Chapter 121- Late Talks

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   I woke up in the middle of the night because I was in so much pain, that it felt like I couldn't breathe. For a brief minute, I stayed still letting the pain consume me even more as my head was resting on Larissa's chest. I was listening to her heartbeat trying to hopefully fall back asleep, but the pain wasn't going anywhere until the point it was unbearable.

   I lifted my head off her chest wondering if I should wake her up, or just go to my dorm and get my own painkillers. I looked at Larissa's faint silhouette in the dark and understood that I didn't want to disturb her sleep because she looked so peaceful. "No, I don't want to make her worry..." I sighed as I quickly slid out of bed and put on my pants before starting to look for my shirt which I didn't find.

   "Where the hell...Oh," I remembered that Larissa threw the shirt down on the floor in her office last night, so I quickly snuck out of the bedroom and started looking for it there but in the end, I didn't find it. "Let's hope no one is roaming the halls at this hour," I said to myself as I started stumbling toward the door, while still in my bralette.

   I managed to get to my dorm successfully not running into anybody, but the only thing that was getting in the way was the pain, but I still kept pushing myself forward. As soon I entered my dorm I immediately walked up to my desk and started looking for the box of pain killer's. "God! Where are they!" I dug through every drawer and every shelf, but I couldn't find the box. After checking every nudge and cranny of that desk, I moved on to my bag, hoping that I had thrown it in there and just forgotten about it, but no luck. "Fuck..." I sighed as I sat down on my bed still in a lot of pain.

   "Maybe I left them somewhere..." I said to myself convinced that I won't find them in my room. For a while, I just sat on the edge of my bed wondering what to do now, "I think I will just go back." And as I was about to leave, I saw my dorm's door open, and in came Larissa with a confused expression on her face. "Y/n? What are you doing?" She asked in a concerned voice as she walked up to me. "I was looking for my painkillers, but didn't find them," I replied as I stood up from the bed to at least try to face Larissa. "Are you in pain?" She asked as she placed her hands on my shoulders, making a little smile appear on my face because of how Larissa had asked me this question, in a caring and loving way.

   "Mhm..." I lowered my head down already knowing what Weems was about to say to me. And she said exactly what I had expected: "Y/n, why didn't you wake me up? You know you are on bed rest, but you still do whatever is on your mind." I could see that Larissa was a little annoyed with me and the tone of her voice was full of annoyance as well. "I didn't want to wake you up, you looked too peaceful to be bothered by me," I replied not knowing what else I should say.

   "Oh, Y/n!" She sighed as she quickly picked me up in her arms and started carrying me toward the door. "I will give you the painkillers, but after that, you will not leave my bed unless I say so! Got it!" She strictly demanded as she walked out of my dorm. "And what if I don't listen to you..." I rested my head on her chest as she was carrying me in her arms. "I'm serious Y/n, I will not be playing any games with you, and you better don't try anything either!" She said as I felt her grip on my body gets tighter.

   Larissa carried me back to her office and brought me to the bedroom where she carefully placed me on the bed. She gave me the painkillers which I briefly took, before she crawled back in the bed next to me. "I don't think the thing that went down last night where bed rest related..." I said as I pulled the covers over me and snuggled next to Larissa. "You were in my bed, so it counts..." Larissa replied as she wrapped her hand around me and pulled me even closer. "When my parents will get here, I won't be able to sleep with you," I said realizing that I will have to stay in my dorm when my family arrives.

   "I guess we will have to enjoy this time while we can..." She said it in a half voice giving me butterflies. "Still, if I will see you doing something that could possibly hurt you, or even slow the healing process, I might just have to punish you." She leaned closer to me and whispered it in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "How so?" I asked wanting to know what she wanted to do to me. "All I will say is, that I will make you scream my name until you would lose your voice. Teach you how to listen to your principal." Larissa said.

   I just loved how Larissa was talking to me like that, so fears and lustfully that I just wanted to find out what she meant by that right now, so I quickly crawled up on Larissa and pulled my face to her and said: "And what if I break your rules right now...what then?" I grabbed into her shirt and pulled myself as close as possible to her, but Larissa just giggled before saying: " really don't want to find is completely different from what you're probably thinking." She pulled me off her and turned off the light.

"Now go to sleep. Good night." She slid down deeper in the bed pulling me down as well. "Good night my pretty lady," I said as I felt Larissa's hands wrap around my stomach and pull me closer to her body.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now