Chapter 122- Turn Back

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   The light was starting to creep through the bedroom window waking me up. I turned to go snuggle up to Larissa, but when I tried to press my body against her, I just rolled to her side where she wasn't sleeping anymore. So opened up my eyes to not see Larissa sleeping next to me. "I guess she is already awake...what time is it anyway?" I grabbed my phone off the night table and turned it on immediately seeing a message from Larissa which read:

"Good morning honey, I had to go out t of town to do some business with the mayor, so I will be back in a couple of hours." -Larissa

"Do not leave the bed Y/n! I want to see you still being there when I get back!!!" - Larissa

   ''I wanted to spend the morning with you..." I got a little sad, because I felt lonely and wanted Larissa's attention, but knew that I couldn't get any, so I laid back in bed and started wondering how would I spend this time alone and the worst part was that I was bored already. But then I remember about the idea for Larissa's gift and realized that this would be the perfect and maybe even the only chance I could get the materials.

   "What if I go to don't want to let down Larissa...but the gift!" A lot of thoughts were running through my head, because I knew I would feel bad for going to Jericho because of Larissa, as well as I just didn't want to hurt myself even more, but at the same time I really wanted to make the jeweler set for her. "I promised her that I would change, but if I went, then I would show her that nothing had changed!" I said to myself, remembering how I told Larissa that I would be more responsible for my actions in the future.

   "Godddd...I don't know what to do!" I covered my face with a pillow and almost screamed into it. I didn't want to be bored and spend the whole day in bed and if I went to Jericho I wouldn't have wasted my day by not doing anything, but I had so many worries about Larissa coming back and not seeing me in her bed, "She would be so disappointed..." I just didn't want to see Larissa's facial expression when she would find out that I went to Jericho until I realized something.

   "Josh..." I realized that maybe he could take me to Jericho where I would quickly buy all the necessary materials for the jewelry set and not wasting any precious time he could bring me back and if I was quick enough I could do this task in less than an hour. "Fuck it! I'm doing it!" I made up my mind and immediately texted Josh:

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but could you maybe take me to Jericko, like right now?" - Y/n

   And I didn't need to wait for any longer than 20 seconds before Josh already replied to me:

"Hey! Yes, I can take you! And you're not bothering me at all, I would even drop everything I was doing just for you." - Josh

"I really have to do this as quickly as possible." -Y/n

"Okay, I can be at your school in 15 minutes, sounds good?" -Josh

"Yes, perfect! See you then!" Y/n

   I ended the conversation and quickly got out of bed and walked to my dorm to get changed. But as I was doing all this movement in such a hurry the wound was hurting a bit, but not a lot, so I wasn't super bothered about it and carried on getting ready. After I had done everything I stumbled out of the already empty school to the front gates where Josh was already waiting for me.

   "Hey!" He cheerfully greeted me as I sat down in the car. "Hi," I replied while buckling the seatbelt, not really wanting to talk, but knowing that being with Josh that was almost impossible. "So...why is it so urgent?" He asked and I knew the small talk, that I couldn't escape, had begun. "Oh, I just have to get some little things for the holidays, before my principal gets back to Nevermore and sees me not in her- I mean my bed." I awkwardly giggled as I hoped that Josh didn't really pick up on what I said about Larissa's bed.

   "Oh...I get it! You are on bed rest, my mom told me." He said and I immediately felt relieved to know that he didn't really realize what I said, but I wasn't calm and completely relived, because I knew, what was I doing was completely wrong. "Yea...I kinda feel bad for going behind my principal's back, because she trusted me to stay in bed, but I still didn't do it anyway. It is choking me, that she trusts me, but I could be even moments away from breaking that trust..." I realized that I didn't want Larissa to be mad at me. 

   "Maybe I should go back...Josh, let's turn around!" I demanded, but he didn't do anything, just kept going forward. "C'mon...don't worry it will be fine, besides I get to spend more time with you!" He smiled toward me as I felt his hand being placed on my thigh, making me jump a little because I was only used to having Larissa's hands on my thighs.

   "Mhm, yea...but I don't know..." I almost in a high-pitched voice said as I was looking down at his hand which was on my thigh. "Just don't push yourself too much, okay? You were just discharged from the hospital." He said in a caring voice, so I just nodded my head, wishing for the car ride to end already.

I made Josh take me to an arts and crafts store in Jericho, where I quickly bought everything I needed in less than 15 minutes. " let's get back," I said as I hopped back in the car, so Josh turned on the car and started driving. I placed the stuff in my bag, and when I looked back up at the road I saw that we weren't going back. " know this is not the way back to Nevermore..." I skeptically said hoping that he had just made a wrong turn.

   "Yea, we are not going back to Nevermore..." He said while still keeping his eyes on the road. "WHAT! No! Turn back around!!!" I was getting really mad but worried as well because it could be a matter of time before Larissa would come back and find me not being where I had to be. "I'm taking you out..." He nervously said. "I can't! I don't want to be in trouble! I NEED TO GO BACK!" I wanted to grab the wheel in my hands and ride myself back to Nevermore. "Relax, it won't be long, and besides, I know you haven't had any breakfast, it is only 11 am." And indeed I hadn't eaten anything and was getting hungry, but I still didn't care about that.

   "I can eat at Nevermore..." I crossed my arms being really annoyed. "Well, I'm sorry, but you're not getting out of this one." He giggled and the thing he said really reminded me of Larissa. For a long time, I tried to pursue Josh, even until we had stopped at the restaurant. "Well we are already here, might as well go in." He said as he was already stepping out of the car, not leaving me with much of a choice, so I followed him.

"Fuck...why did I come here." I was starting to regret asking Josh for help. I was anxious to find out if Larissa already knew that I was gone, or if I would manage to get back to Nevermore before her. Right now I was walking on really thin ice that could break any second and it didn't help the situation that I was still in pain from the wound.  

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now