Chapter 132- I'm Here For You

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   After I had left my mom alone with Larissa, I and Molly went to that old classroom where we spent the rest of the day chatting about random stuff and philosophizing about, why my mom had to have this chat with Larissa. We finally left the classroom when my mom texted me already looking for me and Molly. So we headed back to my dorm and when we got there I saw Larissa happily chatting with my family.

   I knew I couldn't ask my mom about the chat she had because she was the one who made me leave in the first place, but I assumed that it wasn't anything serious because everyone seemed happy and in a good mood. Larissa, for good two hours, spent time with us, and it was pure torture not being able to sit close to her and cuddle her while sitting in her lap, so all I could do was just make little cheeky glances towards her, making her quickly look away and smile.

   But after Larissa had left, everyone started settling in to go to bed, but not me, I waited for everyone to fall asleep so I could sneak off and go spend some time with my love. As soon as I had made sure everyone was soundly asleep I made my move and left the dorm. As quickly as possible I rushed to Larissa's office straight into her bedroom. Despite it being quite late already, Larissa still wasn't sleeping as if she knew I would come.

   "Hey..." I quietly greeted her as I crawled into the bed next to her. Larissa just softly smiled at me not saying anything and it seemed something was wrong. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts, so to make her snap out of whatever she was in I lightly kissed her on the cheek. "I can see something is bothering it something my mom said, did she insult you?" I ask as I gently ran my hands through Larissa's long blonde locks before placing one of the strands behind her ear to see her beautiful but jet so grim face. Because she rarely had her hair down I used every chance I could get to play with them. Her hair was soft like silk and white and shiny as the whitest pearls from the ocean, just as beautiful as her blue eyes.

   "No dear...just missing my family, that's all." She quietly replied and knowing that Larissa didn't like that people tried to push answers out of her I just ran with it and snuggled closer as I wrapped my hands around her. "It will be all right, at least I am here...practically your family." I pressed my cheek against her shoulders always being there to comfort her even tho a tiny part of me had a feeling she wasn't telling me everything. "I know...I know honey..." She rested her cheek against my head making a nice warm feeling appear in my stomach. "I love you..." I quietly mumbled out as I understood that I didn't use these 3 words that often. "I love you too...very much." I could hear in her voice how she was trying to lift her spirits up for me, but it didn't seem to be quite working because after she said it she let out a sad and heavy sigh.

   " know I am here for you, always ready to listen to you. You don't always have to be strong, for me...or for anyone in general. It is good to step down sometimes." And it seemed like from what I had said it broke Larissa completely. As soon as I felt a dear drop fall into my hair I immediately pulled away from Larissa's shoulder and looked at her. She had tears running down her cheek which she tried to hide by turning her face away, but I was quick to react and didn't let her hide her feelings. "What's wrong love?" I placed my both hand on her cheeks and with my thumbs wiped the tears away under her eyes.

   "Oh it is nothing, don't worry about it." She brushed it off as if her feelings didn't matter, but I really cared about her and didn't want to see her like this. "Is it the family thing?" I quickly switched my position so I could face her by sitting down on her lap. I was talking in an almost baby-like voice which used to help me calm down whenever I had a bad day and needed comfort. "I don't know Y/n, I truly don't know...possibly." She replied in between her little quiet sobs as I already were taking her into a big hug. "You can cry as much as you want, let it all out, I will not leave you until you feel better. Understood?" I felt how Larissa's hands slowly wrapped around me almost immediately tightening the hug.

   I knew Larissa was a strong and closed-down woman who didn't share her feelings this often, so for me to see her crying was almost once in a lifetime moment so I was glad to be there for her and help her through this. "Thank you Y/n..." Larissa murmured as her face was pressed against me. I didn't let Weems go from this hug until she decided to break it apart. "You truly look beautiful when you cry, absolutely mesmerizing." I threw in a compliment which Larissa didn't decline. "Oh stop it Y/n." She even chuckled as she was already tucking herself back in the bed, while I stayed sitting upright in the bed.

   For a brief second, I had closed my eyes before I felt a weighing feeling in my lap and when I opened up my eyes, I saw that Larissa had snuggled up to me and placed her head in my lap. "I really, really love you and nothing will change it..." Right now all I could do was to remind her of how much I cared for her and loved her to try to lift her spirits back up. "I love you too...Y/n..." She gave me a reply I was already expecting and gladly took it before I started playing with her long blond locks and gently massaging her scalp.

   At first, I was planning on spending a little time with Larissa, so I could go back to my dorm unnoticed, but now that Weems had fallen asleep in my lap I couldn't move because I didn't want to disturb her. So while my fingers gently were running through her hair and despite the uncomfortable position I was in, I still managed to fall asleep.

Authors note: 

Few more chapters and then I will end the story.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now