Chapter 104- Breaking Hearts

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Larissas POV:

   After I had asked Ember to see me after classes, I was heading back to my office when I saw Y/n sitting alone on the ground in an empty hall. I wanted to know what was she up to and say hi as well, so I started walking up to her, and when I got to her she hadn't yet noticed me because her beautiful eyes were looking down at her phone instead of me. 

   ''Hello Y/n.'' I greeted her finally making her lift her eyes off the screen. ''Oh, hey beautiful.'' I could see how her eyes sparkled when she saw me. ''Why are you sitting on the ground...alone?'' I asked, with a thought in mind that something might have happened, making her sit here. ''I can't be alone?'' She replied while still sitting on the ground, making me look down at her. ''No, no, I am just curious, why sit here, when you could spend time with me? In the morning you were stuck to me, and now not?'' It seemed odd, the more I thought about it. ''Oh,'' she chuckled, ''I like to sit here, no one ever comes here. It is a pretty calm place, where I can study or just be alone.'' 

   She kept looking up at me, making me realize how big of a height difference we had right now. ''It still doesn't explain why you are sitting on the ground.'' I showed her with my eyes the free chair 20 feet away from her. ''I like sitting on the ground.'' She immediately replied as if she was already waiting for me to ask this. ''You will get your uniform dirty Y/n, you know how dirty the floors are?'' It generally looked uncomfortable to sit on the ground. ''At least these floors are cleaner than my schools back home. And besides, I can clean my uniform.'' 

   ''Alright, I won't argue about this, but I strongly advise you to go sit down elsewhere.'' I wasn't ready to continue talking about why it is bad to sit on the ground, because Y/n still won't listen and would keep sitting there anyways. ''Well...I can sit on your lap.'' She started smirking. ''You would just have to come to my office.'' ''Why not here...on the ground...'' I wasn't going to sit on the ground because someone could catch us together. ''Y/n you know why, my office is more private.'' I was about to pull her off the ground but she didn't spare a second and stood up. 

   She didn't say anything, just looked into my eyes, before she leaned in and gave me a little kiss, before pulling away and replied: ''I would love to, but I have less than 10 minutes until my class starts, but I can come to sit on your lap right after the classes end...'' She said in a soft voice as she took my hand and traced imaginary stars on my wrist, but then I remembered she couldn't. ''I am afraid you can't love, I will be talking to Ember.'' ''Alright, then I will come after.'' She let go of my arm and immediately sat back down on the ground. 

   ''On the ground, again?'' I really didn't like that she sat on the ground, and I didn't even know why, so before she could say anything I leaned down, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back up. ''You are going to your class, or else you will be late.'' I quickly scuffed her uniform with my arms, before I gave her a little kiss. ''Alright, alright, I will go, don't need to become my mom because of this.'' She turned to face me. ''Go to your class, I will see you later.'' I kissed her forehead before turning her back around towards the exit of the hall. 

   When Y/n had left for her class I walked back to my office and started doing some work until Ember's classes would end and she would come to see me. I felt a little sorry that I had to inform her about this because we all used to have crushed and most definitely didn't want them to break the bad news even before they had confessed. But I knew I had to do this, and that it would be better for me and Y/n. And that is what I kept reminding myself all day until Ember finally showed up. 

   I heard a faint knock on my door before they opened up, and in came Ember. She was standing at the door looking pretty happy. ''Ember! Please come, sit down.'' And as I said that she quickly not saying a word walked up and sat down opposite my desk. ''Do you know why I have asked you to be here?'' I asked her wanting to know if she had any suspicion or that maybe Y/n had hinted her something. 

   ''No...'' She slowly shook her face, ''I am not in trouble, right?'' ''Oh no, no, but there is something else, I wanted to discuss with you, and it won't be easy for you...'' I started already feeling bad for her, even before I had broken the news to her. ''Did someone die? Am I expelled?'' She immediately assumed the worst and that reminded me of Y/n, how she always started overthinking things, and it felt as if she was sitting in that chair not Ember, the only thing that was different was the hair color.  

   ''All right, I will just get to the chase and say it.'' It felt like I needed to gather all of my strength, just to break this to her. ''So, I have heard that you might have a little crush on me and-'' But before I could say anything else, Ember cut me off. ''Y/n told you, didn't she?'' She scooted closer to the edge of the seat. ''I will not be naming anyone, but -'' And again Ember cut me off. ''She told you! That bitch can't even keep a secret.''

   ''Ember. We don't use that kind of language in my school!'' I didn't like that anyone used swear words but especially Y/n. ''Well...she likes you too! Did you know that?'' Ember was sitting so close to the edge of the chair that it looked like one more inch and she would fall off it, and her hands were gripping the arms of the chairs so hard that her fingers turned white. ''I know she likes me as well, and I already had this talk with her. And I will say the same thing I said to her.'' 

   I quickly made some stuff up about Y/n so Ember wouldn't feel as bad as she does now. ''Ember...I just want to clarify that I want to keep our relationship completely professional, without anything else.'' And as I said that I could see how Ember's heart shattered just from her facial expression changing into a more confused look. 

   ''So you...don't like me...'' She quietly asked. ''Unfortiently not, I'm sorry, to break this to you,'' I replied with the same tone, sad and quiet, but then Ember giggled. ''No, this can't be, you're joking, right?'' She stood up and I thought she was about to leave. ''Ember, I am sorry, but-'' Ember cut me off again, ''I will show you, something Y/n would never ever do, I had to do this!'' She started walking up to me and I was wondering what she meant by Y/n not doing something, but before I could come up with anything good, Ember was standing right next to me. 

   I pushed my chair back away from my desk and turned out to face Ember. ''Miss. Weems, I don't like you, I love you so much, and maybe you haven't realized this jet, but I can help that! I just know it is our fate!'' She was looking deep into my eyes as if she was searching for something but now I wondered what she meant by helping: ''Ember, what do you mean by-'' But before I could complete my sentence I felt Ember's lips on mine. 



The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now