Chapter 40- New Friends

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   I talked to my Bff and got things on track, letting the situation calm down. And when I hung up, I looked at the time. ''10 already, I guess I can go to have some breakfast.'' Breakfast where later on weekend than on a regular day. 

   I looked around for Enid in the dining hall but didn't see her, so I sat down in our usual spot, but now alone, but that was okay because today on the menu were pancakes, and I would sell my soul for some pancakes from time to time. I peacefully ate them when I felt an arm on my back. ''Hey sweety,'' Weems quietly said so no one hears,'' be ready by 12.'' She took her arm off and left. I felt my cheeks burn a little and they were probably red by now. I quickly finished my pancakes and left the dining hall. 

   I got back to my dorm and hopped in a quick shower because my hair started getting greasy. After that, I got dressed and checked the time. ''How is it already 12? Time goes by so quickly!'' I grabbed my jacket and my phone and left. This time I was the first one out of the door and now I stood facing the gate waiting for Weems. Then I heard the door open and close and after an arm wrapped around my shoulder: ''So you are calling me now a pretty lady?'' She asked letting me go and starting to go towards her car unlocking them. ''You like it?'' I got in the car and so did Weems. Instead of answering she landed to kiss me but I leaned back, escaping her kiss, and said: ''Not here, someone could see.'' Weems leaned back and turned the car on heavily sighing in disappointment. 

   As we drove to Jericho I finally broke the silence: ''I assume, because you are a principal for a school of outcasts, you must have a power as well.'' Weems nodded her head and I immediately asked: ''So what is it then?'' ''I am a shapeshifter.'' She said in a proud voice. ''Holy shit! That is so cool.'' Weems again nodded up and down with her head. For the rest of the drive, I didn't shut up about how cool it is that she is a shapeshifter.

   When we finally got to Jericho, I think Weems was glad that we were, because she probably got tired of my long talking. I stepped out of the car and said: ''Okay I will go now.'' ''First, you come here.'' She said in a demanding voice, so I came to her. And when I stepped in front of her and she bent closer to me and whispered: ''Be careful..'' Then she quickly and unnoticeably kissed me on my cheek. ''I will,'' I said turning around and walking away. 

   I made it to the post office and the lady at the front desk brought out a big box for me. ''What the...why is it so huge and heavy!'' I grabbed the box and carried it out. ''What did you put in here?'' I asked the invisible Molly in my head. I carried the box to Weatherwane because that is where I and Weems are supposed to meet up. I was craving a hot chocolate so I ordered it, but today Tylres wasn't working, he was probably at home still sleeping. I got my order and went to sit at my spot which I liked the best because it was in the back of the cafe next to the window and usually it wasn't occupied. 

   As soon as I sat down I ripped the box open out of curiosity and saw manny, manny snacks from home which I couldn't buy here, and on top of it undisturbed sat a note. 

Snacks for you, because fall break is coming around and I know you won't be coming back home for the week, so this little thing is what will make you feel like you are back home.

All of the love...

Your friend Molly and mum

   I immediately called Molly and when she picked up, the first thing she said was: ''Like it!?'' I replied: ''OMG Yess and say thank you to my mum as well when you see her.'' ''Got it oh and....'' But Molly's words got blocked out because I saw a group of teens, a girl, and two boys come up to me and say: ''You are in our spot.'' ''Molly, I-I have to go.'' And I hung up the phone and immediately said to the group: ''Well I don't see any names on the table, not on top nor on the bottom.'' I even looked under to mock them a bit. 

   ''All right, if you won't move, I guess we are sharing.'' The boy said who I assume is the leader of the group. ''What really?'' I hear the other being confused, but the boy was already sitting next to me. ''He said: ''Do you know who we are?'' ''No, I am not from here.'' I laughed and took a sip of my drink. ''Oh well, that makes sense now.'' He took a sip of his drink as well. ''So what, are you like a scary gang or sum?'' I sarcastically said. ''Yea sort of.'' The boy chuckled. ''Oh by the way my name is Josh, this is Ester and Steven.'' The boy introduced himself and his gang. ''Y/n.'' I quickly said. We chatted for a while when suddenly Josh stood up and said: ''Let's go, I need air. Y/n you coming!'' ''Is that a question or what...'' I got cut off when Josh continued: ''I guess a question.'' ''Okay, where tho?'' I asked and Josh pointed to the park which was right across the weather wane. ''Yea okay,'' I stood up and we left Weathervane. 

   When we got to the park Josh asked: ''What is your snap?'' And I without thinking much gave him my snap. Then Ester pulled out a pack of cigarettes and everyone took one she offered me one too but I kindly declined. ''You don't smoke?'' Josh asked surprised. ''Nop, never have!'' I proudly said. ''Wanna try Stevens asked me. ''No, no I am good, but thanks.'' I had promised myself that I would never smoke and I still had kept my promise. ''Oh come on try it.'' Josh shoved the now-lit cigarette in my hand and now everyone was watching me and I felt pressured so I gave in. ''Fine!'' I put the cigarette to my lips and tried it, but suddenly my lung for a second shut off and I started coughing handing the cigarette back to Josh, and as I did so someone pulled me hard from my back. 

   ''Y/n! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?'' Weems harshly and loudly said to me while I still tried to catch the air. She grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from Josh and his friend and I hear him say: ''Bye...'' ''I don't smoke, I just tried!'' I finally got my breath back. ''I leave you for an hour and you already start smoking! That is unacceptable.'' She was pissed and she was dragging me to her car, her hand was squeezing my arm leaving a red mark when she finally let go. ''In the car!'' She barked at me and that is what I did. 

   ''It was just a cigarette,'' I said as Weems started the car. ''One cigarette, two cigarettes, it doesn't matter you are young and I don't want you to ruin your health at such a young age. ''Okay, sorry,'' I said finally ending the suffering tension. But now I couldn't get a thought out of my head: ''She cares about me!!'' And then I remembered: ''Fall break is in a week and I will be alone in school...'' The car ride back was silent. 

Authors note:

This chapter is nothing much, but I hope you still like it. :)

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now