Chapter 112- I'm Alive

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   I opened up my eyes immediately blinded by the bright light and for a few seconds all I could see was white almost convincing me that I was in heaven, but I knew I wasn't dead because I felt someone holding my hand. Finally when my eyes adjusted to the light I could fully look around and when I turned to my side I saw Larissa next to me. She was lightly holding my arm while looking down at the floor so she didn't notice me awake. 

   "Heyy..." I quietly greeted her, the words coming out of my dry throat were painful but yet so rewarding to know that I was alive and able to speak. Larissa looked up from the floor and her face immediately lit up as she saw me. "Oh, Y/n! Thank God!" She quickly stood up and tightly hugged me catching me off guard. "I am so glad to see you alive..." She pulled me up into a sitting position close to her, and even tho I felt happy to see her, she was hugging me too tight making sharp pain appear apper in my stomach. 

   "Ouch, La-Lari-  you're squeezing me too tight..., it hurts," I said already letting go of her wanting to lay back in the bed. "Oh, I am so sorry honey." She carefully lay me back down and sat back down on the chair next to me. I could finally see Larissa's face, she had no makeup on, only her raw beauty was showing which I loved so much, and I was glad to be alive to see her face once more. 

   "I really thought I had lost you already, from now on I will not let you out of my sight...I promise!" She grabbed my arm and held it really tight, as she looked into my eyes, with her beautiful ocean-blue stare. Her hands were so soft and warm, not like mine which felt ice cold to the touch, but Larissa didn't care, she still held it and I wanted to squeeze it tighter to show her that I was actually alive, but I was too weak to even lift my finger off the bed. "I love you..." I chuckled as I remember the last moment of myself being conscious where when Larissa was begging me to stay awake. 

   "I love you too, and what is so funny?" She scooted closer to the edge of the chair to get closer to me. "Oh, is..." I couldn't stop smiling at what I was about to say to her, "It's just that, the last thing I remember is you begging me...and, well...that was hot..." I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore so I let out a soft little giggle, but I didn't get the reaction back that I was expecting. Larissa didn't laugh alongside me, she scrunched up her nose which was even cuter before she said: "Y/n! You just woke up, please don't make that day into something good. It was a terrible accident, please don't..." 

   Larissa quickly looked away and I could see her cheeks flush a little, which lifted me into better spirits. "Ahh, so you are flattered, I see..." I smirked as Larissa turned her face back to me and indeed her cheeks were redder. "Y/n, stop this! We are in the hospital. And it seems like you are getting yourself back pretty quickly." She said while still being clasped onto my arm, in which an IV was inserted. "Yes, I am feeling better, because you're here with me." I softly smiled at her, feeling Larissa tighten her grip around my hand. 

   "I'm glad, " She got quiet for a second and looked down at my arm while softly stroking the surface of it with her thumb, "God, I was so afraid to lose you, the image of you being in my arms, covered in blood still sits in my head...oh God!" Her eyes were starting to get moist, and quickly she wiped them with her hand. " I'm here now, and I am fine, let's not worry ourselves any longer..." I slowly scooted up a little higher in the bed making the wound hurt a bit. 

   "But how do I know this won't happen again? How can I not worry? What if something happens to you again? I said the same thing to myself the last time you were in the hospital, that this won't happen ever again and I didn't need to worry l, but look now?" She sighed as a single tear rolled down her cheek, and before it could drop on the floor, I wiped it off her face. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I knew I couldn't because we were in the hospital and I saw that Larissa knew that as well. 

   "Everything is fine now...I will try to be less stupid next time when I get stabbed..." Then I remembered about Ember, "And what happened to Ember?" I asked now really wanting to know where she ended up after this whole deal. "I had to expel her, she had gone too far, I hope she is glad she didn't get charged with attempted murder," Larissa said as she scooted back deeper in the chair. "Oh thank God! Finally, she won't haunt my life!" I was glad that Ember was finally out of my life. 

   "Y/n..."Larissa coughs me off guard as she said my name in this weird tone. "Yes? I'm listening..." I tried to not show the fact that I was confused. "I'm sorry..." "About what?" I awkwardly smiled now confused as ever. "Because of Ember...I got drunk and I hurt you...that night...I'm sorry I was so rough with you in the bedroom, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry...I wanted for you to enjoy it not dislike it..." Larissa quietly said lowering her down again, but this incident hadn't really affected me as much as Larissa thought it did, so this just made me giggle a little. "W-what?" Larissa asked as soon as she heard me laugh about it. 

   "It is just that...Oh God," I tried to not giggle anymore because this was something serious, but I just wasn't as grown up as Larissa was, so I still took things somewhat immature, "It wasn't that I didn't like it...I just felt that something was off about you and that is why I pulled away from you." I awkwardly laughed feeling my heartbeat getting faster which was clearly visible on the monitor. 

   "So you're saying you liked it?" She asked again pulling closer to me. "I mean...I guess wasn't bad, you just dug your nails too deep in my thighs, that was something else..." I started feeling really awkward because I had never discussed such a sensitive topic with Weems. "Well...I never had asked you what you liked because it seemed like you never wanted to talk about it, so I always went gentle on you." 

   Larissa said and this just made me feel even more awkward, I was trying not to let out a nervous giggle and felt how my cheeks were starting to blush and Larissa noticed that as well because the next thing she said was: "I guess we will have to try some new things out, right? Now that I know something more about you..." and this is where I knew to stop this conversation or else I will pass out from this awkward situation. 

   "Umm... shouldn't you inform the doctor about me being awake?" I tried to change the conversation and immediately as I said that Larissas stood up and started walking out. :" You're right! I will be right back honey!"

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now