Chapter 65- After Math

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   I opened up my eyes because the sun was creeping in and blinding me, and then I realized that I wasn't in my own bed but I was on a wooden floor in a tree house and the worst part was that my head was spinning around too much, not letting me paint the full picture in my head jet. ''What happened?'' I asked as I reached for my bag to get my phone and then I felt that someone was sleeping next to me and their hands were around me. I quickly out of panic thinking it was a random person turned my head to see who was next to me and saw that it was only Josh. He was cuddling me and seemed really happy to be so close to me and that made me wonder. ''Wait so what really happened then?'' I asked myself because the last thing I remembered from yesterday was talking to Josh about my feeling before I started taking shots of vodka. ''Oh God! I hope I didn't do anything stupid!'' 

   I grabbed my phone and saw that it was 8 am already and close to 100 missed calls and text messages from Weems. ''Shit! I will be late for school!'' I whispered and carefully not to startle Josh slipped out of his grip, grabbed my bag, and climbed down the tree, when I got down on the solid ground the world closed on me and I started feeling unwell, but I still continued walking out of the woods back to Jericho. ''Oh fuckkk, I shouldn't have drunk yesterday,'' I said as I approached the bus station and saw that I had just missed my bus. So with my unstable mind, I decided to walk back to Nevrmore, because the next bus would only be an hour. 

   My head was hurting really bad and the world around me was spinning so I wasn't able to keep a straight line on the road many times I would almost fall because I unnoticeably would walk off the sidewalk. ''I am not drinking, never ever again!'' I said and right after that, I felt that I needed to throw up so I immediately ran off the sidewalk to the nearest bush and threw up. After that, I got some tissues out of my bag and wiped my mouth, and continued walking. ''Why? Why did you have to drink vodka? Why?'' I asked myself not caring that I just passed an old laidly who gave me a nasty look. 

   The whole walk back I needed to stop a few times to throw up, but it didn't stop me even tho it felt like I could pass out at any second. And the thoughts about last night still hounded me: ''What if I did something with Josh? Was I really that stupid? Why was he cuddling me then?'' All kinds of questions were racing through my head and I knew I would only get the answer from Josh because I knew he wasn't as drunk as I was. ''What if I really did something with him? And how would Larissa react? Oh, Larissa...No! I am not that stupid! I don't do stuff with people I don't like, Josh now knows I have a girlfriend so I don't think he would want me to cheat on her...but  you can never know with Josh.'' These questions were killing me the whole way back, but at least after this painful and tiring trip I finally got to Nevermore, and with a little time to spare before classes. 

   I wobbled to my dorm and immediately took my jacket off and from exhaustion collapsed in my bed. I closed my eyes and felt myself losing touch with reality but it all came crashing down when I felt that I needed to throw up again, so I quickly jumped out of my bed and rushed to the bathroom. When I threw up I pressed my back against the cool wall because I was too weak to get up to get ready for school. For half an hour or so I was falling in and out of sleep due to the sudden urge to empty my stomach. ''I just want to feel better,'' I said sobbing my eyes out while still laying on the bathroom floor, I wanted to go back to bed but I was too exhausted to even lift a single finger. 

   As I finally felt that I could fall asleep for good, I heard someone enter my dorm and startle me, and as I wanted to go look who had just barged in I saw my bathroom door opening, and as no surprise, Weems was the one who had come in. ''Heyy...'' I said in a really quiet voice giving her a little smile feeling my eyelids wanting to close shut. ''Y/n...what happened, I was worried sick about you, where were you?'' She asked and crouched in front of me. ''Have you been drinking?'' She asked knowing the answer already. ''A little,'' I said pressing my head into Weems's chest wanting to fall asleep. ''Oh Y/ are in a lot of trouble.'' She said standing up. ''You sneak off for a whole night, you ignore me and get drunk on a school night...I am so disappointed in you...and that is how you deal with your problems huh?'' She said with an agitated voice as I felt her hands slip under my back picking me up. ''This was an exception, okay. And I don't want to talk about what happened yesterday between us, it was stupid, I know.'' I said as Weems married me out of the bathroom and back to my bed. 

   ''I am sorry,'' I said as Weems placed me in my bed and sat next to me. ''Don't be, we both made out mistakes yesterday, but still Y/ can't run off and get drunk, God knows what could have happened to you out there.'' She said placing her hand on my shoulder. ''Sleep it off Y/n...and then we will talk about it.'' She said and gave me a little kiss on my forehead before standing off and walking away. ''I love you,'' I murmured making her stop right before exiting the room. ''I love you too.'' She said with a really sweet voice but after that, she left. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now