Chapter 15- The accident

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   The Raven was less than a week away, but I still hadn't talked to Miss. Weems, which was crushing my heart and my mental state. It was already half past 11 pm, but I didn't feel like sleeping. There was too much thought in my head, that didn't allow me to sleep. ''I need to clear my head,'' I whispered while leaning against my balcony railing. 

   I decided to sneak outside, even tho students weren't allowed to leave school supremes after 10 pm, but I didn't know why. I needed to get out and be alone for once, with just my thoughts. So I grabbed my jacket and left my dorm, passing Miss. Weems office, down the stairs where I stood in front of the massive door, that lead out of the school. I tried to open them but they were locked: ''Yea Y/n! Did you really think they won't lock the door?'' I thought to myself sarcastically mocking myself. But I came prepared, I had a feeling that the doors might be locked so I grabbed my bobby pin and used it to prier the doors open. ''I guess this skill was useful for once! I thank you, random boy, from my primary class!'' I thought overjoyed. 

   I opened the door ever so slightly and stepped out, quietly closing the door behind me. I just stood there for a minute, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness that surrounded me. ''Where should I go, I will definitely not be walking on the school's territory, someone will definitely spot me, and I don't want to face the consequences, whatever they might be, cuz leaving school is strictly forbidden after 10 pm.'' I thought to myself while looking around me as the view became clearer and clearer with every passing second. 

    I decided to go along the edge of the woods because I didn't want to get lost. As I was walking I just thought about Weems. I didn't care that I was all alone, that it was dark, and that someone could jump out of the woods and kidnap me or worse kill me. 

   ''Oh, I wish it was that simple, to go and tell you that I love you. I wish..., but my heart is too weak to admit it, being scared of you rejecting me.'' I said continuing to walk along the woods as if Miss. Weems was right next to me. ''You would probably say how inappropriate it is. And you would never look at me the same. Oh, my, heart could be all yours, if only it was stronger, and I would have the guts to tell you...'' I sighed, stopping for a moment, and feeling a single drop of tear run down my cheek. I wiped the tear away with my hand and continued making my way to nowhere, just emptiness, and darkness. 

    ''Miss. Weems I don't think you are pretty, but I think you are beautiful, and I love yo.......'' My body stopped thinking when I suddenly heard a noise coming from the woods. ''I should get going back!'' I said to myself starting to walk back. I wasn't the type of person who would go investigate the noise. ''Nope, I am not going there, I have seen plenty of horror movies and I know how they all end.'' I thought to myself when suddenly I heard something from my back, and Instantly turned around. In front of me around 32 feet away was standing something huge, it had monster-like features, and it was breathing heavily and growling like a dog or something. 

   When suddenly it started running towards me, and for a good 5 seconds I was just frozen, I didn't move, just looked at the monster running towards me.  I suddenly snapped and realized that If I want to see another day, I need to run. I finally turned around and started sprinting, but it was too late, the monster was too fast. It jumped on me making me fall to the ground and hit my arm on the big rock beside me. The monster got his claws out and deeply scratched my stomach, the pain was so unbearable I screamed when suddenly it looked like the monster had recognized me because it jumped off me and ran away, leaving me there to bleed out. 

   ''Is this how I die? Well, World you really did do me dirty, and you God! Yes, you! I'm talking to you, you didn't even let me confess my love to her! You bastard!'' I screamed as loud as possible. ''No, I am not dying, not today. I haven't even gotten my first kiss yet. I can die only when I get my first kiss!'' I got myself up and started running towards the school because I was scared that the monster might come back. I was in so much pain, but I kept running, I didn't stop, not once. ''Damm, my P.E. teacher would be proud of me!'' I even gave myself a little compliment, just to make myself feel better. 

   As I approached Nevermore, I stopped and looked down at myself, I was covered in blood, meaning that I had lost a lot of blood. But stupid as I was I believed I could deal with it on my own and I was scared of how much trouble I would get in if someone found out I broke the school rules. As I entered the building, I didn't even bother to lock the door, but immediately ran to my dorm. ''Now I know why they don't let the student out, after 10!'' I thought to myself shutting the doors behind me. 

   I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror, to see myself pale as a ghost covered in blood. ''How am I even still alive?'' I quietly questioned myself. ''Maybe I should to Miss. Weems?'' But then the world went silent and everything got black. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now