Chapter 84- More Of The Past

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   It felt like everything was going in slow motion as I approached the room in which was Alex. My legs felt heavy like they were made out of stone and to add on top of that it felt like I was walking through glue. I could only hear my own footsteps and my heartbeat which was beating in my head, everything else around me was silent. I finally made it to the room and before entering it, I needed to take in a deep breath then I stepped in, and as soon as I saw her laying in the bed unconscious, everything just snapped and I could hear everyone in the hospital again, so I walked up to Alex and took her hand. 

   Her hand was covered in bandages and I still didn't know how bad she suffered, but I was glad that she was at least alive. ''Oh, Alex...'' I looked at her face, ''At least your face is untouched.'' I saw that her face didn't have a scratch, so she maintained her beauty. As I was about to sit down next to her on the chair Larissa entered the room as well and said: ''She just got her arm badly scratched and needed stitches, but nothing serious, at least she isn't you were.'' She looked at me and I didn't quite get if she meant it sarcastically or seriously, but it didn't matter now. ''So she will be fine?'' I asked looking back at Alex. ''Yes, Y/n, I said, nothing serious-'' But before she could finish her sentence I hugged her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed her really hard: ''Oh thank God, I am so glad Larissa...'' 

   ''Y/'re squeezing me too tight.'' ''Oh, sorry.'' I let go and as soon as I did that Larissa took in a deep breath but still managed to smile at me. ''Was it really that bad for me? You never told me what happened to me after you found know.'' I asked when I finally felt relaxed. ''You really want to know?'' She asked as she walked up next to me and sat down in one of the chairs, so I sat down next to her. ''If it is not hard for you to talk about, then I would like to know, yea.'' I stupidly smiled at Larissa because that scene of me in the bathroom wasn't something she often saw. ''No, it is fine.'' She looked at Alex and continued.

   ''When I found you that evening, you were on the ground in the pool of blood, and I immediately went to see if you were alive, and thank god you were. So I called 911 and they rushed you here as soon as possible, you had lost a lot of blood so you looked practically dead, the only color on your face was the blood. And the scars were really deep, and all the doctors were surprised that there wasn't any organ damage. I didn't let you out of my sight the whole time, because doctors told me that there where a slim chance of you making it through the night, but luckily your heart kept beating-'' ''It kept beating for you.'' I interrupted Larissa but she continued, ''The next day you started getting your color back, and I was convinced that you would make it, and wake up despite what doctors told me, and in the woke up.'' 

   ''So you cared about me even before the Raven.'' I got a warm feeling in my stomach about the fact that Weems stayed by my side when no one else did. ''I wanted you to be mine since the day I first saw you Y/n.'' She put her hand on my leg, so I leaned against her and rested my head on her shoulder. ''I fell in love with you, the moment I saw you step into my office.'' ''So did I, I guess love at the first sight.'' I chuckled but then our attention turned to Alex because she turned her head and opened up her eyes. ''Alex...'' I stood up and walked up to her. 

   ''Y/n...Miss Weems'' She said my name in a weak voice and Larissa's as well when she walked up behind me. ''Alex, what happened? Do you know you got attacked?'' I asked as Larissa disappeared from my sight. ''I, I got attacked...'' She shamefully said frowning her head down. ''How?'' I was really curious as to how she got in this accident. ''First, tell me how did your date go...'' Her spirits lifted as she asked me that. ''It was fine, I will tell you later, but now I want, I need to know how the hell did you end up getting attacked?'' I asked in a demanding voice just like Larissa asks me sometimes. 

   ''Well, after I left you and Ember to get to know each other better, I decided to go on a walk in the woods, where I found a strange abandoned house, and being me, I went in. It was really beautiful, and I explored every nook and cranny of that house until it got dark, so I decided to head back to Nevermore. And while I was walking, I heard a strange noise coming behind me, so I turned around, and immediately a big scary monster launched at me, after that....nothing. Now, tell me about your date.'' She finished her story and I didn't know how to feel, I wasn't angry with her because she just gotten carried away in an abandoned house, but at the same time she didn't really care that she got attacked. 

   ''That can wait,'' I said meaning the date that  Alex seemed like dying to hear. ''Oh, how bad am I hurt?'' She was talking so energetically as if the attack never happened, but before I could tell her the things I know a doctor walked in Larissa following him. He explained to us about Alexes' recovery, and discharge, and I was really glad that she was okay. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now