Chapter 27- Jealous?

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    These last 3 days with Molly went by really quickly, and now we both were on the bus which was going to Jericho. ''I don't want you to, go this week has been so much fun,'' I said picking up my tote bag because the bus had arrived in Jericho. ''Yea me neither, but we both have a school that we can't miss,'' Molly said hopping off the bus. Her bus for the airport leaves at 12 am, and now it was around 10 am, we planned to spend our last hours together, by walking around. 

   ''So, what are your plans when you get home?'' I asked walking along the road passing some shops and houses. Molly shrugged her shoulders and replied: ''I don't know really. Probably the usual, home, school, dance, sleep.'' ''Understandable.''I replied. These 2 hours went by really quickly and we were already back at the bus station, waiting for Molly's bus. ''Hey, promise we will not lose contact again.'' Molly pulled out her pinky finger and pointed it at my face. ''A pink promise?'' I giggled. ''Y/n....'' Molly said annoyingly serious. ''Alright, alright, I promise.'' I grabbed her pinky and made the pinky promise. ''So, what will you do, your bus is only in 2 hours,'' Molly said while looking at the bus schedule. ''I will go to the coffee shop and do the annoying homework,'' I said pointing to my bag in which I had around 30 pages of homework.  ''Yikes, well good luck!'' She said patting her hand on my shoulder to show me how sorry she was. After a few minutes, the bus arrived at the station. ''Well, it looked like this is it.'' I rocked back and forth on my feet. Molly unexpectedly hugged me and said: ''I will miss you so much!'' ''Me too!'' I wrapped my hands around her before Molly went to the bus. As she was stepping in she stopped and said: ''Let's call one a week!'' ''Okay!'' I cheerfully replied. ''Oh and by the way, update me on your love story!'' Molly disappeared in the bus after she said that. The bus left shortly after the last person had paid for the ticket, and when it was leaving Molly waived the last goodbye, to which I waved back. 

   I went to the coffee shop where I saw Tyler. ''Hey,'' I said to him as I approached the counter. ''Oh hey Y/n, haven't seen you in a long time, what's up.'' He asked already making my order which he had memorized in his head. ''Nothing, I will just do my homework here,'' I said getting out my wallet to pay for the coffee. ''Oh, a lot to do, since you didn't attend classes for a while.'' He said handing me the coffee. ''You bet.'' I paid for my coffee and went to find a free seat by the window. I pulled out my pile of homework and started studying. ''Huh, interesting, a lot of stuff I already know. Easier for me!'' I thought in my head while writing down some math problems. In an hour I managed to finish 5 pieces of paper, and I felt so proud. 

   As I started doing botanical science, or as I called it plan since Tyler came and sat across the table. ''You're on a break?'' I asked not lifting my eyes from the table. ''Yea. Is that biology, that you're learning?'' He asked grabbing the paper out of my hands. ''Plant biology.'''I said taking the paper back from him. ''Looks hard, do you understand it?'' He asked. ''No,'' I laughed, ''I can't even keep a plant alive, where to even understand it.'' I took a sip of my coffee. ''Good luck with that!'' He said giggling at me. ''Yea I think I have done enough today.'' I placed the papers back in my bag. ''When are you even going back to your classes?'' Tyler asked trying to keep the conversation casual and going. ''Oh, thanks you reminded me to set my alarm for tomorrow. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, and I don't want to oversleep.'' I grabbed my phone and set an alarm for 9 am. ''Let's hope you can get back to classes!'' Tyler cheered for me crossing his fingers. ''Yea.'' I replied. We were chatting, about random stuff, when someone entered the shop, but I didn't pay attention, because people all time came to get their coffee there. 

   ''Oh, hello Y/n.'' Said a sweet voice and I turned to face Miss. Weems. ''Umm, hello?'' I was confused because she is a principal so I asked: ''Shouldn't you be at school?'' ''I took Wednesday to her therapy session, and I assume you said your goodbyes to Molly,'' Weems said. ''Yup, kinda miss her already, and I am not surprised Wednesday is attending therapy, but don't say her that I said that.'' I giggled. ''Okay, okay. Let me get my coffee and I will join you both.'' Weems walked to the counter to order her coffee. 

   After a short while, she joined us and asked: ''So, Y/n, remember about tomorrow.'' ''Yes, already set my alarm.'' I proudly replied. ''Good.'' Weems said. ''So, I was wondering where did Molly sleep, you have one bed in your dorm,'' Weems asked gripping her coffee cup. ''Oh, she slept with me in my bed!'' I said and saw that Weems got a bit agitated. ''Are you okay?'' I asked her. ''Yes, yes, I am.'' She quickly replied. 

   ''Oh, look at the time, my break is over, I will go, bye.'' Tyler stood up and left. My thought quickly returned back to Miss. Weems. ''Oh my god, is she jealous of my friends sleeping next to me?'' I decided to mess with her a bit and said. '' and Molly slept together, we sometimes even woke up one on top of each other or hugging each other. Oh and....'' That is enough!'' Weems interrupted, slamming her hands on the table. ''She is jealous!'' I thought to myself.  I giggled and changed the subject to my homework. 'Can I perhaps, maybe not do my homework, I have a lot to do, and I won't be able to sleep if I will do all of them.'' I said with puppy eyes looking at her. ''No! Your education is important.'' She slammed the words right in my head. ''Ugg!'' I placed my head on the cold table and Miss. Weeems grabbed my hand and said: ''It will be fine, I can help if you need anything.''She tried to comfort me. I lifted up my head and said: ''Thanks.'' 

Wednesday entered the coffee shop a few moments later ready to go back to Nevermore. ''Y/n come, I will take you back as well.'' Weems stood up and started walking to the exit. ''Okay!'' I grabbed my bag and followed her. 

Authors note:

Today is nothing much of a story, just something random, hope you still like it!

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now