Chapter 136- Now You Know

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   ''Hey...Y/n, wake up.'' Larissa lightly shook me trying to wake me up, but I just pulled the blanket higher over me. ''I know you don't like being woken up, it is a proven fact, but now I think you should get up unless you want your parents to wake up and find you missing.'' She said as I could still feel her being under covers herself.

   ''Right...'' I lightly opened up my eyes as I scooted higher in the bed. Now that Christmas had passed I was wanting for my parent to leave quicker just so I could spend the rest of the holidays together with Larissa. But my dream would come true eventually because already tomorrow they would leave to fly back home. 

   ''All right, now hop hop out of bed, who knows maybe your parent already are awake,'' Larissa said as she got out of bed herself. She opened up her closet and quickly picked out something more casual than her usual pattern of constant dresses. ''What's the occasion for this choice of clothing?'' I asked chuckling a little because usually, people say it whenever someone is dressed up fancy but with Larissa it was completely the opposite. 

   ''What? Do you think I only wear dresses?'' She replied generally seeming to be a little offended by the comment I had just made. ''No, no, it is not like it is every day that I see you wear sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt.'' I chuckled a little embarrassed by making Larissa feel like she can't wear other clothes than dresses. Larissa just ignorantly rolled her eyes at me and started changing. 

   Whenever she was changing in front of me I couldn't stop admiring her, her tall and beautiful figure, her soft and settled movement of her sliding the clothes on her. At first, I used to be nervous and would look away whenever she was changing in front of me, but now that I had become so close and comfortable with Larissa it seemed silly to think that I used to turn away. 

   When Larissa changed she looked back at me and didn't seem pleased with what she saw. ''Y/n! I said get up!'' She stated firmly making a little shiver run down my spine. ''Okay, okay...'' I obeyed her wish and started slowly pulling the blanket away from my body as Larissa was already leaving the bedroom. So I got out of bed and quickly followed her to the office. 

   ''I wish I wouldn't have to go...'' I latched on to Larissa and hugged her from her back. ''But at least tomorrow we will be free, all alone, just you and me, together...'' I said as I pressed my face into the soft fabric of her shirt. ''You're making it sound creepy and unromantic,'' Larissa replied as she wiggled her way out of my grip to face me. ''Pfff...that is not creepy, I'm not creepy.'' I laughed as I already was reaching to my tiptoes to get my face closer to Larissas. 

   ''Oh, you better don't even try to bring the creepiness that is lying inside you out to the daylight,'' Larissa said as she was slowly pulling her face closer to mine as well. ''So you think I am somewhat creepy.'' ''No...but I know you're full of surprises.'' She said as our faces were already inches from each other. ''Well...will this come as a surprise?'' I said moments before I leaned in and kissed her. As my lips were softly moving against her's I felt Larissa place her hands on my waist and pull me as close to her as possible. I didn't want to let go of her, I wanted this kiss to last forever but then I heard something that made my stomach drop. 

   ''Y/n?'' I pulled myself away from Larissa to see my mom standing right at the door with the most horrified facial expression. ''MOM!?'' ''What Is Goin On!'' She ask as she was looking at me then at Larissa and then back at me. ''Oh My God...'' I felt how fast my heart was beating, and it felt like I would be sick. ''I-I can explain...'' ''A-Are you g-gay?'' It sounded like she had to use all of her strength to get that word out of her mouth. ''Mom...this was not-'' but she cut me off, ''and what is this?'' She pointed to me and Larissa with her finger signaling how disgusted she was. 

   ''I didn't raise you to be this way...'' She mumbled something under her nose before turning her attention back to us.  ''EXPLAIN YOURSELF Y/N!'' She demanded. I was in shock, I didn't know what to do or what to say, as if I had swallowed my own tongue and when I looked at Larissa to ask her for help I could see that clearly she didn't know what to do either. ''Mom...can you please sit down...'' I gestured towards the sofa but she kept standing and didn't say anything, she was just waiting for my explanation. 

   So I took in a deep breath before starting to answer all of her questions. ''Yes, Mom...I am gay.'' And as I said that I could see that it seemed like my mom got stabbed in the chest with a knife. ''A-a-and w-what is? A-are you, you and-'' She looked up at Larissa and then back at me, it seemed like she was the one being accused of something. '' it a bad thing?'' I asked as I took a step back closer to Larissa, not knowing what else to say or do. ''You're dating your principal! It is nonsense!'' A pause fell between us before she placed a hand on her head and said: ''What will our family think of us...they will think we are freaks.'' ''Mom! No one is a fucking freak!'' I lost grip of myself already starting to walk up to my mom to say something else, but Larissa stopped me by placing a hand on my shoulder. 

   ''I knew it...this place is not good for you! I knew I shouldn't have accepted this opportunity!'' ''What?'' I asked not completely getting her point. ''This place has completely messed you up! You have changed! Where is the little nice girl I used to know...and who is this standing across from me? This is not my daughter.'' Mom started becoming disrespectful towards me which absolutely crushed me because she didn't see me as a human being anymore. 

   ''Wait you think I am gay because I came here?'' ''Yes! Thank God you're not spending the second semester here...'' ''WHAT!'' 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now