Chapter 12- The Poe cup

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   I had been woken up by Endi screaming, waking everyone up: ''Good morning my beautiful teammates, are you ready to win!'' ''Enid! It is only 9 am, and the Poe Cup doesn't start until 2 pm, let us sleep!'' I said in a groggy voice, still being in my bed. ''No! If I can't sleep, you can neither!'' She said feeling a little annoyed herself, but still loving to annoy other people. 

   ''I'm going back to sleep.'' Sid Wednesday and the other girls, but not me. ''Great, I won't be able to fall asleep now.'' I got up and went to the bathroom to change. ''I need some fresh air!'' I thought to myself while changing and after stepping out of the bathroom. 

   ''Hey Enid, I will go outside for a little walk, I'll be back for breakfast.'' Today breakfast was served at 10 am, not 8 am. ''Ok, see you then!'' Enid said while looking at something on her phone. 

   I grabbed my jacket and left the dorm. I decided to walk along the lake, where the tournament would take place.  As I was walking towards the lake, I noticed Miss. Weems standing on the docks at the lake. ''Yea...I am not doing this today, sorry Miss. Weems?'' I signed because I felt bad, I wanted to talk to her but something was stopping me. I quickly turned away thinking about where else should I go for a walk. ''Y/n?'' I turned around as my first response. ''Oh, hey Miss. Weems, what are you doing here?'' I asked acting all surprised. ''Could ask you the same thing.'' She responded. ''Well...I am here just for a walk.'' I said, knowing I needed to escape this mess or answer her THE question.  ''I came here to appreciate the beautiful day.'' Miss. Weems said gesturing to me at the beautiful nature that was surrounding us. Miss Weems started:''Hey, can you come here please?'' ''Shit, I know where this is going.'' I thought and replied:'' Oh, sorry I can't I need to dormy. Yea! I need to go to my dorm, Enid probably is wondering where am I.'' ''Oh, ok then, see you at breakfast and The Poe Cup.'' She said not letting her adorable smile down. ''Bye!'' And I was gone. 

   The time for The Poe Cup had finally arrived, we were in our cat costumes, which were a bit tacky, but still, I loved them. They made my figure pop! We got in our boats and Miss. Weems fired the gun in the air, signaling that the race had begun.  We started paddling and like 3 minutes in we already had to use Thing to sabotage Bianca's plans. We got on the little island and Enid decided to use her claws to sabotage another team's boat, just for little fun. We both sat in the boat waiting for Wednesday to come back.  ''What is taking her so long?'' I asked Enid and the other girls. ''I don't know.'' As Enid said that the other team already jumped in the boats and paddled away. From the distance, we heard ''Losers!'' ''Ha! Well, see who is the bigger loser in the end!'' Enid said with an evil smile on her grin, when Wednesday came back. ''Okay, let's go!'' She said while jumping in the boat. ''Dude? What took you so long?'' I asked concerned that something had happened. ''I tripped,'' she said in a cold voice as always. 

   As we were leaving the Islan we saw in the distance that the boy's team's boat started to fill with water and sink. ''Did you do this Enid?'' Wednesday asked without reacting at all. ''You bet I did! Who is the loser now!'' She yelled pointing to the sinking boat. ''Good job!'' Said Wednesday, I could see that a little grin cracked out from that girl. We finished the race first, and Enid was over the moon, she started jumping up and down in the boat making us tip over straight in the water. ''It is so cold Enid, If I get sick I will kill you! And I mean it!'' I jelled while swimming to the shore. ''Ok! It is worth dying.'' She yelled back cheerfully laughing. 

   We got out of the water and got presented with the cup by Miss. Weems. She seemed really happy because a different team had finally won the cup. ''It is so good damm cold,'' I felt shivers running throughout my whole body. 

   After the cup, we decided to celebrate the win at my dorm. I had taken a nice hot shower and got ready to go to the much-deserved dinner. As I entered the dining hall, I grabbed my plate and sat next to Enid and my other gang. We basically already started celebrating at the table, but we got interrupted by Miss. Weems and Miss. Thornhill, who wanted to congratulate us. ''Girls,'' Miss, Weems said '' I wanted to congratulate you on winning the cup. It is not like other teams get to win besides Bianca. I am proud of each and every one of you!'' ''Girls, can we excuse you for a photo out in the hall, as you are the winners!'' Miss. Thornhill said. We followed the principal and our teacher out into the hall where a photographer was already waiting for us. ''Okay, take your places!'' The photographer said. I stood next to Enid, but Miss Weems came and stood on my other side. As the man was taking our photo, I felt Miss. Weems's arm rub against my arm. ''Erm... that is probably by accident.''I thought while keeping my pose and smile when Miss. Weems put her hand on my shoulder. ''And that is probably for the picture, right!?'' My Gay panic was starting to unleash. ''Her hand is so big, ahh so many things she could do with me...'' I was starting to float off to my fantasies when I felt her hand rub down my back and disappear. It didn't feel like a regular little rub, it felt different, better... At that point, I felt like I had melted into a little puddle on the ground. 

   After that, we started celebrating. Most of the time I sat on the balcony looking into Miss Weems's office, watching her do her work. I was so attached to her. ''I want to be yours...'' I just daydreamed most of the night on the balcony, falling asleep there. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now