Chapter 42- Loving And Caring

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   ''I am in fact not tired,'' I said crawling into Weems's bed. ''Well, that is too bad.'' She replied getting undercover as well and turning off the light. I was sitting on the bed pressing my back against the headboard, looking in the darkness that was surrounding me, when Weems scooted closer to my side placing her head on my thigh. ''Seriously, I won't be able to fall asleep, I had a cup of coffee and now my heart is racing.'' I said my hand crossing each other ''It does?'' She lifted her head up, ''let me hear.'' Then she grabbed my waist and pulled me on my back in the bed, and she placed her head on my chest, listening to my fast heartbeat. 

   ''Yea, it is going quite fast.'' Weems lifted her head and hovered it over my face, I didn't see her but felt her presence above me, and then I felt her lips connect to mine. She didn't let go of me and started kissing my cheek and going down my neck leaving little wet spots until she came down to my chest, where she stopped and scooted back up placing her head next to mine. ''You know what...'' I quietly said almost whispering. ''What..'' Weems asked turning to face me. ''I, I really love you, I think you are my one and only...'' I finally said it and my heart started racing even harder, but I stayed calm and placed my head closer to hers letting our noses touch each other. ''I love you too,'' Weems said and gave me a little kiss once more. 

   I found her arm under the blanket and grabbed it to hold it, and I actually for a surprise started feeling sleepy, but then the shiver came back and I felt myself burn up. '' you have an extra blanket,'' I asked and immediately the light turned on and Weems stepped out of the bed and opened up the closet, letting me see all of her fancy outfits. She picked up a tick and a large blanket which she threw over my other blanket and claimed back in. ''Thanks,'' I said as I felt the blanket way me down giving me a comforting feeling. The light turned off and I closed my eyes trying to warm myself to get rid of the shiver when Weems pulled me closer wrapping her hand around me. ''Oh, you are really shivering, but I will warm you up, sweety.'' She said pulling me tight to her body. I made myself comfortable by placing one of my legs between hers and digging my face into her chest my arms pressing against her stomach. And magically my shivers diapered from the warmth of her as well as from the feeling of safety and comfort. ''Good night,'' I said and Weems replied: ''Night but if you get worse at night, don't be afraid to wake me up.'' She really reminded me of my mom so I said: ''Okay mommy,'' to tease her a bit and I felt her heart start to race a bit and that made me crack out a smile. But soon after that sleep washed over both of us. 

   The night was calm and quiet but I still woke up a few times but quickly got back to sleep, and Weems never let me go from her, she held me tight to her body, her chin resting on my head, while my head was resting in her chest letting me hear her slow calm perfectly synchronized heartbeat. She was all I ever wanted, all I had ever begged for, and now I had her, her arms wrapped around me. This feeling of being loved had finally come to me and I could experience it for the first time, and I would do everything...I will do everything to keep it that way. 

   At 6 am Weems's alarm started going off waking us both up, I was still in her hands, but she let go of me to turn the annoying music off, but as quickly as she had let me go, she quickly turned back and grabbed me once more. ''You will have to come to eat breakfast because you can't take your medicine on an empty stomach. After that, you can come back and sleep here if you like.'' She kissed me on my forehead and I replied with a nod, but seconds later I fell back asleep. This sleep wasn't for long because soon after Weems woke me back up: ''Wkey, wakey, come quickly eat something, and then you can come back and sleep.'' She sat next to me as she usually did when she woke me up, but now I turned to the other side and dug my face into my pillow. ''Y/n, please get up, just quickly eat something, you need to take your medicine.'' She said and I gave in I was too weak to argue and went with her to have some breakfast. I had a small piece of toast and left quicker than Weems and went straight back to her bed. 

   The sheets were still warm when I got back because I hadn't been gone away for more than 10 minutes. I quickly fell back asleep, but again Weems woke me up with a glass of water in her hand and some pills in the other. ''Take these and then you can go back to sleep.'' I took the glass and the pills quickly swallowed one by one and handed the empty glass back to Weems. ''Happy?'' I asked giving her a little smile. ''Yes indeed.'' She got up and went to another room to place the glass down, but quickly was back sitting beside me again. ''Okay now, get some rest, if you don't get better by the evening I will call the doctor.'' She said and pushed me down on my back in her bed giving me a small kiss, and I just said: ''Okay...Love you.'' Before dosing off. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now