Chapter 108- Scissors

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   "How. Dare. You. Say. That!" I slowly closed the door while trying to absorb the shock which was visible on my face. "You are sick! Your place is in the psych ward, not here!" I said while still trying to keep myself from attacking Ember because I wanted to be the smart one this time and not make a big fuss out of this, but everything that came out of Ember's mouth wasn't helping.

    "Oh no! I am so scared! Ha! Like you can lock me up! The only thing you can do is spill other people's secrets like the bitch you are!" And that was my last straw, Ember finally snapped me and I lost it. "I'M DONE!" I started walking up to her ready to kill her, but before I got to her I decided not to hurt her, but more like scare her. 

   "Don't you dare to call me a bitch ever again!" When I walked up to her, I immediately pushed her, slamming her hard into the wall making her weep out in pain, giving me enough time to get to her and pin her against the wall. "Do you even think before you say something? How would you feel if someone wished for you to get raped?" To talk about that night wasn't triggering for me and it wasn't a sensitive topic to talk about, but when someone mentions it as if it was a good thing, that I almost got raped, that is when I start throwing hands. 

   Despite Ember being this disgusting person I would never ever wish for her to get raped, in fact, I wouldn't wish it on anybody, noone should ever go through this. "I have more privileges than you, you peasant! I can get you expelled right this instant!" I decided to annoy her even more by telling her something she would never get to have. "I can just go now, sit next to Weems on the sofa and spend as much time with her as I want, something you would never get!" And as soon as I said that I saw how Ember pupils dilated out of the rage, and before I knew it Ember slipped out of my grip and pushed me, making me land hard on the ground. 

   "Weems will be mine!" She landed on top of me as I was trying to get up, "Wow are you actually going to hit me? You can't even hurt a fly!" I was mocking her while still lying on the floor and I could see how Ember's face was getting redder and redder with every passing second. I was waiting for Ember to do something, to hit me or hurt me, but it seemed like she was still contemplating doing what she wanted to, and eventually, I got tired of laying on the floor. I quickly kicked her away from me while saying: "Oh My God! See! You can't hurt me! You're weak. I even feel a little bad for you, yikes." 

   I got to my feet and decided to leave before I started laughing in her face about how incapable Ember was of hurting me. I started heading toward the doors and behind me I heard Ember get on her feet as well and grab something from the desk starting to walk up to me quickly, so I turned around to see what was on her mind. "What are you-" I started asking but my words got cut off by a sharp pain in my abdomen, so I quickly put my hands to my side feeling something there. 

   It felt like I couldn't breathe the pain was unbearable but I knew I had to see what had just happened so I looked down and saw a pair of scissors stuck into my body and out of pure instinct I pulled them out. The scissors immediately slipped out of my grip and fell to the ground and that is when I realized what had just happened. Ember had stabbed me. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I harshly asked Ember as I saw blood dripping on the floor so I placed my hand on the stab wound to try to stop the bleeding. 

   I looked up at Ember and her face was pale, it looked like she didn't even realize what was going on, it looked like she was scared and then she said: "I'm, s-sso ssorry, I-I didn't want to-" "You're sorry? YOU'RE SORRY!-" I cried out being in a lot of pain, and suddenly I couldn't stand anymore so I just dropped on the floor pressing my back against the door. "Y-You can't die! Don't die!" Ember said with a shaky voice and it sounded like she was stabbed instead of me. 

   "If you don't want me to die, get something to apply pressure with!" I knew the biggest risk right now was for me to bleed out and die, and dying was the last thing I was planning in the upcoming future. "Pressure, okay, I know! A towel!" Ember ran off to the bathroom and in the meantime, I looked at my hands and saw them completely covered in blood getting flashbacks from the last time, and I started getting scared for my life, but then I felt Ember run up to me and immediately press down the wound with a white towel making even more pain shoot out through my whole body.

   "I am so sorry, I didn't plan on doing this, I wanted to scare you only, but something came on me." Ember was sobbing her eyes out, her tears dropping on the floor and mixing with the dark red blood. "Larissa...I need to tell her...she needs to know...I need her." I thought to myself before I gathered all my strength and pushed Ember's arms off me and stood up. 

   "What? Where are you going?" Ember asked still sitting on the ground holding the bloody towel in her hands as I was opening the doors and stepping out. I didn't answer her, just kept on going every step being harder than the last one, but I felt how Ember was walking behind me saying for me to stop but I just blocked her out of my head and only tried to concentrate on getting to Larissa on time. 

   "Y/n STOP! Please? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Ember almost shouted in a fearful voice, but I didn't stop, I just wished that she disappeared and gave me some peace. As I was going to Larissa's office I was pressing on the wound with my hands so I don't lose too much blood, even tho it hurted like hell. Finally, I turned a corner and saw Larissa's office doors and immediately felt relieved that I was still conscious, so I continued walking toward them while Ember was still trying to make me stop. 

   "Are you going to Miss Weems? No! She can't know!" Ember grabbed my arm pulling me back away from the door, but I sharply pulled my hand away from her and quickly pulled down the door handle and stepped in, immediately heading for the bedroom. "She is not here, let's go back!" Ember nervously said scared to face Larissa after everything she had done, but I didn't listen and stepped into her bedroom immediately seeing her peacefully sleeping, right as I left her. 

   But from all of the commotion she got startled awake instantly having a disturbed look on her face as she saw me. "Y/n?" "Larissa, I-I, Ember, she stabbed me." I blurred out feeling myself getting weaker. "It was an accident, I didn't mean to." She tried to explain herself but it didn't seem like Larissa was listening to her, she quickly stepped out of the bed just in her bra and underwear. "Oh, God!" She gasped when she saw my whole sweater drenched in blood. I felt like fainting and my legs got weak so I collapsed on the ground Larissa immediately got on to her knees and took me close to her. 

   She pulled off my sweater to see the wound but instead saw just how much blood I had lost already. "Y/n! Stay awake! Look at me!" My vision was starting to get blurry but I really tried to hold on, I knew I had to stay awake. "You're not leaving me..." Larissa said now trying to  apply pressure on the wound with her arms, when she looked at Ember and asked: "Did you call the ambulance?" I saw in the corner of my eye Ember awkwardly standing there quietly answering: "No..." "THEN FOR GOD'S SAKE DO IT!" Larissa harshly said while holding my barely conscious body. 

   "No...I don't want to be taken away by is too embarrassing. I rather walk..." I quietly said feeling myself slipping away with every passing second only holding on for Larissa. "Don't be ridiculous Y/n, your life is more important right now...." She held me tighter to her getting my blood on her everywhere. "No, please..." I tried to change Larissa's mind, but everything became peaceful and I started to lose consciousness, my blinking became slower and Larissa saw that. "No, no, no, Y/n...stay awake! Look at me..." But I just couldn't hold on anymore I tried to, but my body caved in on itself due to the blood loss and pain that I finally lost consciousness. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now