Chapter 59- Anger and Revenge

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   I woke up by my phone blowing up on the nightstand. "Y/n...turn it off!" Larissa said turning to my side to hug me. "No...We gave to get up! It is 8:46 already."  I said as I checked my phone and saw a ton of messages from Enid looking for me. "Shit!" Weems said as she quickly sat up in her bed covering her naked body with the beige sheets. "Okay, I will go, can't miss the classes," I said as I turned my head towards her and gave her a little kiss before I grabbed my bralette from the ground and put it on as well as my underwear. I got out of her bed and quickly put on the rest of my clothes and started leaving: "Love you! See you around." I said and left her bedroom. I quickly made it to my dorm, changed into the required uniform, grabbed my bag in which there were only paper scraps and a few pens because I didn't have enough time to pack it and then I left my dorm to go to calculus class(I will call it math class from now on).

   "Y/n! Where the heck were you?" Enid asked as I approached her in the hallway. "On a....walk?! Yea! I was on a walk to get some fresh air." I quickly made something up before the bell rang and the class started. The whole class I tried to understand the new topic, but then I realized that I wouldn't understand it so I gave up and started drawing little images on my scrap paper until the bell rang. 

   ''Hey Y/n!'' Someone quickly grabbed me in a hug as I left the classroom and I soon realized who it was. ''Oh my god! Heyy Alex!'' I cheerfully said as we both started going down the hall. ''You, me, after classes, Jericho.'' She said pointing to me, then to herself, and then to the direction of Jericho. ''Why?'' I asked a little confused as to what she meant. ''Dude, we didn't talk to each other for a whole ass week, and you stayed in Nevermore for the break, we need to catch up on life!'' She explained. ''Ohh! Yea I totally agree! Let's meet at the exit of the school right after our classes end!'' I said and Alex nodded her head signing that she agrees before we split up to go to our own classes. The rest of the classes attended as I usually did and at lunch, I sat with Enid and Wednesday only difference was that trough out the whole lunch my and Weems's eyes met many times and we shared sweet smiles with each other. When classes ended I and Alex hopped on the bus which brought us to Jericho where we went to Weathervane and got ourselves coffee and found a free spot where to sit. 

   ''So...tell me, did something big happen to you?'' Alex asked leaning over the table with curiosity-filled eyes. ''Manny thing!'' I thought to myself, particularly last night coming to mind. ''Umm, yea, something did happen,'' I remembered about yesterday's incident with Josh. ''Tell me now!'' Alex said. '' You know that boy Josh..'' ''That boy who saved you from that rapist, yea, yea,'' Alex said carefully listening. ''Well, yesterday he asked me to go hang out with him, and later he...kissed me,'' I was glad to say it to someone else who wasn't Weems. ''No way! And...'' She knew I wasn't finished and I could tell what she wanted me to say. ''No, I didn't kiss him back. I told him no.'' I said wrapping my hands around the coffee cup. ''Well...I am flattered that he kissed me, but no, he is not for me.'' I didn't mention the fact that I was flattered by Joshes kiss to Weems because she would definitely get jealous. ''Yea...besides you are too good for him, yall are completely opposite, he smokes and drinks, but you don't,'' Alex said glad that I didn't like him back, even tho there was 0% chance I would ever like him. 

   And so we continued chatting when I suddenly saw the person I never ever wanted to see and everything went quiet around me even tho Alex was saying something to me I couldn't hear her, only his footsteps could be heard. The dude who almost raped me was now standing 15 feet away from me, not even noticing me. 

   I felt rage start burning in me and I got up and immediately approached him and not saying anything tackled him to the ground. I started punching him in the face even tho I didn't know how to, I still did it. ''You will have to pay, for what you almost did to me. You will pay!'' I felt Alex trying to gab me away but I didn't budge, I was sitting on top of the man beating the shit out of him. ''You're a monster! Do you hear me? A MONSTER!'' I said as I hit him hard on the chin and felt sharp pain trough out my whole hand, but it didn't stop me, I continued punching him the best I could until everything around me disappeared and went black, the rage had taken over me and only now he was visible in my sight and I stopped punching him and dragged my hands digging my nails into his skin down to his neck where I wrapped them around it and tightened my grip. 

   ''I HATE YOU!'' I screamed as I could see him reaching for the air, but he somehow escaped me and tackled me to the ground and wrapped his arms around my neck starting to strangle me. ''YOU SICK BITCH! YOU WILL REGRET EVER MEETING ME!'' He screamed and he really tightened his grip, a hundred times tighter than I did, till the point it hurt. ''I never wanted to kill you, just scare you,'' I said as my vision started getting weaker and everything around me truly started diapering, but then air filled my lung back and everything came back and I saw Tyler tackle the man to the ground and Alex pulled me up on my feet and started leading me out of the cafe and the last thing I heard from that man was: ''I will find you! AND I WILL KILL YOU!'' 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now