Chapter 30- Trouble!

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   We both entered the lonely dark house, the vibe was creepy, but I really liked it. ''So, why are we here exactly?'' I asked almost tripping over a missing floorboard in the floor. ''I heard about it and wanted to explore it, I am sick and tired of the happy colorful school, that we call Nevermore, I needed to get out,'' Wednesday said continuing to explore the house. ''Okay....'' I followed Wednesday. ''I really like abandoned houses,'' I said dragging my fingers along a dusty table. ''I am a bit surprised. Judging by your personality, I would have thought you are like Enid.'' Wednesday said observing a painting of the family that used to live here. ''No,'' I quickly replied, ''we share some similar traits, but no we are different, I am not as bubbly and sweet.'' I came and stood next to her now looking at the painting too. ''They look like a sweet family!'' I said. ''I doubt it.'' Wednesday turned around and walked in a different direction. ''Okay.'' Was all I said. 

   I stopped dead in my tracks because I thought I heard something. ''Hey, Wednesday! Did you hear something?'' I didn't move to try to hear anything else. ''Probably a wild animal.'' She replied. So I calmed myself and continued exploring until I heard something again, but this time I ignored it. ''This is a beautiful house, sad to see it being abandoned,'' I said trying to break the silence, but Wednesday wasn't feeling like talking. Once again I heard a noise, but this time my gut was saying that something was wrong. ''Umm....Wednesday, I think we aren't alone.'' I said in a shaky voice. ''Oh please, who else wants to come here.'' She replied. 

   But my gut was almost always right so I stood there not moving, trying to listen. In the end, my gut was right, because I heard someone walking up the stairs, and they had a flashlight filling the dark stairway with light. ''Wednesday.....'' I tried calling out for her, and I heard her coming towards me, but my intentions had turned back to the person or thing making its way up the stairs. ''Well, I guess I die today, goodbye dear world.....'' I quietly said when the light from the flashlight suddenly blinded me. ''Y/n?'' A man's voice said and when I got my vision back from the blinding light I saw that it was the sheriff. ''Y/n what are you doing here, Wednesday you too?'' He was surprised to see us. ''Umm, just exploring..'' I murmured. ''Girls, you can't be here, you know it is very dangerous outside now!'' He started to get angry. ''Come with me, I will take you to the station!'' He said making us walk down the stairs, out of the house, and into his car.  ''The whole car ride was silent, and I and Wednesday just stared out of the window, wondering what will happen to us. 

   When we got to the station, Sheriff Galpin lead us in and made us sit in his office. The sheriff left us alone to quickly do something as he had said. ''So what will happen to us?'' I broke the silence by asking a question to Wednesday. ''Nothing really, we didn't do anything bad.'' She said in a calm voice, making me believe that statement. Sheriff Galpin came back and said: ''I called your principal, and she seems really pissed off.'' ''Great,'' I replied annoyed. We just sat in silence for more than 20 minutes, when we heard someone enter the station and quickly approach Sheriff Galpin's office with heavy footsteps. 

   ''Now, what is going on....Y/n, Wednesday? So you were the ones.'' Miss. Weems entered the office with a disappointed look. ''Yup!'' I said cheerfully because when I was nervous I became stupidly sarcastic. ''I am really sorry for the trouble Galpin, I will make sure to deal with both of them.'' Weems looked at me and Wednesday with an angry face. ''Both of you, to my car, Now!'' She pointed out of the office, her tone was really scary, that I even lost my sarcasm. I got more nervous so I started digging my nails into my own palms, and when I got in Miss. Weems car, I noticed that my palms were bleeding. ''Shit!'' I thought to myself and wiped the blood off on my bag. The whole car ride back was silent, the silence was really loud. My heart was beating not in a good way like it usually beats for Miss. Weemsw, but now I was really scared. I kept digging my nails into my palms because the pain drew me away from the fear. By the time we got back to Nevermore, my tote bag was covered in bloody spots. 

   Miss. Weems stepped out of her car and said: ''Now to my office immediately.'' I hid my palms so she doesn't see them and followed Wednesday back to Weems office. We entered her office and I tried not to touch things, so I wouldn't leave blood stains. Miss. Weems didn't even sit down, but immediately started lecturing us. ''I am so disappointed in both of you. You both, especially Wednesday are making my life a living mess.'' She was walking from one place to another not stopping. ''I can't believe you both sneaked out to an abandoned house, knowing the danger that is outside. Y/n you should have known better since you almost got killed by the danger!'' She was furious, and I felt weak and kinda regretted sneaking out, but I didn't say anything and let her talk. ''Wednesday I am not surprised you did such a thing, but to pull in Y/n is unexpectable!'' She kept going and going telling us how bad it was, and what we did, while I kept wiping the blood off my hand, now on the other side of my bag. ''Wednesday, you are dismissed, but Y/n says, I have a couple of things to say!'' She said looking at me and then at Wednesday, as she walked away not saying a word. 

   My heart started beating even faster and I felt weak in my knees and felt like I would faint, but I didn't I kept standing straight. ''Y/n.....I can't believe you would put yourself in such danger, again!'' She was pissed. ''What do you have to say about it?'' She asked me. ''I didn't think about the consequences, I guess I was living the moment......'' Then I realized what she meant. ''Oh...I, I am sorry for breaking the rules,'' I said pressing my palm in my hand. ''What...Is, is that blood?'' Miss. Weems walked up to me and grabbed my hand. ''Did you do it to yourself?'' She asked looking at my bloody palm. ''Yes, I dig my nails in my palms, when I am nervous,'' I said showing her my other palm. ''Oh my.....did, was that my fault?'' She asked. I bowed my head down not wanting to say yes, but she understood. ''Oh, I am so sorry.'' She hugged me and all my worries washed away. ''It is fine, I will just wrap them,'' I said trying not to make the thing sound that bad. ''I don't want anything bad happening to you.'' She whispered in my ear making shivers run down my spine. Me neither.'' I replied wrapping my arms around her back not wanting to let go. Then she let go of the hug, took both of my arms, and said: ''Please try not to hurt yourself again, if you need to talk to someone, I am always here for you.'' She leaned in and kissed my forehead making my stomach turn around. 

   ''Okay, thanks, but now I will go,'' I said letting my hands slip out of her grip. ''Okay, yea go on dear.'' She said. Before I left I grabbed her hand ad said: ''Trust me, you won't lose me.'' Then I squeezed her hand tighter before letting go, leaving blood marks on her palm. ''Bye, my dear,'' I said and left her office. 

Authors note:

So, this story is going to have an ending someday, but do yall want me to make another story after this one ends? Like in the story, there would be the same characters(Larrisa, Y/n....others) with the same story, but no good or bad ending, just ongoing love? 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now