Chapter 17- Caring and Loving

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   After I was discharged from the hospital Miss. Weems basically never let me out of her sight. Whenever she had the chance she would come to my dorm to check on me. I really liked that she was visiting me, it made me feel loved. 

   The Raven was in 2 days, and my scars were starting to heal pretty well, but still Miss. Weems would visit me from time to time. I felt well enough to get to my classes, because since coming back to Nevermore I had stayed on bed rest, and I still had to. I didn't really care about what the doctor had told me, he said I needed to stay in my bed for at least more than a week, with the only exception being The Raven. ''I am sick and tired of sleeping all the time, while others are having somewhat of fun!'' I said in an agitated voice while putting on my uniform. 

   I heard a knock, and I knew who it was: ''Uh, Oh!'' I was planning to leave before Miss. Weems came to check on me because I knew she wouldn't let me anywhere.  Miss. Weems stepped in closing the door behind her. ''Hey, how are you feeling toda.....What are you doing?'' Her tone immediately changed as she saw me with my uniform on. ''Oh, I decided to go to my classes, I got sick laying in my bed all day long!'' I said while slowly walking to my desk to grab my comb. ''Absolutely not!'' She said in a demanding and strict voice, "you won't leave this dorm unless I say so. You can't even walk properly, you move like a snail, and I can see that you are still in pain!'' ''So and what, it is not like you are suffering, it is my decision, and besides, you are not my mom!" I said in a silly but agitated voice. ''Yes, I'm not your mother, but I am the closest thing you will get to mother figure right now!'' She quickly replied not moving a single muscle since she came into my dorm. 

   I lay on my bed and started sobbing, telling her: ''You, you can't make me not go!'' I started crying placing my face in my pillow, sobbing intensely. I heard her approach me, then she sat down next to me on my bed.  ''Is everything ok? I just don't what you to be in pain. I want to protect you that is it.'' She said in a calm voice trying to comfort me by rubbing her hand against my back. ''Whenever I am angry I start to cry,'' I said, still digging my face into the pillow. 

   I felt her hand slip under my weak body and take me into a big embrace, pressing her body against mine. She just held me for a long while, when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach, figured that Weems hugged me even tighter. ''Ouch, ouch, you are hurting me,'' I said trying to move my body, to get her attention. ''Oh, I am sorry hun. I wanted to protect you, but then I hurt you!'' She quickly let go and sat back straight. ''Don't worry, these things happen,'' I replied wiping my smudged mascara off my face but making it even worse. 

''Oh look at you, let's get you cleaned up!'' She said standing up from my bed and pulling me up as well. She waited in my room, while I cleaned off my face, but when I stepped out I saw her sitting back on my bed. ''Was I that long, that you even got tired of standing?'' I asked giggling. ''If you say so!'' She replied giggling as well. 

   ''I need to go do some work back at my office, but you change back into your regular clothes, and don't make me see you wandering the halls! Okay.'' She said in a deadly serious tone while getting to the door. ''Ok...'' I replied. Quickly before she opened the door she came back to me and kissed me on my forehead. ''Promise?'' She asked. ''I promise!'' Hugging her to show that I won't go anywhere. Then she left. 

   I felt how sweaty I got, from all the physical connections we had just shared. I didn't want to break my promise so I decided to stay, even tho my impulsive thoughts wanted to win. It got quite boring after a while, so I went to my balcony for some fresh air. As I stepped out, I saw Miss. Weems in her office typing something on her laptop. I turned to face my dorm and looked up. ''Huh, It looks like there is a platform on the roof'', curiosity took me over, so I decided to climb it. The roof wasn't steep at all, so getting up there was a piece of cake, even if I could slip, I wouldn't fall off the edge, because there was a big cement railing along the roof. I had completely forgotten, that I couldn't do such a thing, because my stitches could rip. I only realized it, when I was on top and accidentally pressed on my stomach. ''Shit, I should better get back, Miss. Weems could possibly see me from here, if she hadn't already, and was coming to my room, to confront me.'' So I climbed off the roof and entered my dorm. The good thing was that Miss. Weems wasn't here, but the bad thing was that Miss. Thornhill was, and she knew exactly what I was doing, and that I shouldn't be doing it.  

   Oh heyyy, Miss. Thornhill, what are you doing here?'' I asked trying to change the not mentioned subject. ''I came to give you your homework from my class, and addressing the elephant in the room, you definitely did something that you weren't supposed to do.'' She said in a clod but really sweet voice, I wondered how could that even be possible. ''Please don't tell principal Weems, please, she would kill me!!'' I said almost falling on my knees while begging her. ''Alright, but only if you promise me, that you won't do it again.'' She said, still holding my homework in her hands. ''I promise! Just don't tell Weems.'' I said calming myself down ''Okay, okay, here.'' She handed me the homework sheet, ''If you need help, you know where to find me, but now I will go get ready for dinner.'' She said leaving my dorm. 

   I placed my homework on my desk and sat down to try to finish it before dinner, but I started feeling really tired. I placed my head on my arms just simply to rest my eyes, but eventually, I fell asleep. 

   I got woken up by someone softly shaking me, It was Miss. Weems with a worried look on her face. ''Dear, are you alright, why didn't you come for dinner?'' She really was concerned. ''It was nothing, I just got tired and fell asleep!'' I said groggily. ''Hre, I brought you some food, can't go to bed with an empty stomach.'' She placed a plate on my desk with some pasta on it, then she placed her hand on my shoulder and said: ''I need to go. Miss. Thornhill and I need to discuss some last-minute things about the Raven.'' Then she stood up and left. ''Thank you and see you tomorrow,'' I said to show some appreciation. ''Bye!'' And Weems closed the door. 

   I ate a little bit of pasta, but I was too tired to eat, so I just hopped in my bed and dosed off. 


The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora