Chapter 46- No To Therapy

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   I woke up confused. My head was hurting and....''Why am I in Weems bed?..... What happened?'' I couldn't remember anything from yesterday, only a few fragments from the party. I looked around confused, Weems wasn't in bed, she probably was working already. I tried to remember what had happened but couldn't so I got out of bed. 

   I had a feeling something bad happened at the party, so I went to Weems's office and found her there. Her beautiful face was staring down at her computer, and she didn't even notice me. I walked up to her, and she finally noticed me and lifted her eyes toward me. ''Good morning sweetie, how-'' ''What happened?'' I cut Weems off: ''How did I get here?'' I asked and Weems stood up and walked up to me: ''Come, take a seat, please...I need to tell you something.'' She grabbed my hand and lead me to the sofa. ''I know you were at that party yesterday, and something happened.'' She said and my heart was starting to race faster. ''You, yesterday, at that party got drugged, and...almost got sexually assaulted, but that boy, with who you usually hang out, he saved you from it, before that person could do something to you...I am so sorry.'' She said in a quiet slow voice and I felt my heart shatter. ''Oh, my, god.'' I quietly said and felt a message ring in my phone, I took it and it was from Josh:

''Hey, are you awake?'' -Josh

''Can we talk? I am at your school lake.'' -Josh

   ''Y/n, how do you feel?'' Weems asked me and I quickly closed my phone. ''Umm, fine, yea fine.'' I quickly replied as Weems was leaning to hug me but I got up before she managed to get me in her embrace. ''Umm, I will go, I need to do something,'' I said and walked away. ''Y/n, wait....''Weems said but I closed the doors before she could finish. 

   I immediately went to the lake to meet Josh. ''Hey!'' He said and hugged me. When he let me go I sat down on the docks and so did he. ''How are you, do you know what happened?'' He asked. ''I am fine, I guess, and yea I know kinda what happened, my principal told me, but I don't remember anything,'' I said fidgeting with my fingers. ''Can you tell me the full story?'' I asked, and so Josh went on to explain everything, how he saw me get carried away to the bedroom, how he found me, and how he brought me back to Nevermore and the last thing he said was: The dude got away when I got back...'' Before he went silent. But I didn't feel anything, I wasn't sad, and I wasn't happy, but I wasn't numb either. 

   After a moment Josh broke the morning silence: ''So, are you ok?'' ''I, yea, I am ok, like nothing happened, he didn't do it, so...'' I said while starting to pick the skin around my fingers. ''Maybe you should talk to someone about this like this is some traumatic shit, you know...'' He said placing his hand on my shoulder. ''You think I need a therapist? I said I am fine. No, I don't need help!'' I got up and started walking away leaving Josh alone on the docks. ''But...'' Josh said and that made me angry. ''But? There are no but's! And besides, I don't remember anything.'' I turned back around and stormed away. 

   ''Help? Yea no I don't need help. I am fine.'' I loudly said as I entered my door. I changed into different clothes and threw the old ones on the ground, a bit disgusted because I thought that if I had worn something else, nothing would have happened. I looked at the time and realized that I was late for my classes. ''Shit!'' I said to myself and grabbed my backpack and quickly left my dorm not even in my uniform. The whole day I didn't really talk, I was in my own world wondering about last night, and I got a lot of what-if questions. ''What if he will find me and...'' But I tried to not think about it that much. The last lession as no surprise was Miss. Thornhills class, but I didn't care, because I just doodled in my notebook until the lesson ended. ''Y/n..'' Miss. Thornhill walked up to me after the lesson, ''Miss. Weems wants t see you in her office now, she says it is something really important.'' ''Omm, ok, thanks,'' I said and left. 

   I made my way to Weems office, I wanted to spend time with her because she made me feel safe, and maybe that is just what she was planning. I opened the door and saw Weems and another woman. She was sitting right across Weems's desk, usually where I sat. ''Y/n, please, come sit.'' Wemms pointed to the other seat and I went to sit. ''Meet Dr. Kinbott.'' Weems introduced me to the lady. ''Umm hello,'' I said as I got comfortable in the chair. ''So Y/n, I called Dr. Kinbott t talk to you, about what happened last night at that party. Weems said looking at me and then at the lady. ''Oh.'' I quietly said and looked down at my hands that were in my lap. ''No, no, no, no, I, I don't need to talk to anyone, I am fine,'' I said and gave an angry look at Weems. ''Y/n..'' the ladystarted talking, ''you went through something traumatic, that no one should go through and I am here to help you,'' ''Oh, no, no, no.'' I laughed, ''I don't need help.'' I stood up, I was pissed off at Weem. ''Y/n! Calm down and sit back down!'' Weems demanded but I refused: ''NO! WHY DO YOU...EVERYONE THINKS I NEED HELP?!'' I shouted at Weems and started going towards the door. ''Y/n'' Weems stood up, I could feel her anger in her voice. ''Good day!'' I said and opened the door, ''Oh, and besides, he didn't get to do it, as well as I don't even remember it.'' I slammed the doors after I left. 

   I stormed back to my door and there was Alex already and she saw knew something was wrong. ''Hey...Are you ok?'' She immediately asked. ''I, I don't know.'' I walked to my bed and sat down, Alex immediately followed me and sat next to me: ''What happened, tell me everything.'' She said grabbing my hands into hers, so I told her everything, it was painful for me to say it out loud to someone else. ''I am so sorry that happened to you.'' She hugged me and I finally broke down. I started sobbing like a little baby. ''I am here for you, I you need to cry your heart out, I am always available.'' She laid my head in her lap. I started crying even harder because she was the first person who didn't suggest me a therapist. For more than 20 minutes I just cried and Alex was there to catch my tears, but then Weems entered my dorm. 

   ''Alexandra, may you please leave, I need to talk to Y/n.'' She said to Alex in a sweet voice and came up to us. Alex got up and left, and Weems sat down where Alex had sat and placed my head now in her lap. She started brushing my hair with her fingers and said: '' I am sorry that I made such a big decision for you not even talking to you. And I have decided that I won't force you to go to therapy, because I care about you, and I hope you will tell me whenever you are ready. And if you need to talk, you can always come to me. Ok?'' She said and I replied with a: ''Mhm.'' before turning myself towards her and softly pressing my face in her stomach. ''I am sorry I shouted at you.'' I quietly said. ''It is fine, don't worry, I will not let you go anywhere on the Fall break.'' She calmly replied.

Authors note:

I hope you can imagine what might happen in Fall break when Y/n and Larissa are alone. ;)


The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now