Chapter 123- I Fucked Up

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   I got myself some pancakes, and the whole time we were eating we almost didn't talk. It was so awkward and If we did talk, it was really random subjects. After an hour of just almost sitting in complete silence, we finally decided to leave, and the only good thing about this whole situation was, that Josh paid for my meal.

   We got back to his car and finally, I felt a little peace set inside me to know that we were finally going back. I had a feeling that Larissa hadn't come back yet because my phone wasn't blowing up by her text messages and phone calls, but with Weems, you could never know. "Now...please take me back to Nevermore or else I might not see another day." By worrying so much this whole time while eating I had completely ruined my nerves and Josh wasn't helping by falling onto them, just by his presence.

   "Just in a sec, but first I quickly have to run to the pharmacy to buy something, hope you don't mind." He said as he started driving, making me get even more pissed off. "JOSH! PLEASE! I don't have enough time, can't you go to the pharmacy on your way back??" I wanted to hit him, struck him so hard that he would pass out and I could take myself back to school. "Relax...It will be quick! I promise!" Josh didn't realize how serious of a situation I was in because he wasn't the one who was on the line.

   And I realized that he just wanted to spend as much time with me as possible, which was sweet of him to try to make it happen, "Fine! I guess I can buy my painkillers as well as I'm at it." I finally caved in glad to at least get something good out of this useless driving around. "You will be back in your bed in no time!" Josh so confidently said as if he was sure about that. "Definitely." I ignorantly replied as I slid down lower in the seat, just now wanting to actually be back in bed and not doing anything.

   When we finally arrived at the pharmacy I was the first one out of the car, trying to push Josh to move his ass faster. I don't have the whole day! Let's move!" I was starting to run out of patience getting more annoyed with every passing minute and looking like a pissed-off mother in the shop who is trying to make their kid choose a toy faster. "Alright! I'm coming." He quickened his paste, now making me get left behind trying to catch up to him.

   We were walking into the pharmacy store when I suddenly saw the last person I wanted to see at that moment, Weems. She was standing at the counter with her back turned at us not being able to see me or Josh. I panicked and pulled Josh back making him stop: "My principal is here... let's go back!" I whispered to him as I was forcibly pulling him out of the store. "Maybe you have to face your fear and go talk to her, what could she possibly do to you," He said, clearly not realizing the seriousness of this whole situation. ''Yea right! As if you knew what this woman can do to me.'' I thought to myself. 

   "She is capable of anything...please Josh, this is literally a life or death moment." My hands were shaking from the fear of Larissa seeing me and it felt like I would throw up everything I had just eaten. "Okay fine... let's go," Josh said and it seemed like he was disappointed to not be able to get whatever he wanted to buy, but I really didn't care about that right now. "We need to, I need to get back to Nevermore before she does!" I was practically pulling Josh toward his car.

   As we were walking back to his car, I suddenly felt someone grab my arm and so I quickly got pulled back, knowing already who it was and immediately hearing an angry voice completely overtake my brain: "Y/n! What the HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Larissa almost screaming said, making me realize that I can start praying the God for mercy, because Weems won't give me any.

   "I-I.." I tried to explain myself but Larissa immediately cut me off: "Wasn't I clear enough for you to stay in bed?" She was clasped onto my arm, her grip was tighter than ever. "Umm, can I say something..."  Josh awkwardly said, probably to try to defend me, but Larissa wasn't having it. "Oh great! You're here too! No, you get no say in this! This is between me and Y/n!" She turned back to me, " You're coming with me, young lady!" She started pulling me away from Josh and I knew I didn't stand a chance against her and her strong grip on my arm so I just gave in and followed her.

   With my other arm, I waved a small goodbye to Josh giving him an angry stare so he knows I am completely blaming him for everything. "I can't believe you Y/n! I truly can't!" Larissa was aggressively pulling me with all of her strength making pain appear, but I didn't say anything. Larissa seemed pissed off, her grip around my arm was really tight that it genuinely made me worried to find out what Larissa would do to me.

   Because I hadn't really intended on going and breaking Larissa's rules for me to stay in bed, I hadn't really thought about the consequences. I wasn't sure what Larissa had on her mind right now, I didn't know how seriously she was taking this incident and if she really wanted to punish me the way I had imagined, and in reality, I even didn't know if I wanted to experience it right now.

Authors note: 

Hey, sorry that I didn't post for the last two days, had to take a break. Btw the next chapters will be more interesting, I promise (trying something new out) 

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