Chapter 116- No More Secrets

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   As soon as Josh left me and Larissa alone, she immediately looked at me with the most frightening expression on. "You wanted to break up with me?" She asked in a strict voice sending chills down my spine. "Umm...well..." I didn't want to say that I had considered that thought because this would just make this whole situation worse, and I didn't know how to explain to her that when we were fighting I went to Josh to talk about it and he was the one who was pressuring me to break up with Weems. 

   "TELL ME! And did you tell that boy about us?" She demanded in a strict voice that I even got really nervous. "I-I, Josh wanted me to! And I didn't tell him about you, he only knows I am in a relationship..." I tried to wiggle my way out by trying to put the blame on Josh, but Larissa wasn't ready to switch subjects. "I can see he still wants for us to break up, but I am asking you! DID. YOU. WANT. TO BREAK-UP. WITH. ME? Did you consider it?" Larissa wanted to know the truth, but I was afraid to say something because I didn't know how she would react. But I decided to tell her what I wanted to say anyways because I didn't want to keep any secrets between us. 

   "Only for a little bit, but, but because of..." "But, but, BUT WHAT? I can't believe you even consider something like that!" Larissa cut me off, not letting me explain myself and I saw her getting annoyed. I felt myself getting anxious because I didn't want to fuck it up even more, by saying the truth. "Don't cut me off, please!" I knew I wanted to say this at once, or else I might not say everything I wanted to say. 

   "Josh! He told me that you, "as my girlfriend" were a bad person and that I shouldn't stay with you, or else it might ruin me. He was saying it so confidently that I even started believing him." I wanted to be as honest as possible with Larissa. "Y/n, I can't believe you!" It seemed like Larissa was about to snap, her face was turning red and I could see the anger in her face. "I am sorry! He was manipulating me! Making me think he was right! But in the end, I figured it out, I-" 

   "You figured out what?! That you will just wait for the right moment to break up with me, so you can have your moment with Josh?" Larissa cut me off, again not letting me finish, and now I just wanted to hide under the covers and wait for things to get good again because I was scared that I will say something wrong. "What? No!" I answered to her question about Josh and continued, "I figured out that he was playing with my brain, and that I didn't want to break up with you! I love you, Larissa! I never, ever want to leave you, NEVER!" I took Larissa's hand into mine and softly smiled at her, hoping for her to understand my situation. 

   And genuinely it seemed like she was getting back to her softer side, her serious facial expression slowly started to disappear and she didn't let go of my hand, even tho I thought she would immediately pull it away from me. "And what was up with that boy anyways? Why was he so touchy with you? He held your hand as if you both were a couple. Y/n...did you do something?" Larissa asked as soon as she started connecting the dots in her head. 

   " do I say this, to not make it seem like a mean thing..." I awkwardly said, because this was the only thing I didn't want to tell Weems, because I, myself, understood how stupid I had acted that day, that I didn't need Larissa's opinion on top of that. "Umm...he is just weird..." I stupidly giggled, silently hoping that just maybe she would believe me or at least just give up on me telling it, but it didn't seem like she was ready to consider anything anytime soon. "For God's sake! Just tell me Y/n!" Larissa deeply sighed, not letting this go. 

   "Well..." I couldn't believe what was I about to say to her, "Because he was playing with thoughts I decided to play with his feelings, just a little, make him think I like him back..." "Oh, My God! Y/N!" Larissa put her hand to her face to show how disappointed she was, but I wasn't done yet so I continued while Larissa was quietly saying something to herself. "BUT! But, but...There is a good reason! If he made me break up with you, just hoping to get with me, in the end, everyone would be suffering, because obviously I wouldn't date him...ew." 

   But my explanation wasn't helping because the disappointment on Weems's face didn't disappear. "Well." Larissa took her purse in her hands and stood up and I got confused. "What! Are you going somewhere? I explained myself. Isn't that enough?" All kinds of questions arose in my head because I didn't want Larissa to leave me here all alone again. "You are acting too childish, and I don't spend time with children." She started walking away from me, but it didn't seem like she was angry, instead, it seemed like she was saying it to tease me, so I hit her back with the most logical explanation. 

   "You are a principal of a school, how can you not spend time with children? It is your job." I crossed my arms and slid higher up in the bed almost in a sitting position. "Y/n..." Larissa turned back around and walked up to me, and sharply pulled her face as close as possible to mine so that our noses were almost touching, and in a quiet voice she said, "Oh...if you weren't in the hospital right can't imagine what kinds of things I would do to you, because you have been a bad girl!" As she said that she sharply pulled her face away from me and started walking out. 

   I got butterflies from what Weems said to me, but she wasn't done talking, she stopped right at the exit of the room and said: "Now...I will leave. You better sort your thoughts out Young lady, and pray to God you don't get discharged tomorrow, or else..." She didn't finish her sentence and just left me alone, the last thing I wanted for her to do today. 

   "Fuck I want to be discharged as fast as possible..." I quietly whispered to myself, replaying the thing Larissa said to me just minutes ago, making my heart beat faster. "So fucking hot..." Weems knew what she was doing.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now