Chapter 31-Alexandra

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   The rest of the night I tried to clean the blood off my bag, but now the bag had a brownish-red tint to it, which I kinda liked. In the morning Enid woke me before my alarm immediately lecturing me about last night: ''Wake up! Do you even realize what you did last night? You can't go sneaking off!'' She said, her voice hitting my already painful head. ''Enid, Enid, please, I have slept for 3 hours, please, give me some mercy!'' I said pulling the blanket over my head. ''No!'' Wake up and suffer your consequences!'' She took the blanket away from me. 

   I got up, trying to connect to reality while stumbling to the bathroom. ''Enid, I will manage, see you in class,'' I said shutting the doors behind me. In the bathroom, I changed the bandages that were wrapped around my palms. After I was done I checked my phone: ''8 am? Enid, I....'' I changed into my uniform and went back to my bed and changed my alarm to 8:50. 

   At 8:50 I got up and I didn't need to change my outfit, I just immediately went to my class. I basically slept through all of my classes as well as in Miss. Thornhill class, but she wasn't that pleased about it. She would always ask me questions not letting me sleep properly, to which I couldn't answer. I knew she would ask me about the homework after class, so I packed my stuff before the bell rang and quickly left the classroom. ''Phef, got away from trouble. Slay from me!'' I quietly said making my way to lunch. I took a glass of water and a plate with a sandwich and made my way to Enid's table. ''I am so tired!'' I said plopping next to Enid and Ajax. ''That is why you don't wander around at night,'' Enid said. ''Ehh, I was back by 9 in fact!'' I took a sip of water. ''I just washed my bag,'' I said. ''Still, you wouldn't have to wash your bag if you hadn't left yesterday,'' Ajax said. ''I guess yea,'' I replied and started eating my sandwich. When I was done I picked up my plate and went to look for a free seat in one of the halls. 

   I placed my bag on the seat and sat down as well, I pulled out my headphones and put them on. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep while listening to music. But then I felt someone sitting next to me but I didn't care who it was, so I didn't look. ''Hello.'' Said a sweet voice, and I was forced to look who it was. ''Oh, hi,'' I said when I saw a girl sitting next to me. She had short brown, pixie-cut hair, and earth-tone clothing. ''I like your pins.'' She said pointing to my bag on which I had multiple badges, like, ''I love hot moms'', ''MILF hunter'' and some cat pins as well. ''Thanks, Y/n by the way.'' I said holding my hand out and introducing myself. She happily took my hand: ''Alexandra, but you can call me Alex.'' ''Nice to meet you,'' I shook her hand. ''I haven't seen you around here, are you new?'' I asked her letting go of her hand. ''Oh, no, no I have been studying here already for 2 years, just this year, I was on vacation.''She said nicely smiling at me. ''Oh, well I am just an exchange student with no special abilities,'' I giggled. Alex giggled as well. ''Hey, want me to show you a secret place where you can go when you need to be alone?'' She asked standing up. ''Yea sure.'' I stood up and started following her. She lead me out of the school, around it to a door that was covered in vines. ''Here?'' I asked as Alex was opening it and entered it. ''Yup, lo and behold, my chill zone!'' She said. ''Wow, it is so quiet here.'' I said entering it as well, ''and dusty.'' I wanted to sneeze. ''Isn't it nice?'' Alex asked. ''Yes, I love it,'' I replied walking around the room. ''I assume it was an old biology class,'' Alex said. ''Yea, I see it,'' I replied. 

   For the rest of the lunch break, we just chatted and chatted about our lives, family, and friends. When the bell rang we both left for our classes but decided to meet in my dorm after classes. Again for the rest of my classes, I just slept and anxiously waited for them to end. And when finally the last period ended I quickly went back to my dorm, where Alex was already looking through my books. ''Hey.'' I said closing my doors ''I will show you something, come.'' I stepped out on the balcony to show Alex my little quiet place. ''Up there is my quiet zone, but it is not super secret,'' I said climbing up the roof, on which I had already placed a rope to make my life easier. When Alex got up, I could see her words being taken away by the beautiful view. ''Beautiful, isn't it? You need to see the sunsets here!'' I said. ''Truly mesmerizing.'' That was all she said. ''Hold up, I will be right back.'' I climbed down and got some snacks from my drawer, and claimed back up. There we just talked again waiting for the sunset which set shortly after 5 pm. 

   I looked down and saw Miss. Weems longing at us from her balcony. ''Oh, I hope she is not thinking...'' She quickly turned around and went back to her office, and It looked like she slammed her doors. ''Hey, I wanted to ask you, why are your hands bandaged?'' Alex hit me out of my thoughts and I went on explaining to her the story, that went down yesterday. We talked for a while, but then Alex left to do her homework, and that gave me the motivation to do some myself. Then I remembered about Larrisa, and how I think she is now jealous. ''It was probably nothing,'' I said and continued to study. 

Authors note:

This story was begging for an upcoming drama. :)

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora