Chapter 110- Strange World

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   I woke up and when I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed something, I wasn't in my dorm or in the hospital, but instead, I was in my own house. ''What the-'' I quickly pulled the covers away from me and pulled up my T-shirt and saw no scars, from where I was stabbed. 

    ''Strange...'' I got out of my bed and looked around my room which was the same as I had left it the day I left for Nevermore but yet so different. ''How did I get here?'' I walked out of my room and went into the living room. ''Mom? Dad?'' I asked to see if someone was around, but the house felt strangely empty. ''I don't understand...'' I was confused about how I got here because the last thing I remember was Larissa holding me in her arms begging for me to stay awake. 

   I checked every single room in my house and found no one, so I walked back to my room and sat down on the floor, and started wondering. ''Did I dream all of this? Was it fake? Is Larissa just a figment of my imagination? But it felt so real...too real...'' I didn't want to believe what was I thinking, but I did have a better explanation. 

   ''No! No, no, no!'' I broke down and started uncontrollably crying my eyes out because I didn't want to believe that these past months with the love of my life were fake. The whole atmosphere was off, it wasn't as bright as it usually was, the air had a blueish-grey tone to it and everything was too quiet like it was fake, and that me cry even harder because I thought that my perspective and the way I look at things had changed from my ''fake, so-called imaginary world''. 

   But sudenlly I heard the front door open and immediately the house got filled with people's voices. ''Mom? Dad!'' I heard their voices and immediately ran out of the bedroom wiping away my tears. At that moment I put aside my sad thought because I had really missed my family and was glad to at least see them, but when I got to them I greeted them but didn't get a greeting back. 

   ''Mom? Hey!'' I happily said but she just walked past me into the kitchen not even sharing a glance towards me, making me wonder if I had done something bad and if she was ignoring me. ''Mom? Are you ignoring me? Dad!'' I turned to him but he didn't have any reaction at all. ''What is up with you guys?'' I tried to put my hand on Mom's shoulder but it went through her as if she was a ghost. ''What the heck?'' And then I started realizing things. 

   ''Am I dead? Is this my afterlife? No! NO, NO, NO!'' Tears once again started rolling down my cheek and I ran back to my room and jumped back in my bed covering myself completely with the blanket, hoping that things would go back to normal. ''I can't be dead! There is so much I wanted to do! I am too young...and I didn't....I didn't say goodbye to my mom, at least Larissa knows I love her...'' I closed my eyes and hoped for things to go back to normal, for me to open up my eyes and be next to Larissa in her bed, cuddling her and while crying I had fallen asleep. 

   I woke back up, still covered with my blank, disappointed, and really upset for not feeling Larissa next to me. ''It can't be...'' I whispered not ready to accept the fact that I was dead, so I pulled off the covers to make the reality hit me once again, but this time I wasn't in my room, in fact, I was back at Nevermore in my dorm, but with the same eerie feeling that was at my home, but I still had hope of not being dead, so I quickly got out of the bad and ran as fast as possible to Larissa's office. But when I got there, her office was empty, and things felt strange. 

   ''Larissa! Hello! Love! Are you here!?'' I asked as I walked throughout her whole office looking for her, but in the end not finding anything I decided to go back to my dorm. ''Am I actually dead?'' I asked myself as I entered my room immediately getting startled by a figure standing in the corner. 

   ''Hello Y/n?'' I saw that the person standing there was Ember. ''You can see me?'' I asked not knowing how to react or what to do.  ''Yes, please, come sit.'' She walked up to my bed and sat down gesturing for me to come as well so I did. 

   ''I am sorry that things had to end like this, and I hope we can make up.'' She said dressed all in black reminding me of death. ''I don't know...I don't even know what is happening, everything is so weird, one minute I am back home being ignored by my own mother and the other I am back here where you seem to be the only person existing except for me, if this is my afterlife...then I would rather be in hell.'' I said as I looked up from my lap and saw light coming from my bathroom. 

   ''What- do you see that?'' I asked Ember pointing to the light. ''Go check it out.'' She pushed me out of bed, so I started walking toward it, being really drawn to it. ''It is really is getting wider, why is it getting wider?'' I turned back to Ember and she replied: ''Just go...'' So I decided to continue walking to the end of it, now feeling like I was in a white tunnel, in a different world. ''Go! Follow the light!'' 

   ''Got towards the light? Where have I heard-'' It finally clicked for me, ''I am not dead! But I will be if I continue walking, I have to get back!'' I turned back around and saw the exit of this tunnel getting smaller and smaller with every passing second, so I started running, but it felt like some force was dragging me back in deeper. 

   ''No! I am not dying! Not today! I need to get back, back to Larissa, she needs me! I can't leave her!''  I was using all of my strength to get away from this place, closer to the exit and it seemed to be working, so I knew I couldn't give up. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now