Chapter 114- Bigger Problem

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   Larissa had left me alone in the hospital, because she had to go back to Nevermore to do some work, so in the meantime, I just scrolled through my phone watching some TV shows. I hated being in the hospital, especially alone, just surrounded by doctors and nurses coming in to check up on me once in a while. The worst part was the small talk that formed every time someone came in, making me always feel awkward because often I didn't know what to say or how to answer their question. 

   "Larissa...please come quicker, please..." I couldn't handle these small interactions anymore, but Larissa wasn't showing up even when I begged her to do so over text. 

"Hey, when will you come back?" -Y/n 

"I don't know honey, it will be a while." -Larissa 

"Larissa, pleaseeee, I miss you and I am bored out of my mind." -Y/n 

"I'm sorry Y/n, you will just have to wait." Larissa 

"Can't you come work here?" -Y/n 

"You know I can't, I am deeply sorry, but I will try to be as quick as possible with finishing my job for the day." -Larissa 

   And before I could reply anything to Weems, I saw someone enter but as I saw who it was I wasn't as annoyed as I wanted to be because it was Dr. Miller who had entered. "Hello..." She greeted me happy as always. "Hi." A smile appeared on my face because Dr. Miller was the only person who didn't annoy me and to whom I was ready to talk. Due to her bright and happy personality, she almost reminded me of Ember but more mature and grown up. 

   "Coming to check up on me?" I asked almost knowing the standard procedure completely from my memory, that I could even check myself if I wanted to. "Yes indeed, but I wanted to ask you something as well." She walked up, as I pulled the blanket away from me. "Go ahead...I am listening." I was curious to know what she had to ask because it could be anything, starting from my health all the way to something else not medicine-related. 

   "I was meaning to ask, are you that Y/n, who my son is over the moon about?" " depends, there could be many girls around here with the same name as I do." I chuckled already knowing what she meant. "His name is Josh...and I'm pretty sure you fit the description."  She said as she wrote something down in her chart. "Oh, well then it is me..." I said in an almost high-pitched voice starting to regret what I had said to Josh the last time I was over at his place when I and Larissa were fighting just days ago. 

   "And are his mom, right?" I asked not knowing what else to say. "Yes, I am...Josh has told me a lot about you, and he is not wrong, you are very beautiful..." She picked up the chart, "All right, I am all done, and if it is okay, I will go inform Josh that you're in the hospital because he has been trying to reach you for these past few days...he will be devastated to hear this, especially knowing what both of you have going on..." She giggled as she was about to leave, but I quickly stopped her and asked: "Wait, what do you mean..." I wanted to know how much she knew. 

   "Oh, it is just interesting how I thought that the relationship between both of you won't work out because you ran off when he kissed you...Josh was so devastated when he came home, but now it seems like things are starting to go better, am I right?" "Yea, yea definitely," I replied as the doctor stepped out. 

   "Oh, my God! He tells everything to his mom, what the fuck...Is he Mama's boy?" It seemed weird but funny at the same time until this funny moment turned into something I had to worry about. "God, what if Dr. Miller starts telling this stuff about me and Josh in front of Larissa, especially if Josh will be here as well? She will definitely not understand why I teased Josh and played with his feelings, but I have a reason, he was trying to break us apart...yea, that is why I did what I did. And it is not like I kissed him or whatever. Eww, I don't want to kiss him, never!" 

   I really hoped that Josh won't show up at the exact same moment when Larissa would be here, because then this would be really awkward. And now I didn't know what to do and just hoped for the best, and that nothing would play out as I imagined it. After this, I continued laying in my bed not doing anything, and trying to fall asleep because I didn't know what else I could do. 

   And I guess I managed to fall asleep because one-second outside was dark, and the next one as I opened up my eyes, it was dark already and someone was sitting already beside me. "Hey, how did you sleep?" Asked me the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life, she had the most beautiful blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, and a voice of an angel, my dear Larissa.

   " finally showed up. I thought you would never..." I just wanted to jump in her arms and cuddle her because I already had missed her so much. "You know I had work...but I would never leave you here alone for too long, at least not anymore." She placed her hand on my stomach and softly smiled at me. 

   "You don't have to..." "Y/N! I am not leaving you! End of discussion. " Larissa cut me off in a demanding and strict voice even startling me a little, but not in a bad way, I liked that she cared about me. "God...Larissa..." I started playing with my hair, "That was-" I got cut off because we both heard a knock on the door and when I looked up I saw Dr. Miller walk in, and after her followed Josh. 

   "Uh oh..."

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now