Chapter 105- Emotional

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   At first, I didn't understand what was happening, so I just sat there not moving a muscle. For good 5 seconds, Ember's lips were on mine, but when I finally realized what was happening, I placed my hands on her shoulder and pushed her away from me. 

   ''Ember! This is completely inappropriate!'' I got agitated because the only person who can place their lips on mine where Y/n. My hands were still on her shoulders and I could only focus on her lips because now there was lipstick smudged on them.  ''Did you like it?'' That was all Ember could say and hearing this just made my blood boil even more. ''GO SIT DOWN!'' I strictly demanded while pointing towards the chair, but Ember didn't move an inch and it seemed as if she didn't even hear me. 

   ''I bet Y/n didn't do this!'' She ignorantly replied, trying to ignore what was going on, but in her eyes, I could see fear and panic. ''Ember!'' I stood up and pointed to the chair once more, ''Go. Sit. Down! THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!'' I lashed out at her, even tho it wasn't in my intentions, but at the same time, it felt good to sculd her, especially after what she had said about Y/n, calling her that disgusting word. I noticed that Ember was a little shorted than Y/n as I was almost standing over her, looking into her ignorant but jet so fear full eyes, when Ember finally came back to earth and finally went and sat down. 

   Right now I was so furious and couldn't sit back down, so I remained standing. ''WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? WAS THIS ALL JUST TO WIN THAT COMPETITION?!'' I put my hands on my waist to show more dominance and make Ember realize that I was in charge and that kissing me was a bad idea. When I mentioned the competition I saw Ember clench her jaw and dig her fingers in her own sweater. ''You know about that too! That fucking Y/n! I will kill that bitch if I need to!'' Ember seemed to become more agitated as well from the way she spoke, but right now I didn't care about that. I could feel my blood start to boil even more when I heard her call Y/n a bitch again. 

   ''Don't you dear call Y/n like that! And YES! I know about that competition! You really thought this was so a good idea? Your doings are completely despicable, thinking that by kissing me, I will choose you as if you were some prize at the fair. THAT IS RIDICULOUS!'' I couldn't stand still any longer, so I started walking around my office to try to channel my emotions, or else I will throw Ember out of my office right now, and not share a glance at her for the rest of the school year, but I knew that is not how school headmistress handles situations like these. 

   ''It is not all about that!'' Ember stood back up as well to face me, ''I have always wanted to kiss you, since the first day I got here, it is all that I have been wanting to do. I love you, Miss. Weems, I really, really do. And by bringing Y/n into this, I thought it would speed up the process. And I thought the kiss would...'' Ember seemed to freak out a little and so she stopped talking, but now I was curious as to what she was about to say, ''Would what?'' I asked her hoping to get her to speak. 

   ''That would change things, besides I knew Y/n would never do this, so I got a shot...'' At first, it seemed that she was breaking down, and starting to open up, and I even started feeling bad for her, but when I heard her mention Y/n, all my sympathy towards her vanished, bringing me back to earth. ''DON'T YOU BRING Y/N INTO THIS! SHE IS NOT PART OF THIS CONVERSATION!'' I couldn't handle standing anymore, so I walked back to my desk and sat down while taking in a deep breath just to calm myself down because it felt like I was going a little overboard. 

   Ember, seeing me sit down, did the exact same thing, I was relieved that she did so because now I didn't need to demand her to sit. I put my hands on the desk and clasped them in front before I, in a now calm tone said: ''You do realize I can expel you right this second.'' ''WHAT WHY?'' Ember's pitty look immediately changed into fear, which I really liked to see. ''Because what you did is absolutely wrong! You can't kiss your principal, it is inappropriate and just self-explanatory, that everyone should know, you not being an exception.''  I knew that Y/n would be over the moon if she found out that I expelled Ember, but right now expelling Ember wasn't the right thing to do. 

   ''But I am not so cold-hearted and I won't expel you, at least for now.'' I pulled my hands away from my desk and crossed them, while Ember was recovering from the news she just heard. I decided to try to go softer on her and explain things: ''You know Ember...'' I took in a deep breath before I continued, ''You can't make someone fall in love, just by kissing doesn't work like that.'' I had already shifted my tone to a much nicer one, ''And besides, my heart belongs to someone else.'' I was finally glad to tell her that I was together with someone, but not mentioning Y/n, for privacy and safety matter. 

   But when I said that Ember's face changed drastically,'''What! NO!'' She stood back up and I realized that Ember didn't take this information as I wanted her to take it. ''Sit. Back. Down. Now! I am not done discussing this!'' I demanded while still keeping my neutral tone, but Ember didn't listen and started walking towards the door. ''No, no, no, nothing is going the way it should be!'' She opened up the door ready to leave, so I stood up and strictly said: ''EMBER GET BACK HERE NOW!'' But she didn't list she was already walking out, and before she left she loudly said: ''This is all Y/n fault!'' Before she walked out slamming the doors behind her. 

   ''I need a glass of wine.'' I started heading to grab my bottle of wine because this Emotional roller coaster had left me speechless. I got my bottle of wine, sat down on the sofa and poured myself a glass, and started thinking. Ember had left me completely furious and agitated that I even didn't notice that I was already pouring myself another glass of wine, and then another, and another. 

Authors note:

Hey, sorry I didn't post yesterday and left you all hanging, I just got really sick and didn't have the brainpower to write anything, and that is why this chapter might be a little messy.


The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora