Chapter 98- Finally Peace

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   ''Larissa, I-'' I wanted to say that I loved her, but Weems put her finger on my lips and shushed me. ''Shh...I think I should talk first.'' She pulled herself closer to me until our legs met each other. ''I want you to know, that I never meant to hurt your feelings, I should have believed you, I should have been there for you when you needed me, I saw in your eyes that you were in pain, but I still believed Ember and I am sorry. I wish I could take my actions back and make everything right, and now I want to make it right.'' 

   She wrapped her arm around my back and pulled me to her. ''I am so sorry Y/n, I promise I will never make the same mistakes ever, these past days without you were like torture and I would never ever want to break up with you, especially when it was completely my fault.'' And as she said that my heart really got softer for her, I wanted to forgive her badly and I was glad that she admitted that she was in the wrong. 

   ''But Y/n...'' I got a little nervous when she changed her tone, ''I need to know if you're alright after what happened in Jericho.'' But this feeling quickly disappeared when I realized that she still cared about that. ''I don't know...'' I quietly whispered not sure if I was fine, ''I am scared of him returning.'' I knew for a fact that I didn't want to experience this ever again and just the thought of it made me sick, but by Larissa being next to me, things didn't seem that bad. 

   Then Weems stood up and pulled me up, and she wrapped her hands around me taking me into a big warm embrace. "You don't need to be scared anymore, I will protect you no matter're safe with me." I didn't want to let go of her, so I wrapped my arms around her waist as well clasping my palms together forming a loop around her. "I love you." I pressed my head into her chest letting the comfort overtake me. 

   I wanted to stay like this forever just hugging her, but Weems had different plans in mind, and I felt her arms getting looser around me and slowly starting to slide down my waist until they clasped onto my sweater. I could hear her slow heartbeats getting faster as my head laid on her chest and suddenly Larissa pulled the sweater off me and threw it on the bed. Then her hands moved up my arm with every touch my skin getting warmer and warmer until her hands traveled up to my head where she placed them under my chin again lifting my head up to face her. 

   "I am never letting you go...ever." And immediately after she said that she leaned in placing her soft lips on mine, the moment I was longing for the most. Larissa always showed that she was in charge by the way she was kissing me, and today it was no exception, but now her kisses were more fiery and intense and that just made me want to continue kissing her all night. I hadn't jet let my arms go from her meanwhile Larissa's hands were grabbed in my hair and it wasn't long before they started moving down back to my waist. 

   And then Larissa slowly started kissing me down to my neck leaving warm little red marks on my neck or shoulder with every kiss. And then I realized what Larissa had in mind, and tho I was happy to finally be with her, kiss her, I wasn't in the mood to do anything more than snuggle in her arms. So I felt really guilty for what I would about to do, I finally let my hands go and placed them on Larissa's cheeks making her pull her face away from me. 

   "What, is everything okay?" She caringly asked making me feel even more guilty. "I, I am not in the mood to, know what. I'm sorry..." I bowed my head down feeling my stomach starting to get upset because I felt bad. "Oh, Y/n...honey..." Larissa took both of my arms into hers, "Don't apologize, it is fine, we can just share our presence with each other, we don't need to do anything else." I immediately felt better that Weems was so understanding so I replied: "I would love to snuggle with you...and maybe watch a movie if that is okay." I gave a half smile to her just wanting to fall in the bed next to her. 

   "It is more than okay." And then Larissa took one of my arms and started leading me closer to the bed. "Do you have any movie in mind?' She asked as I sat down on the side of the bed where I usually slept and Weems sat down next to me as well. "I really don't know...maybe a comedy?" I said starting to take my shoes off while Weems stood back up and as she started going away her hand dragged up my back making little goosebumps appear on my skin. 

   Larissa quickly left her bedroom but soon enough returned with a laptop in her hands. She walked to the other side of the bed and placed the laptop on the nightside table as I was crawling into her bed. "We can spend the whole day here if you please, well...actually you don't have much of a choice because I am not letting you go anywhere." Larissa chuckled at her own joke before she sat down on the bed as well starting to take off her shoes. 

   "Y/n...mind helping me unzip my dress?" She nicely asked as she looked over at me, and I quickly crawled up to her and started unzipping the dress. As I unzipped it I even started helping her to take it off and when her naked shoulder was visible I couldn't help myself not to kiss it. "I love you." I hugged her from the back placing my head on her shoulder as she had taken off her dress. "I love you too Y/n."  

   Her back and shoulders were so warm not like my cold cheeks that were pressing against her skin. We just sat there for a minute or two in complete silence appreciating each other's presence, before we finally got comfortable in the bed and Larissa put on a random movie. I cuddled up next to her and she pulled me as close as possible wrapping one of her arms around me while I laid my head on her shoulder. Finally, I could feel peace and love again.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now