, but now that she is not here it is boring and besides, I felt almost fine. When it was time to go I dressed up extra warm and left my dorm and went to the lake where Josh was already waiting. ''Hey,'' I said as I came closer to him. ''Hi.'' He said and hugged me when I came close enough. ''So, how did you get a clod.'' Josh started walking pulling out a cigarette from his bag and lighting it. ''Oh, just stood outside when it was pouring on Saturday,'' I said while walking next to him. ''Wanna try'' he offered me the cigarette, ''You got pulled away from it yesterday by that lady.'' ''Oh no thanks, and besides the lady, you are talking about, she is my principal.'' I pushed the cigarette back to him. We walked around the woods and chatted about where I was from and how I have settled here, we got to know each other more, and I understood that Josh is actually really nice, he just acts tuff in front of his friends. 

   By 9 Josh and I split up because It was getting late and I went back to Nevermore. I quietly got back to my dorm, but someone was waiting for me there. ''Y/n! Where the HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!'' Weems angrily said when I entered my dorm giving me a mini heart attack. ''I-I just went on a walk, that is it,'' I said not mentioning Josh but she knew. ''I saw, who was the boy you were talking to.'' She came up to me closer. ''Just a friend, and please calm down.'' I placed my jacket in my closet but Weems didn't calm down. ''You are not well! YOU CAN'T GO OUT WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD! You can get sicker!'' She didn't let this go. I walked up to Weems and hugged her behind her back: ''Oh come on, I even dressed up warm, put on a hat and everything.'' I pressed my head against her back but Weems slipped out of my grip and turned to me. ''Take your PJs and come with me, you are sleeping with me tonight, so you don't get any ideas to sneak out or something like that.'' She said in a demanding voice. ''Yea I will definitely sneak off at night because that is what I do.'' I picked a clean pair of PJs and placed them in my tote bag, following Weems out of my dorm.

Authors note:

Don't get any ideas about the next chapter.....just showing how caring Larrisa is :)

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now